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Customer Service (or lack of) Question?

2 May 2021
I’m a relatively new member just recently picking up a 2nd Gen NSX in early November. It was still within the manufacturer’s warranty and soon to be expiring. I learned from this site that not only does Acura have available an Extended Warranty….. but was referred also through this site….. a “Trusted” member of this board whom worked for an Acura Dealership. From the beginning….. corresponding with this individual….. he acted like he was doing ME a favor?! I chose an extended warranty of 3yrs/80k miles for $4500. Not exactly chump change….. but that was the warm fuzzies that this dude made it seem like. I sent him the signed documents and a bank check for $4500. He never confirmed receipt of those….. and neither he nor his dealership ever sent me a receipt??!! I had to contact him….asked if we were good to go…..and what about any “Receipt” or “Paid Invoice”…l???? Nothing in reply! Exactly ONE MONTH… from the day he received the check/docs….. I contacted him again. I told him I never received anything…… his reply…..and get this bullshit……”It takes Acura about TWO MONTHS (2) ….. to send you the warranty packet and information??!! Again…. I usually go ballistic at this point….. but I bit my tongue. It’s almost 2 months now….. and I haven’t received ANYTHING from this salesman….. his dealership…. Or Acura. AGAIN….. he’s a highly involved member of this board….may even be a moderator? BEFORE ….. I PUT THIS LOSER ON BLAST…..because I don’t want to butt-hurt any of his supporters here on this board (this isn’t my first rodeo and I intuitively know how certain members of these boards gain a pied piper following)….. I’m asking advice first. “Respect” is a 2 way street for me…. A 23 years veteran of the US Navy. But at the same time….. I don’t like to be fcked with. And IMHO…. Is what this individual has done to me from Day 1. Fortunately….. he’s not that far a drive from where I live…… I’ve thought about driving up for a face to face…..but I don’t want it to turn ugly.
first lets hear from others who have gotten the extended warranty through acura what the process was for them..
That’s a great idea…. Thank you!

And I will wait for others that purchased Acura Extended Warranties…. Through Dealerships…To reply.

However…… you have to admit….. receiving NO receipt or documentation from the specific Acura dealership whom I purchased the warranty from….. is UNSATISFACTORY??! At this point….. I don’t even know if my extended warranty is currently active….. and too late to purchase from another dealership because the factory warranty expired 11/28/2021.

The dealership received my check & signed contract on 11/25/2021. If I don’t receive anything from Acura USA or the dealership (and sales rep whom I dealt with)….. by 01/25/2022….I’ll be naming the dealership’s name and this sales rep specifically. I’ll look forward to his explanation (excuse)….. that he gives to this Forum.
That’s a great idea…. Thank you!

And I will wait for others that purchased Acura Extended Warranties…. Through Dealerships…To reply.

However…… you have to admit….. receiving NO receipt or documentation from the specific Acura dealership whom I purchased the warranty from….. is UNSATISFACTORY??! At this point….. I don’t even know if my extended warranty is currently active….. and too late to purchase from another dealership because the factory warranty expired 11/28/2021.

The dealership received my check & signed contract on 11/25/2021. If I don’t receive anything from Acura USA or the dealership (and sales rep whom I dealt with)….. by 01/25/2022….I’ll be naming the dealership’s name and this sales rep specifically. I’ll look forward to his explanation (excuse)….. that he gives to this Forum.

sounds like a plan...
I must be missing something.

I presume that the cheque for the extended warranty coverage was made out to the dealership or Acura USA or the carrier providing the coverage if Acura is not doing it directly. If the cheque was made out to the dealership and the cheque has cleared the bank, I would be inclined to take the issue up with the sales manager at the dealership. If the cheque was made out to Acura USA I would be inclined to contact their customer service department as a starting point. If the cheque was made out to the dealership, Acura USA or their carrier and it has cleared the bank I think you have a pretty good argument that the warranty is in effect. Cashing the cheque effectively seals the deal on their side. You can then pursue what if any subsequent documentation should have occurred. Your copies of the documents that you signed when you submitted the cheque (which would constitute a contract) might be the only formal documentation that is required.

If you made the cheque out to the individual, then I think you might have a completely different problem.

Raising the issue on this forum is the equivalent of venting and ultimately probably not very effective. Your issue sounds more like an unsatisfactory relationship with the dealership salesman / agent. Raise the issue directly with the Sales Manager at the dealership or with Acura Customer Service. They may advise that this is normal (either the delay or that your copy of the documentation constitutes the total documentation). If there was a bolox in the paperwork due to lax performance by an individual, let the Sales Manager or Acura deal with that problem.
I think the entire process should have been explained so that both parties had mutual understanding in detail of how it would proceed from the beginning. I could understand OP's frustration as his car warranty is now expired and better communication would have been very helpful in this situation. Good luck and hope everything will work out.
I will be looking forward to the outcome of this conversation. I will be looking to buy an extended warranty later this year. All things equal, I'd rather throw my business to a member of this community.
I must be missing something.

I presume that the cheque for the extended warranty coverage was made out to the dealership or Acura USA or the carrier providing the coverage if Acura is not doing it directly. If the cheque was made out to the dealership and the cheque has cleared the bank, I would be inclined to take the issue up with the sales manager at the dealership. If the cheque was made out to Acura USA I would be inclined to contact their customer service department as a starting point. If the cheque was made out to the dealership, Acura USA or their carrier and it has cleared the bank I think you have a pretty good argument that the warranty is in effect. Cashing the cheque effectively seals the deal on their side. You can then pursue what if any subsequent documentation should have occurred. Your copies of the documents that you signed when you submitted the cheque (which would constitute a contract) might be the only formal documentation that is required.

If you made the cheque out to the individual, then I think you might have a completely different problem.

Raising the issue on this forum is the equivalent of venting and ultimately probably not very effective. Your issue sounds more like an unsatisfactory relationship with the dealership salesman / agent. Raise the issue directly with the Sales Manager at the dealership or with Acura Customer Service. They may advise that this is normal (either the delay or that your copy of the documentation constitutes the total documentation). If there was a bolox in the paperwork due to lax performance by an individual, let the Sales Manager or Acura deal with that problem.

Sage advice...and I thought you only handled electrons..:biggrin:
I must be missing something.

I presume that the cheque for the extended warranty coverage was made out to the dealership or Acura USA or the carrier providing the coverage if Acura is not doing it directly. If the cheque was made out to the dealership and the cheque has cleared the bank, I would be inclined to take the issue up with the sales manager at the dealership. If the cheque was made out to Acura USA I would be inclined to contact their customer service department as a starting point. If the cheque was made out to the dealership, Acura USA or their carrier and it has cleared the bank I think you have a pretty good argument that the warranty is in effect. Cashing the cheque effectively seals the deal on their side. You can then pursue what if any subsequent documentation should have occurred. Your copies of the documents that you signed when you submitted the cheque (which would constitute a contract) might be the only formal documentation that is required.

If you made the cheque out to the individual, then I think you might have a completely different problem.

Raising the issue on this forum is the equivalent of venting and ultimately probably not very effective. Your issue sounds more like an unsatisfactory relationship with the dealership salesman / agent. Raise the issue directly with the Sales Manager at the dealership or with Acura Customer Service. They may advise that this is normal (either the delay or that your copy of the documentation constitutes the total documentation). If there was a bolox in the paperwork due to lax performance by an individual, let the Sales Manager or Acura deal with that problem.

Just checked……. The Bank Check was made out specifically to the DEALERSHIP………. NOT Acura.

And it was cashed a few days later.

On the contract specifically states the salesperson’s name.

I have contacted him twice…… he should be the one looking into this not myself.

But REGARDLESS…… is there anyone out there that thinks I should have at the very least….received a sales receipt or contract stamped “Paid”???

Who does business that way?

Lastly….. someone asked whether this Forum/Board is the right avenue to pursue this? Obviously…. That individual doesn’t know the power & influence that these boards possess! For example….. it was this specific board that referred me to this dealership in the first place!

And if this isn’t resolved by the 2 month mark…… and I name the dealership & members name…… others that read this ……may not do business with them.
I would still be inclined to first take it up with the dealership Sales Manager or Acura Customer Services before implementing a scorched earth tactic because based upon your description, this sounds more like a staff performance issue. If the Sales Manager or Acura Corporate does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, then you can go the Full Monty. But, you will have probably eliminated the possibility of having a satisfactory relationship with that dealership should you want to use them in the future.

Just my approach. You are free to do what you want.
I would still be inclined to first take it up with the dealership Sales Manager or Acura Customer Services before implementing a scorched earth tactic because based upon your description, this sounds more like a staff performance issue. If the Sales Manager or Acura Corporate does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, then you can go the Full Monty. But, you will have probably eliminated the possibility of having a satisfactory relationship with that dealership should you want to use them in the future.

Just my approach. You are free to do what you want.

Appreciate your comments and recommendations….that’s why I posted in the first place. I’m going to take your advice……. I’m waiting until exactly two (2) months. At that point…. I’m going to contact the dealership and speak directly with the sales manager. If no resolution with him….. then I’ll name names. At the very least….. may keep another board member from going through what I’m going through.

‘’Appreciate it!
Yep we are a forum of public opinion...not an official arbitrator...but we have plenty of legal eagles and even a state supreme court judge amongst the faithful...please update when you can.
Likely would have been a better transaction for both parties if the salesperson established expectations and timelines for what was purchased. Hope this gets resolved quickly and to each party's satisfaction.
If you specifically asked for an Extended Warranty through Acura/Honda, here's their contact information. Give them a call to check on your paperwork.

American Honda Finance Corporation
Honda Care Customer Service
P.O. Box 2225 Torrance, CA 90509-2225
Ph: (800) 999-5901
Fax: (800) 810-4256
Appreciate it Ryan….. I’m going to give the a call tomorrow…. Will post what I find out!

Check your PM and put down the pitchforks, lol.
Thanks to “The Kid”…. For looking into it for me….. And then “RyanRA” for the contact info that I then called…. And Acura is now sending me the documentation! I’m covered and all’s good to go!

This Acura dealership I purchased it from and specifically the salesman….. not even a sales receipt or any type of documentation after paying $4500…. Is what pissed me off! And then not following up looking into what the status was!

And in spite of the dealership…. And their lack of any form of customer service…. It was members here on this Forum….. that helped me out…. And that was the main reason for my post to begin with.

IF ANY MEMBERS…… are looking to Purchase an extended warranty….. they can contact me (PM)….. and I’ll provide them with the dealership’s name and the specific salesman…… so this doesn’t happen to them.

Other than that……. Thank you to ALL that gave me advice and responded to my thread….. and “THE KID”..l.. for getting me the information as did RYANRA as well.

I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.....:biggrin:
Just as an fyi there are other extended warranty options, first of all make sure that any warranty DOES NOT take effect until after the Acura warranty is expired. I own an auto shop and deal with many different extended warranty companies. Do some research and read clearly the "covered repairs". Read between the lines "covered repairs" are truly limited to exactly what they say. Fidelity and endurance are the two that are far and away the most accommodating i have experienced. So to repeat do your research! My 2cents
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Just as an fyi there are other extended warranty options, first of all make sure that any warranty DOES NOT take effect until after the Acura warranty is expired. I own an auto shop and deal with many different extended warranty companies. Do some research and read clearly the "covered repairs". Read between the lines "covered repairs" are truly limited to exactly what they say. Fidelity and endurance are the two that are far and away the most accommodating i have experienced. So to repeat do your research! My 2cents

The extended warranty from Acura must be acquired before the 4 year/50,000 mile original warranty expires. That said there are still two additional Acura warranties in place. The power train warranty is good for 6years/70,000 miles. In addition there is the Hybrid Components warranty that is good for 8 years/100,000 miles. So when you add an extended Acura Warranty like 5years/80,000 miles which is the most commonly chosen time/mileage period for about $5300 you are gaining an additional 5 years from the date of the warranty, but the mileage is the total mileage of the car. Also this warranty requires repairs be done by Acura, not an individual auto repair facility.

The Acura Extended warranty is a zero deductible that covers everything on the car less cosmetic and wear items. So the headlights, taillights, struts, electronic dash, air conditioning, etcetera are all covered. But the leather seat covers are not, while the adjustable seat mechanism is.

I have to make a decision soon as my OEM warranty is up in early May. The car thus far is pretty rock solid. I suspect that if you always take your car to a dealer for service that there is a certain expectation of good will associated with the dealer and Acura. That said the real benefit in getting an extended warranty is if you plan on selling your car. The buyer paying at least $150k (current market) may not be as familiar with Honda/Acura reliability and may find an extended warranty worth the cost. As I understand the Extened Warranty can be transferred once.
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