A/C compressor clutch bearings

6 January 2005
Little Rock AR
I have a 92 with a noisy a/c compressor clutch. Think the bearings are going bad. Does anyone know if the bearings can be replaced or do I have to get a new a/c compressor all together?
I had the clutch assy replaced on my A/C compressor.

38900-PR7-003 CLUTCH SET Please verify this part number before ordering for your year car:).

Larry, thanks for the part number, I'll check it out. Do you recall about how much it ran.

Brian, the compressor normally is quiet when the a/c is not on. It only starts making the noise when the thermostat engages the compressor clutch. That is what leads me to believe it is not the compressor pulley. It sounds like metal rubbing but still makes cold air. Am I on the right track here?
Just the compressor without the clutch or clutch coil goes for around $400 at the dealer but it is a common part so you can buy it at an auto parts store. Or check EBAy I remember seeing them for $100 to $150 rebuilt. I would also just have yours checked and maybe recharged, mine gets noisy when the freon gets low.
My NSX mechanic told me the NSX compressor is the same as some used on other Hondas and could be purchased at a Honda dealorship for much less ~ $200. Try purchasing a compressor for a Porsche ~$1000.
Go here: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37935&highlight=compressorand you will find a thread by Mark Basch explaining the differences in compressors. You can use an Integra/Legend compressor , but you need to swap the pulley assy, since the pulley is a different diameter. If you do not the belt will not fit:(, it will be too long.


Just an FYI, mine ONLY made noise when engaged. I bought a new compressor, and when we went to change it, the clutch was the actual problem. So I had to additionally buy a clutch and use the old pulley with the new compressor. I was asked if I even wanted to replace the compressor and thought might as well since it was apart already.

You can go on line to a number of sources BTW and get a rebuilt compressor for about $250, and on ebay they can be had rebuilt for about $160.

http://www.compressor-intl.com/ is one source I have used. BTW, If you do need a compressor I have a good one at a reasonable price(sans clutch) off my 1991:). PM me if interested.
