6 months old

28 December 2007
South Australia
I have owned the NSX for more than 6 months now. I cannot get over how good this thing is. My wife now refuses to go anywhere in the EVO! My last posts were asking for advice and I can report excellent spare parts help from Nordic in Adelaide. I have now completed all the routine service stuff,including bleeding the ABS. NSXPrime is a wealth of information on the ABS, so I made a bleeding tool from an old oxy bottle key and with great care did the fluid change. I have also removed an old alarm system so now I must use the key to open the doors.

Although I live a few hundred km from Adelaide I am keen to know if any Adelaide NSXers ever meet up?
Yeah its pretty active here in sleepy old Adelaide.

We have runs most Sundays from through the Ade. hills for an hour or two then have brecky to week-ends away in Tassie and high speed runs in the NT.

We are planning some more runs so if your interested in coming along or just want some assistance with you car send me a PM.

Have a squiz at www.aussieexotics.com at some of our vids.
OK, the bleeder was made by using an old oxy bottle key. For years oxy bottles have had valves with an attached handle but if you can find an old metal key it takes very little work to open the inside hole out, it is already a square (?) hole and grind down the outside so that it fits the bleed nipple recess. Then weld a piece of pipe to the top , over the hole in the key and then some plastic tube to get the fluid away. Remove the ABS relay in the relay box in the left side of the bonnet compartment and wire in a switch to activate the ABS pump as required.
This method does not activate the solenoids but at least most of the fluid can be changed with a few goes at releasing pressure, starting the ABS pump etc.