BAD neighbor

11 April 2004
Naples, FL
I want to know if anyone else has EVER had an issue like I had last Friday. I live in a gated community in Naples. NOT FUN! About 4 months ago, I had a flood in my home. I finally got the insurance company to authorize repairs. They started last Tuesday. On Friday, I had a meeting in Cape Coral. My coworker picked me up and we went together. I couldn't leave my NSX in the garage as the workers needed that area. I couldn't leave it on the street because it was garbage day. I've always had permission from a neighbor to use her driveway-she lives in PA. However, another neighbor was already in her drive. So I went one more driveway down and parked it there. They live in the Netherlands & aren't in the country. When I got out of my meeting in the Cape, I started getting texts and voicemail msgs from neighbors telling me that my car was towed. I finally got ahold of our "local assoc. Pres". He told me that earlier in the day he was elsewhere playing tennis and the "person" on the corner called him and asked why Kathy's car was parked next door. He told him, she's having work done on her house and couldn't leave it there. He then proceeded to call a N. Ft. Myers' tow company & they came and towed it on his say so. Off of private property, someone ELSE'S private property. They towed it 45 miles north. On a hook, in gear, with the brake on & the front wheels turned & locked. I checked the neighbor's driveway & found gouges and scrapes in the concrete, probably from dragging my car out by the rearend. When I got to the "tow yard" (so tiny-my car was the only one there), it was still on the hook. He made me pay him $295 cash. Then he lowered it, untied a band from it and drove off. Never asked me to verify that I even owned it. I guess if anyone gave him $300 cash, they could have it. I was SO mad. I had to call Collier SO to find out who & where my car even was. To find it on the Lee/Charlotte cty line was outrageous. My attorney's sending the neighbor & the tow company a demand letter & if they don't respond, I'll sue them. I have to take the car tonight to my brother to put on the lift to check for damage. I've asked that it be treated as GTA. I've also reported these illegal actions to the tow company governing body. They weren't allowed to tow from private property more than 15 miles away. I can just imagine my car bouncing up I-75 for 45 miles! NO - I don't want to imagine that. I infuriates me. Anyone got any other suggestions on what to do here? Don't suppose anyone else has heard of anything similar? Oh, & yes, I'm looking to move ASAP!
That's one of the big issues takin me so long to find a new house... I refuse to have a HOA... Just another rrason why here...
I had my brother put the car up on the lift tonight. Oddly enough the front spoiler is NOT damaged, however, there is a part in the back where he picked it up by the hook that is clearly damaged. I need to find the cost of this part, but I don't know what it is called. Does anyone know what it is? I looked on my favorite parts site and what I think it is, it says that it is discontinued.


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I had my brother put the car up on the lift tonight. Oddly enough the front spoiler is NOT damaged, however, there is a part in the back where he picked it up by the hook that is clearly damaged. I need to find the cost of this part, but I don't know what it is called. Does anyone know what it is? I looked on my favorite parts site and what I think it is, it says that it is discontinued.

Doesn't look like anything on my car, maybe muffler?
Hopefully you get compensated for new tires and rear brakes and perhaps any damaged suspension components. I would be outraged if someone drug my car with e brake on, in gear, and wheels turned.
if the exhauast canister isn't dented, then no biggie...

I had my brother put the car up on the lift tonight... there is a part in the back where he picked it up by the hook that is clearly damaged. I need to find the cost of this part, but I don't know what it is called. Does anyone know what it is?
Doesn't look like anything on my car, maybe muffler?
The pics show a scraped heat-shield which is part of the exhaust system.
And this is why I don't carry firearms.

Id also look at your drive train as well. A friend of mine had his evo towed in similar fashion to have his differential and transmission destroyed.
Holly would your neighboor even think of calling the tow does he know that the people that left to netherlands didnt just buy the car from you what if they had really baught it and came back and had seen it missing from their driveway would they had paid for the towing fees....i dont think they can tow from a private parking doesnt make sence should ask your neighboor that called the towing pay 4 all your damage and also sew the towing company for plane stupidity
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So sorry to hear, jealousy is really a horrible thing, I hope KARMA and bad one gets the jerk that has caused so much headache!
This guy is the worst of the worst. He's tormented all of us on the street for more than 10 years. He's one of these little men that never had any power in his life and now thinks he can run the world. He's such a coward. He can open his garage door from a block away and the door's closing before he's got the car in park. He hides in his house and when went there pounding on the door (after this), he shouted-call the cops. My husband then had to drive up to N.Ft. Myers with my keys so I could drive the car home. My other neighbor told me that after he left, the cops did arrive, but he wouldn't come out of his house to even talk to him. The cop just sat there and finally left as there wasn't anything going on at that moment. I have an attorney who says he going to enjoy getting this guy and hopefully will be a lesson for all the tiny condo commandos! They have to be held accountable for their idiotic actions. They think they are bulletproof and have all this power. They do not! And I will make certain that he knows it.
Is he on the HOA board of directors? If so, you can sue each member of the board and the HOA. I've seen it done before and the community gets upset at the actions of the board and votes them off. You have some great recourse, but you have to have an attorney who knows how to deal with an HOA if he is a member.

Good luck.
He identified himself to the tow company as the "property manager". He is not. He is not on any board. He is just an annoying little man in the neighborhood. It amazes me that using this tow company's theory - anyone can call about any vehicle in any place on any property and apparently have it towed at the owner's expense without any documentation giving specific authorization to do so. I've reported the tow company to the sheriff's office there. I got the estimate for the repair to the muffler/exhaust shield= $1,378.07. BUT apparently the muffler itself has been discontinued.
Ya know on a good or interesting note. I was washing my car and a neighbor from down the OTHER end of the road (just recently bought) stopped by and told me that he too owned an NSX and it's back home, in Switzerland. He said that he is the only person there to own one and he loves it. I think that's really funny that two NSX owners on the same street and one is in Switzerland! Maybe I should have parked in HIS driveway!
Kathy while I'd love to see you put the screws to him in court, I really LOVE David's idea. I think we could do a collection for you on Prime to pay for the truck full of shit to leave on his doorstep. I'm certainly willing to contribute, of course that is, providing that you post pictures :biggrin:
Well lesson learned
park car in the street and dont put the trash out they will skip your house since they dont " see " a garbage can . and your car is in no danger.

damaged NSX is not fun I would get a quote for parts from teh dealership

as I am sure it gonna be very expensive, have transmission checked.
and your E-brake( emregency brake ) works or have them check the pads.
add up all this work and service then sue. cuz the ammount to recoupe
is that much more.

I am no lawyer but thats what I would do

goodluck PM if I can help fix it I have my own NSX shop in tampa
and a new muffler for you mint
Kathy while I'd love to see you put the screws to him in court, I really LOVE David's idea. I think we could do a collection for you on Prime to pay for the truck full of shit to leave on his doorstep. I'm certainly willing to contribute, of course that is, providing that you post pictures :biggrin:

As tempting as this sounds, just remember that this can continue to escalate where jerkoff retaliates to the latest move, then it gets worse and nobody wins.

A measured, legal, and hopefully lucrative approach seems prudent.

Either way, good luck.
I hope you got a receipt from the tow truck company. It seems like an illegal tow. Is your community gated and is this the tow company which is contracted to tow cars from your neighborhood?
If are passionate enough about the matter, you could always team up with your lawyer and make a grusome example out of the little man and the tow company.
If the lawyers case is strong enough, his winnings may pay for his fees and your car will be restored, leaving quite a hole for the offenders to fill.
Everyone makes mistakes, but in this case the callous individuals need to be taken to class.
Hope you have a receipt from the tow company, and like Shawn said get the trany and E-break checked, and once in court the Jackass from the tow company will look dumb when he answers to the judge that he took orders from a guy that did not own the property/vehicle, or and was not in any way authorized to have the car towed. Keep all you're receipts and documentation as these are a key element when proving a case in court.
If you actually know the neighbor that owns the property of which you actually parked you're car on and have a good relationship (if not this is the time), aske them to write you a letter that they had in fact granted you permision to park on theire property and jackpot case closed "you win".
Good luck.