Bad Day broken Mirror!

5 January 2018
Bad bad day ... Don't know what I was thinking, talking to my little son .... And back out to the garage .. Just 1 cm too wide to clear... Hit the rubber part of the garage frame...

I know the mirrors from NSX is a problem, way too wide, no folding .... :frown::frown:

Before re a I send it to body shop, any member know if I need to order the whole mirror? Any resource for parts?

Thx ...

(just over 130 mile... on it after 3 month.....:frown:)


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That sucks. And btw they do fold in manually. I have to pull the drivers side in every time I enter/exit my single bay garage at home.
That sucks. And btw they do fold in manually. I have to pull the drivers side in every time I enter/exit my single bay garage at home.
Just tie some dental floss to it Doc, and pull it in before you enter the garage!!!!
That sucks. And btw they do fold in manually. I have to pull the drivers side in every time I enter/exit my single bay garage at home.

Yes, That is what surprised me .. at such low speed, backing out, when the mirror hit something, should at least "flip/fold” , but it was destroyed instead... :(
Oh, Thank you! Cool that can go through third party to buy parts .. lots less than what the dealer quoted me .. Nice that I can order them piece by piece ..
Oh, Thank you! Cool that can go through third party to buy parts .. lots less than what the dealer quoted me .. Nice that I can order them piece by piece ..

That is one the best attributes about NSX Prime. We all try to help each other out when we can, and of course try to save a few bucks at the same time.

Are you part of the 2nd Gen Owners page on Facebook?
Yes, That is what surprised me .. at such low speed, backing out, when the mirror hit something, should at least "flip/fold” , but it was destroyed instead... :(

In defense of Acura, it's really hard to make a mirror that will fold harmlessly in every situation. Just barely contacting in reverse is the worst case; I broke a mirror on a 1985 MR2 that way. It was a folding mirror but I hit it in just the wrong way that made it impossible for the mirror to pivot and avoid damage.

In any case, sorry to hear that this happened to you.
Thx all .. Actually, the local dealer is quite helpful, will offer a good discount for me for the mirror, work out about the same if I order from USA to Canada .. (tax, duty, shipping, etc ) but I need to order the whole mirror, not piece by piece .. which is .. fine ...Meanwhile temp repair ..


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That sucks...... I have about 2" on either side of my single car garage, and I have to be focused when pulling in/out......
Yes, somehow, the NSX is wide, very wide, wider than my other F or P, or even SUV! Especially the mirrors! And with the "odd" angl.e (which is sexy and special) So, hope other owners pay attention, and won't have the sad story as me .. and the mirror is expensive! (Still waiting for parts, and the local dealer doesn't want to keep the outer shell, so will need to order the shell, send it to paint ... bluh bluh bluh ... *_* )
I shouldn't updated this thread after I have the mirror repaired ... went to the expensive way from the dealer, but the result is good.. It has been in the garage for a while, was moving stuff around the garage, moved the NSX out, and I was thinking .. not bad to take some NSX + Snow photos .. :P


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