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Anyone else having trouble w/ Dali Racing lately??

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19 November 2003
Charlotte, NC
:confused: I ordered, and paid for with a money order in advance, a Wings West body kit from Dali Racing over 2 months ago and still haven't recieved it. For awhile, Mark would reply back to me with the bad news about not being able to get the parts from Wings West whenever I would ask for a status report on my order. Now, he won't even reply to my requests about my order. I've sent him my phone number several times and begged him to call me to no avail. I've contacted Wings West several times and they claim to have several (6 or 7 kits) in stock. If I hadn't paid for it already, I would just reorder it elsewhere. Now I'm out $635.00 and don't have the parts.

Has/is anyone else experienced this with Dali Racing? Maybe I didn't research it enough, but I thought that he was a reputable dealer. Can anyone help me to contact Mark via telephone, so I can discuss this with him?

Dazed and confused :confused:
Sorry to break it to you Eric, but yours is not an isolated incident. Do a search on Dali and you'll find other members in the same boat. I'm new here, but even I'm getting tired of seeing posts like yours.

I've read that COD is the only way to go with Dali. Sad...
overextended said:
:confused:Maybe I didn't research it enough, but I thought that he was a reputable dealer. Can anyone help me to contact Mark via telephone, so I can discuss this with him? :confused:
yes, you should have researched the purchase more carefully (as noted on their website, you are expected to do your own diligence).

after reading your post, i visited the vendor website and couldn't find a phone number. i did find numerous comments about receiving many emails each day (and if people kept sending emails, they wouldn't have time to actually pack and ship product), with no breakdown on %'s that were product inquiries, purchases, purchase resoltion, vendor interaction, etc). i **did** find a reference that essentially said, you can't call them unless you have their cell number and since so many people have their cell number, they were changing it.

you're on your own.

you may want to document the purchase in writing, send the vendor a certified, return receipt letter asking for either your $'s or product by a specific date. if you do not receive satisfaction, it's up to you to take action or wait for the fickle finger of fate to swing - yet again - in your direction.

good luck.
This is truly a terrible thing; Dali has such a great website and good prices with lots of great stuff for our cars.

The only way to do business with them, unfortunately, is apparently COD. To bad, ultimately that costs them business because I won't do COD, I like to pay with my CC and have the product shipped to me. No fuss no muss. Then if they do not ship and they have charged, the CC company will reverse the charge.

If I can't trust a vendor, I just do not do business with them. Like most of you, I have a little money to spend on my car and it is a shame Dali Racing is so short-sighted as to not either know or care enough to correct their problem. This type of stuff is what causes businesses to fold instead of moving to the next level.

Advisory - The following is not legal advice, but merely some hi-test for the fuel-cell.

As a suggestion, I would consider sending them a very professional (no disparaging remarks, not that you would) demand letter in which you state clearly that you want your parts delivered by XXX (give them 14 days to be safe) OR you want your money refunded immediately. Advise them that in the absence of their compliance, one way or the other, you will seek the remedies afforded you under the law.

You could file a civil action (Small Claims) on them (in your jurisdiction) and take them to court for the remedy you seek, $$$$$$. Your damages ($) are generally limited to the actual out of pocket loss plus your court fees generally. Can't get pain, suffering, loss of consortium with your car ( :eek: ), etc.....

Since they are doing business via the Internet, accepted your money and said they would send your parts, I am pretty sure they are (legally) consenting to jurisdiction in your town, state, etc. Then you can go down to your local court house and file a Small Claims action, ($5K maximum in CA) against them. All you need do then is have them served. I believe as a business you can send them Certified Mail, also send a copy via delivery confirmation, (no signature by recipient required) as well as tossing one in the regular mail. In this case I might even send them a copy via E-mail for the fun of it.

If they don't show up you will receive a default judgment and can then have that filed against their business, make it public, turn it over to collections so it hurts their credit rating, etc.

Additionally, should a business in this situation try to file Bankruptcy (BK) at some future point, their debt to you will not be forgiven as any judgment that pre-dates their BK filing would not be excused.

Oh it might also be fun to have another NSX owner who might live in the Dali Racing area who has been burned, serve a copy on Dali for you personally too. They might get a real kick out of that.

Good luck and I hope other potential Dali shoppers read these post before sending cash. I say COD or not at all.
i've purchased many products from dali racing since 2003 when i picked up my 03 nsx. i've had nothing but success and great service. just my 2cents and personal experience.
I used to buy for Mark, but after last incident I will advise any one to think twice. I used paypal, and waited for my rear sway bar links 2 months. Mark would not respond to any e-mails. Paypal would not help out after 30days, and cleans hands off. I lost my money.

I only had good experience with Mark, but after last incident I could not believe it is the same man that used to respond in minutes, now will avoid me on purpose. I feel like my best friend stole my money and run, and now does not want to know me anymore, since he got my money. It is not fair or right in any way.
karma will bite him back very hard when he's least expected.

how does he stay in business? maybe for the ones who got affected, spread the word over all the car forum. sooner or later, he'll lose all his money.
overextended said:
:confused: I ordered, and paid for with a money order in advance, a Wings West body kit from Dali Racing over 2 months ago and still haven't recieved it. For awhile, Mark would reply back to me with the bad news about not being able to get the parts from Wings West whenever I would ask for a status report on my order. Now, he won't even reply to my requests about my order. I've sent him my phone number several times and begged him to call me to no avail. I've contacted Wings West several times and they claim to have several (6 or 7 kits) in stock. If I hadn't paid for it already, I would just reorder it elsewhere. Now I'm out $635.00 and don't have the parts.

Has/is anyone else experienced this with Dali Racing? Maybe I didn't research it enough, but I thought that he was a reputable dealer. Can anyone help me to contact Mark via telephone, so I can discuss this with him?

Dazed and confused :confused:
please note: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=481427

something that lud said leads me to ask you if you reviewed this vendor's trader ratings before buying from them. also, in reviewing their trader rating, i don't see your negative feedback noted. your trader rating update may be help future potential customers avoid being caught in similar circumstances.

vtec888 said:
karma will bite him back very hard when he's least expected.

how does he stay in business? maybe for the ones who got affected, spread the word over all the car forum. sooner or later, he'll lose all his money.
it seems if people share their experiences, both positive and negative, via the trader rating system, the community stands a better chance of being supported by quality vendors.
winreboot said:
I used to buy for Mark, but after last incident I will advise any one to think twice. I used paypal, and waited for my rear sway bar links 2 months.
assume this must be a typo: did you mean "buy from" instead of "buy for"?
overextended said:
:confused: I ordered, and paid for with a money order in advance, a Wings West body kit from Dali Racing over 2 months ago and still haven't recieved it.
Dazed and confused :confused:

I believe the reason you haven't recieved your Wings West kit is because Wings West is no longer around, rumorville has it that they were bought out by VIS, which i just heard recently...But as far as WW goes their has been no product available since around Feb/Mar. due to production stopage.
KR inspire said:
I believe the reason you haven't recieved your Wings West kit is because Wings West is no longer around, rumorville has it that they were bought out by VIS, which i just heard recently...But as far as WW goes their has been no product available since around Feb/Mar. due to production stopage.
if i read his post correctly, he's contacted them on multiple occasions and they claim to have them in stock.
I have contacted Wings West on three occasions, and they claim to have them in stock. They offered to sell me a kit direct, but Dali already had my money. When I originally ordered this from Dali, I was told, via email, that he would set one aside for me, and ship it out the next day. The story later changed to he couldn't get them from WW. That's when I started getting concerned, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. If there is indeed a problem with Wings West or Dali's credit with Wings West, then I would like for him to simply contact me and send my money back, and I will come up with an alternative course of action. Otherwise, I will have to seek other avenues to get my money back.
Update - Mark sent my money back via Paypal today.
Some more check and balance... I've ordered from Dali numerous times and Mark has been nothing but quick and professional to me. He's always replied extremely quickly and shipped just as fast. Good quality and he's always been very responsive and friendly with me. He's even done a few special requests for me.

Between SOS, Dali, Factor X here locally, Stacy (sideskirts), and other purchases among Prime members, I've had nothing but great (check that, excellent) experiences every single time. I must be the luckiest guy (NSX related) in the world! :smile:
FWIW I have ordered 10 or so times from Mark. Each time my order was processed same day and my items arrived next day. Mark is the one who went out of his way to research my seat cushion purchase from Japan, have it trimmed, and delivered as promised. Something tells me there is more to the story. BTW does ayone here know Mark personally, that can shed more light on him, so others can feel more comfortable buying from him? Hell we all know hes an outside the box thinker by the creative design of his web site.
Every Dali thread ends up with compaints followed by support posts.I do know Mark from meeting at xpos,and have dealt with him in the past,but I also know and respect some of the folks who have complained and they are upstanding citizens.So what does that all prove :rolleyes: Prime is a little slice of the world at large,and you just have to realize that the world is not perfect,and people have thier own opinions.Prime can not be held responsible nor does it want to police the (adults) who use it(up to a point).So indeed Luds tag line of buyer beware is appropriate.I have no sollution,no revelation as to why things have gotten so out of hand that Mark's only public posts are advertisements.It was different in the old days :confused: I think that there are some good points and discussions going on behind the scenes though prompted by: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54666 ,we'll see :smile:

it sounds like you've had excellent service from him, this is good to hear.

i appreciate creativity. imo, however, creativity is unrelated to repeated customer claims of taking $'s, not providing product, not returning customer mail/calls/$'s.

frankly, i don't even care much about a vendor's business practices (it's **their business**, fer gawd's sake!) until they start down the slippery slope as has been repeatedly alleged.

10 "attaboy's" get wiped out by 1 "aw, sh*t" in my book.
docjohn said:
Every Dali thread ends up with compaints followed by support posts.I do know Mark from meeting at xpos,and have dealt with him in the past,but I also know and respect some of the folks who have complained and they are upstanding citizens.So what does that all prove :rolleyes: Prime is a little slice of the world at large,and you just have to realize that the world is not perfect,and people have thier own opinions.Prime can not be held responsible nor does it want to police the (adults) who use it(up to a point).So indeed Luds tag line of buyer beware is appropriate.I have no sollution,no revelation as to why things have gotten so out of hand that Mark's only public posts are advertisements.It was different in the old days :confused: I think that there are some good points and discussions going on behind the scenes though prompted by: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54666 ,we'll see :smile:
i agree with some of what you've said, but i disagree with the idea that the provider of the marketplace forum bears no responsiblity to its users than to say "caveat emptor" re repeated bad behavior. like you, i think the other thread content is worth consideration.
I know some folks think there is a moral obligation,but a free site like this with no exclusions to membership,I mean how would or could Lud handle it?He has wrestled with this for years,so thats why I think your other thread with lots of legwork on your part may come to something.On a personal note I just don't buy or sell on line,and if I can't talk to the vendor I don't go there :wink: I'm sitting on a pile of used parts that I just don't have the energy to sell on line,because everyone has thier own idea on condition :frown:
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