Sorry for the opening rant, but somebody in an Expedition backed "over" my NSX Saturday night, did not even see it out of the rearview mirror. What good does it do to park all by yourself in the middle of the parking lot when some chick in a land yacht does not bother to use all of her mirrors. Anyway, the damage is primarily paint on the nose and end of the hood, and a deeper gash just above the toe hook area. I cannot feel any aluminum damage, but do I still need to be careful about repainting, i.e. use an Acura dealer or approved site, or can I use one of my clients as long as I use OEM paint? I am going to do a search for paint topics in the forums, but any experience any of you guys have would be great. Thanks.
Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan
Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan