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Beware: Cocky young CHP on San Mateo Bridge, CA

7 February 2010
Link to pic, too large, will screw up thread if I post:

Might make more sense to those who have driven on the San Mateo bridge in the bay area. Left side of photo is west and right is east.

I am extremely vigilant of my surroundings in the nsx so my eyes are ALWAYS roaming and checking my mirrors.

This evening, I decided to take the NSX out to drop off a female companion of mine from my home in the pennisula to her home in the east bay. Going eastbound 92 on the San Mateo bridge, I was in the left hand land going up towards the peak of the bridge. I pass by a semi truck in the slow lane and a slow car behind it. Off in the distance behind me, I see head lights at a HIGH rate of speeding coming my direction in the slow lane. The unidentified vehicle gets up close behind the car and semi and slams on it's brakes to a crawl and pulls back to a distance of several hundred feet. I see this and mention to my passenger that there is SOMETHING weird going on. At first I figure it is someone trying to catch up to me? Probably not since that's very far behind and a very unusual move.

Any how, I continue driving (65-70mph) and keep my eyes peeled and often looking in the mirror. By now I have crested the bridge and is coming down the other side in the fast/left lane. When I get to the flat portion of the bridge, I look back in the mirror and see the typical crown victoria headlights of amber and clear and he is playing leap frog between the middle and slow lane. I keep looking and see a light bar outline. I'm not sure if it's CHP, PD, Security, so I keep driving and drop in the middle lane at my usual speed of 65-70 mph. I'm traveling in a medium density pack of vehicles so I've got cars all around me.

I get in the fast lane with a jeep in front of me to pass a slower car in the middle lane and keep my eyes on that crown vic back in the distance hovering around mysteriously. He speeds up in his crown vic in the slow lane (I identify him as CHP in my mirror now) and I'm lost at what he's trying to do. Almost like he's trying to pull up beside me or something. I mention the unusual behavior from the crown vic to my passenger but say screw it, I'm doing NOTHING wrong.

About 2/3rds across the flat section, he FINALLY pulls up behind me. I mention it to my passenger that he's going to pull me over for what I have no idea but I'm guessing absolute bullshit. Before his lights come on, I drop a gear, let off, slow down to 60, then 55 and I'm changing lanes to the far right slow lane. I'm about to just pull off and hit my emergency flashers just to see what his reaction would be, and tell him some sort of story like I have SOME sort of mechanical problem if he pulls over with me. Before I get to pull over, he hits the lights. I see the sign that says "emergency turn off 1/4 miles" and drive at 55 mph with my right turn signal on so it'd be a safer place for us to pull over. Atleast I wasn't a complete jerk and made him walk inches from traffic on the narrow shoulder and get right up against the barricade so he can't walk up my passenger side. Anyways, I pull over. I tell my passenger, I bet it's a bullshit move on his part. I did NOTHING wrong.

So the young (~24 y/o max) blond light skinned chp officer walks up the passenger side, and asks, license registration, proof of insurance. I pull over the registration, reach over my passenger to hand it to him, put it in his hand BUT he wouldn't close his hand for some odd reason. So I place it on my passenger's right leg and he says to the word, "Bro, I'm not going to grab that off her lap". I'm thinking, what the hell is wrong with this guy? I again reach over and hand it to him and by now, I am PISSED.

I asked him politely w/o a bad tone, "what are you pulling me over for?".
He goes, "You were doing 80 on the flat".
At this point I was livid inside and inquired, "Which flat part? Before or after the bridge?"
He responds, "After the bridge".
I COMPLETELY knew he was full of shit and I was pissed off.
So I had to speak up, "There is NO freaking way I was speeding. I SAW YOU speeding up on that semi truck and slam your brakes. And I was watching YOU this WHOLE time. I KNEW you were there, I SAW YOU. THERE IS NO FREAKING WAY I WAS DOING 80".
I did NOT yell but I was firm in my voice. So what he say next?
"If you want to argue with me about it, I'll just write it on your ticket".

Well, he decided to force his authority over me, COPS VS "Speeder". I knew there was a slim chance I'd even win. I even forgot to hit record on my cellphone until now, not that it'd prove anything at this point. So I just finished handing him my license and insurance. He looks it over. After a few seconds looking at it next to my car. HE THEN WALKS TO THE FRONT OF MY CAR, AND PEEKS OVER ON THE FRONT. Instantly I knew he was looking for a plate. He walks back to his patrol car. I tell my passenger, "He's looking for a front plate! He's got NOTHING real on me and I pissed him off when I caught him doing stupid leap frog games in traffic earlier. He can't get me for speeding so he's trying to get me for no front plate! I told you it was bullshit!"

He walks up to the car, ticket in hand. He mumbles something about speed, and front license plate. I look at it, hold it to the light to look at it, and ask him exactly, WHAT AM I GETTING A TICKET FOR? NO FRONT PLATE. Correctable fix it ticket. I sign it and get the hell out of there.

This REALLY upsets me. Young cocky arrogant power tripping PUNK. I should of let him dodge cars on the narrow part of the highway........ Yes I know I said it. I usually respect cops and will gladly sign my ticket when I am caught in the wrong but THIS was utter bullshit. My last two CHP experiences were HORRIBLE. Prior to this, I had another CHP of a totally different age, race and location in california lecture me on my out of state plates and write me a registration ticket. He claimed, "I spoke to you about this 4 years ago!" I didn't think about it till later BUT, 4 years ago I did NOT own a nsx and I did NOT live in california until 2 years ago and the nsx came with me for the first time at that time.

Anyhow my "other father" and his buddy, both retired CHP once said, "These new young chips being cocky is the reason why they're getting shot". I would tend to agree.
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Re: BEWARE: Cocky young CHP on San Mateo Bridge, CA

Anyhow my "other father" and his buddy, both retired CHP once said, "These new young chips being cocky is the reason why they're getting shot". I would tend to agree.

I can only assume they meant that young "cocky" officers are over confident and lax in their officer safety tactics.....not that their "cocky" attitudes somehow justifies being shot.

As for your story, I was not there and don't want to speculate on the reasons for the negative police contact but, I have my suspicions.:smile:
Re: BEWARE: Cocky young CHP on San Mateo Bridge, CA

What kind of police officer says "bro"? Really CHP officer? Really?

I sympathize your situation, unfortunately it doesn't seem like there is a whole lot you can do.
Some cops are good...some cops...waste of hair. Can't have it perfect unfortunately. :cool:

Sounds like my run in with OC Sheriff years back. Silver Audi blows by me, cops pulls up, and gets me instead. Then has the audacity to give me the third degree about "who's car is this?" "How long have you owned it?", as if I stole it. Talk about racial profiling.
Similar situation happened to me by a young cocky CHP on 280. Stationed out of Redwood City. I was driving my Porsche at that time. Got pulled over on a "no seat belt" accusation. I was wearing my seat belt. I also got a "no front plates" ticket also. I had my front plate on. If it werent for the fact that he called for backup when I was arguing the no seat belt ticket, I would have gotten out of the car and taken a picture with my cellphone.

Here's my original post:
Anyhow my "other father" and his buddy, both retired CHP once said, "These new young chips being cocky is the reason why they're getting shot". I would tend to agree.

I can only assume they meant that young "cocky" officers are over confident and lax in their officer safety tactics.....not that their "cocky" attitudes somehow justifies being shot.

As for your story, I was not there and don't want to speculate on the reasons for the negative police contact but, I have my suspicions.:smile:

You are correct. Their view was that the new young CHP officers were too cocky and arrogant. Not justification for being shot but a reasonable cause for why they were starting to hear more and more stories about "bad cops".

What kind of police officer says "bro"? Really CHP officer? Really?

I sympathize your situation, unfortunately it doesn't seem like there is a whole lot you can do.

Yeah, the "Bro" thing really caught me by surprise. It makes it tough to hold your tongue. I was wondering, where's the professionalism? What happened to the usual, sir? I'm not his "bro".

Some cops are good...some cops...waste of hair. Can't have it perfect unfortunately. :cool:

Sounds like my run in with OC Sheriff years back. Silver Audi blows by me, cops pulls up, and gets me instead. Then has the audacity to give me the third degree about "who's car is this?" "How long have you owned it?", as if I stole it. Talk about racial profiling.

Yes, I've gotten that too. Multiple times in a VERY short period of time in a very small community. Other than the constant threats they made about if I did something wrong, I was ok about being checked to see if the car was stolen. They were just incredibly rude.

Similar situation happened to me by a young cocky CHP on 280. Stationed out of Redwood City. I was driving my Porsche at that time. Got pulled over on a "no seat belt" accusation. I was wearing my seat belt. I also got a "no front plates" ticket also. I had my front plate on. If it werent for the fact that he called for backup when I was arguing the no seat belt ticket, I would have gotten out of the car and taken a picture with my cellphone.

Here's my original post:

Can you do a quick description of him? I had a blonde hair guy younger than 24. Redwood City isn't that far...

I'm guessing since I caught him on the lie by a LONG ways, he HAD to find SOMETHING to write a ticket about and get some sort of revenue. So he gave me a license plate ticket. If I had a plate, he might of tried to find something else like modified exhaust maybe?
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Sucks but if this guys is really been a prick shouldn't you file a complaint? Otherwise he is just going to keep doing the same thing to everyone. I drive that bridge in the NSX sometimes too and I would hate to run into this Ahole.
Sometimes ones attitude is the key to turning a bad situation into a good one. We all have bad days and im not saying whos right or wrong but the last thing I would ever want to do is piss the guy off
I never give attitude right from the start if the officer is professional and respectful, it's a two way road. But junior here royally pissed me off when he lied to me. He set the tone when he lied to me. Its difficult to respect someone who blatantly lied to me and was unprofessional from the start. I refused to become another one of his victims.
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You are correct. Their view was that the new young CHP officers were too cocky and arrogant. Not justification for being shot but a reasonable cause for why they were starting to hear more and more stories about "bad cops".

Yeah, the "Bro" thing really caught me by surprise. It makes it tough to hold your tongue. I was wondering, where's the professionalism? What happened to the usual, sir? I'm not his "bro".

Yes, I've gotten that too. Multiple times in a VERY short period of time in a very small community. Other than the constant threats they made about if I did something wrong, I was ok about being checked to see if the car was stolen. They were just incredibly rude.

Can you do a quick description of him? I had a blonde hair guy younger than 24. Redwood City isn't that far...

I'm guessing since I caught him on the lie by a LONG ways, he HAD to find SOMETHING to write a ticket about and get some sort of revenue. So he gave me a license plate ticket. If I had a plate, he might of tried to find something else like modified exhaust maybe?

Couldnt really tell if he was light skinned. He was wearing his "Cool Hand Luke" Raybans and he had his back to the sun.
Sucks but if this guys is really been a prick shouldn't you file a complaint? Otherwise he is just going to keep doing the same thing to everyone. I drive that bridge in the NSX sometimes too and I would hate to run into this Ahole.

Here's the link to the CHP complaint page.

channel 2 ktvu today had a segment where they stated that there is an unusual increase of tickets being issued in California. Possibly due to the state's deficit.
And a month later and I STILL need to get my ticket signed off. Think I'll use my monster size zip ties and do it real quick this weekend.
happens man, my dad is a retired CHP and is really sick at how the new 'kids' are treating the job.

sad part is he KNEW you weren't doing 80mph and unfortunately he did the douche thing and wrote you a front plate ticket. Please don't put all CHP in this category...they're not all bad, i used to live in East bay so i know the area well. No matter where you go, if you have something nice whether it be a girl, car, house, job etc. someone who is jealous is going to do what they can to make trouble.

next time just get his name, badge, and file a complaint. Talk to the judge and if possible get a written testimony from your passenger. HUGE hassle i know but anything to show the judge you were being polite, respectful to this a$$hole cop and more often than not i have found judges to know cops can power trip.

just my thoughts
happens man, my dad is a retired CHP and is really sick at how the new 'kids' are treating the job.

sad part is he KNEW you weren't doing 80mph and unfortunately he did the douche thing and wrote you a front plate ticket. Please don't put all CHP in this category...they're not all bad, i used to live in East bay so i know the area well. No matter where you go, if you have something nice whether it be a girl, car, house, job etc. someone who is jealous is going to do what they can to make trouble.

next time just get his name, badge, and file a complaint. Talk to the judge and if possible get a written testimony from your passenger. HUGE hassle i know but anything to show the judge you were being polite, respectful to this a$$hole cop and more often than not i have found judges to know cops can power trip.

just my thoughts

Oh yeah, definitely don't lump em together. My basically 2nd father was retired CHP who passed away shortly after due to cancer. He told me the same thing, the new young guys don't treat the job the way that they should be. But my last two encounters have ended poorly. I was even lectured by one who said he spoke to me about my car 4 years earlier! I didn't think about it till later but......... I only owned the car for 3 years and lived out of state.

CHP is EXTREMELY thick on the 280 between SF and SJ. One likes to hide on the exit ramp of the closed NB rest area south of the 92. He's at a raised elevation concealed by the guard rail. Pretty sneaky fellow. I would of been popped there but I rarely speed anymore. Cruise control, 60-65 mph slow lane.......... relaxed. Let the rest work harder to blow around me.

Oh and thanks for the reminder. I need to call the court tomorrow. I haven't received my letter in the mail to appear. I know you get one even for a fix it ticket.