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    Caveat Emptor!

Dali Racing - LONG!

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28 June 2004
Houston TX
Let me remind everybody that this forum is for people to post first-hand, factual information about their business dealings with vendors. It is not a chat forum, it is not a "let's talk about every possible 'what if' scenario" forum or a "Well I think that..." forum.
The above quote is from Lud, so with this in mind, here is MY story.

It all started on March 9, 2005. I placed an order for the following:

Order #1015801
Misc. Parts Oil Filler Cap
Polished Oil Cap || 1 @ $53.00 + $4.50 = $57.50

NSX Parts Strut Bars T-top "trike" polished aluminum rear strut bar || 1 @ $450.00 + ? = Will be added

Coil Cover Plate: Aluminum NSX Coil Cover Polished Billet AL 1995+ [single slice] || 1 @ $145.00 + $6.95 = $151.95

Fuse Box Cover Fuse box cover: CarbonGlass || 1 @ $60.00 + $4.50 = $64.50

Engine Cover Plate Engine Cover Plate: CarbonGlass || 1 @ $65.00 + $4.50 = $69.50

Injector Covers All Together Now [ set of all 4 parts ] NA version || 1 @ $415.00 + $10.60 = $425.60

Alternator Belt Cover Alternator Belt Cover || 1 @ $95.00 + $4.50 = $99.50
Pats Subtotal: $1,283.00
Tax: N/A
Shipping Subtotal:$35.55
Final Shipping: Will be added

Total [ PayPal ]:$1,361.79

I choose the e-check option as I wanted to save the extra $40+ dollars due to the 3% fee, and I asked for verification on shipping totals so I could get PayPal going, and his reply was:

OK, I'll re figure your deal after the shipping is totaled up and send you back the overpayment. Remember that by choosing the e-check option, I don't ship anything until the funds clear into my account.



First shipment out on March 15, 2005 (Tuesday). Pretty quick for the number of items I purchased. Mark’s note is:

Hi Sam,

This box has everything in it but the Trike Strutbar and the polished wire covers - they will be out of the polisher on Thursday or Friday. I ought to get the strutbar assembled and shipped by Thursday.

I then receive a new message on March 18th about the 2 wire covers.

Hi Sam -

These are the 2 wire covers that go with the injector covers.

I ask about the Trike Strutbar, and my reply on Monday, March 21, 2005 is:

Hi Sam,

All put together - shipping tomorrow.


Well, that was the last I heard from Mark Johnson and Dali Racing.

I did send a message out on to Prime on April 12, 2005 requesting a visit to Dali Racing, but I had no one that could make the journey for me.

So, by April 10th, 2005, I figure I’m not going to see that $450 Strut Bar, so I put in a Buyer Complaint to PayPal.

Here is the reply from PayPal:

Thank you for contacting us about your Buyer Complaint for the transaction detailed below. As stated in our User Agreement, PayPal's Buyer Complaint Policy applies only to the shipment of goods. It does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a refund.

OK, so PayPal isn’t going to help. So, I give the Better Business Bureau a complaint on Tuesday, April 12, 2005. Here is their reply on March 13, 2005:

Thank you for choosing the Better Business Bureau to assist in the resolution of your dispute with the above named company. On this date, we have received your complaint and it is in review. Our review process normally takes approximately 72 hours.
The BBB processes approximately 12,000 complaints per year. Each complaint received is reviewed to assure the requested action falls within our guidelines of formal complaint processing.
Please visit our website at www.sandiego.bbb.org/about/wwd. There you will find information on the services we offer and the complaint process.
When we have completed the review of your complaint, you will be notified of the status of your request. If we are unable to process your complaint, you will be notified of that fact as well. Either way, the company will receive a copy of your complaint and it will remain in the company's file for a period of three years.
Again, thank you for using the free services of the BBB. We hope we are able to assist in the resolution of your dispute.

That same day I sent an overnight UPS letter to Mr. Johnson stating the following:

Not that I have given up, but this is getting to be a bit disturbing that I must continue to track down the T-top "trike" polished aluminum rear strut bar for my 2001 NSX.

I, too, run my own business. However, we differ in our approach to customer service. I choose not to accept money until I have an item to ship. I ship when I say I do, and I TRY to keep up with requests for additional information when requested. Although I’ve only been in business 4+ years, this approach has worked well for me.

And like you, I am also the ONLY worker bee here. Although I have over 400,000 possible customers (Honda has made a LOT of Gold Wings over the years), I still do a good job in keeping up with folks and their orders.

So, I do again request that you let me know when I will either receive this “trike” bar, or if I will receive my $450 that you have in your possession.

I would prefer to not spend another $300 on an airline ticket to retrieve either this item or my $450, but since money is of little consequence, and the only issue that matters is the principle, then I would gladly make the trip.

Since you have chosen not to reply to my e-mails, I was hoping a letter might be a bit more attention-getting before I track down a phone number so that we might speak directly on this matter.

Needless to say, my wife told me NOT to travel there as he might be “some kind of psycho” and things might not work out well.

On April 19, 2005, the BBB sent me another message:

Thank you for choosing the Better Business Bureau to aid in the resolution of your dispute with the above named company. On this date, we have forwarded a copy of your complaint to the company for their written response. Once we receive a written response from the company, it will be forwarded to you. If you receive your requested adjustment, please notify us immediately, as the company may have responded to you directly. Please note that the Better Business Bureau cannot compel a company to respond. However, we will attempt twice in a 4 week period to obtain a written response from the company.
Please note that response times may vary, depending upon how quickly the company responds. We will keep you updated on the status of your complaint by mail within the next two weeks. Your original complaint will be kept in the Bureau's records for three years. Thank you for using the free services of the Better Business Bureau.

Obviously, they have not received an answer.

In between I have sent numerous e-mails and a few phone calls with regard to the Strut Bar. As of last week, I began to ask for the 4 rotors instead, assuming he won’t give up the money and he can’t come up with the Strut Bar.

I did mention that I did have my Strut Bar chromed ($187..wish I had known), and that I would not need the Strut Bar any longer.
I even sent a payment request from PayPal (with daily reminders) to him requesting the return of the $450, and he has yet to reply.

So, in closing I have to warn folks about ordering from Mark Johnson at Dali Racing using PayPal. I would STRONGLY suggest (as has been mentioned) requesting items be sent COD, or to FIND ANOTHER VENDOR.
Should anything change with regards to this situation, I will let everyone know.

I do not expect or wish for this thread to continue with “I told you so” or “he’s been great for me”. I am only stating the facts as to what I have encountered from Mark Johnson and Dali Racing.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

SamBel said:
Here is the reply from PayPal:[/U]

Thank you for contacting us about your Buyer Complaint for the transaction detailed below. As stated in our User Agreement, PayPal's Buyer Complaint Policy applies only to the shipment of goods. It does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a refund.

I don't understand why Paypal won't reverse the charge for the non-shipped item. Have you told them that you never received the product? When he did this to me I was unaware of the time frame in which a dispute had to be filed with Paypal and waited too long but my linked credit card company ultimately was able to reverse the charges. Based upon Paypal's message to you it seems they may have misinterpreted your complaint.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

that sounds terrible. i would only hope people would start to realize paypal doesnt help much if you have a problem. paypal currently screwed me out of thousand of dollars. they decided to hold my funds and use it market money accounts to create interest for their own monetary gain. after selling 6000 dollars worth of parts and shipping them out to the customers, they put a limit on my account and is under review. they will not let me withdrawl my money even thought i have submitted the tracking numbers with most showing that items were already delivered. now im stuck with no money, and no parts. i have done everything they had requested yet nothing has changed. this incident happened twice.

i do withdraw money immediately anytime i get a payment, but it takes up to 4 days. in those 4 days, paypal reversed the withdrawl.

because of this instant payment BS, hasty buyers expect their items within 7 days, which is the max days UPS takes to deliver. this in which requires the seller to ship out the item before the money even completes the transfer from paypal to your bank account.

even if an item shows that it has been delivered with proof of tracking and delivery, it requires a signature. if a signature is not obtained, a buyer can file a complaint with paypal and they will honor it. i have been screwed by this method numerous times and paypal never mentioned what needed i needed to do to protect myself from crap like this. their policy always changes and it sucks.

go to www.paypalsucks.com

i can only hope they go down like napster or enron. this seems harsh but you would have to be in my shoes to understand.

paypal isnt any safer than any other payment. i suggest if you buy , put it on your credit card. atleast you can file a chargeback.
paypal sucks. their entire staff is now outsource to india or a bunch of burger king rejects.

ive never had an experience buying from dali, but i wont be buying anything for a long time since now im in a tight jam with money. stupid paypal :mad:

i think mark should just refund your money. or atleast keep you updated. the worst way to run a business is not have a phone contact for your customers. email accounts just get flooded anyways and left unread. then again sometimes you get those out of state customers that call you at 4 am in the morning non-stop unless you turn off your phone.

seems like SOS is the only reliable source in the US and focuses on the NSX community

i guess mark from dali has some other things going on besides NSX.

running a business is difficult
neglecting your customers is easy.

signs showing its time to make a career change.

sorry about going almost off topic, i just had to vent a little.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

So far in 2005, I am batting 100% with Paypal. Absolutely no errors. Yes the wait can be a pain, and the 3% fee kinda sucks. (e-check is only $5 flat fee). Therefore I now have a Paypal Visa Checkcard, and can get my money out instantly by purchasing or through an ATM. I do understand that a lot of customers expect everything yesterday, if there is a delay, communication is what is needed.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

This is why I am looking for a front license plate bracket from other sources. Also, Dali specifically does not accept credit cards, only check, MO or Paypal or COD. So having the extra layer of protection from the credit card company isn't an option here. There is an extra charge for getting things COD, an extra wait for paying by check, the Paypal or MO charge also gets you. In short once the money is gone, it's gone other than COD which adds to your total cost & the fact that you need to be there when UPS guy comes with cash in hand. No matter what it's a pain and a gamble. At least when I play the slots, I know it's likely I will lose money with nothing to show for it. I don't expect it when I order goods from a company.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

Another way to bring Mark Johnson to justice is to file formal complaints to the postmaster and FBI for mail and internet fraud.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

Paypal sucks when it comes to resolving issues...At least it isn't like the BBB who charge money for their club and then not resolve issues!! P.S. I lost 400.00 0n EBAY purchase which was paid thru "paypal" :mad:
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

Yea, I just purchased some hatch struts from Dali and recieved them in less than 5 days. Plus they have so many things on their site for this car its ridiculous, but hearing these comments makes me makes me wonder about buying more expensive things from them....hmm....weird. And they also seem to be very helpful through email as they have answered all my emails within the same day. So go figure? I hope its just a miscommunication error on Mark's side. I guess I'll be looking to SOS for more parts.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

sooo.....I'm confused? Is Dali Racing really having problems with sending people more expensive items? Just wondering because they seemed to be alright in my book but only because I got what I wanted in short amount of time. They have quite a few things that I would like to get that I have only found on their site, so I'm just a little worried now thats all.
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

I make no judgement on right/wrong of either party, just some feedback on the issue with PayPal ......

SamBel said:
.....So, by April 10th, 2005, I figure I’m not going to see that $450 Strut Bar, so I put in a Buyer Complaint to PayPal.

Here is the reply from PayPal:

Thank you for contacting us about your Buyer Complaint for the transaction detailed below. As stated in our User Agreement, PayPal's Buyer Complaint Policy applies only to the shipment of goods. It does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a refund.

OK, so PayPal isn’t going to help.

That seems to be a standard response from PayPal - how did you phrase your request? It's important to have them understand that you have non-receipt of goods, i.e. non-shipment and if you phrased the complaint in any other way that could be why the said response was generated.

Perhaps you can try some of the things I did below:

I went through an experience with an E-Bay vendor a few months ago - the vendor sent me the wrong items; I complained to PayPal and got the same response you did - I reasoned that I did not receive what I ordered however PayPal effectively interpreted that as I received "something" therefor met their conditions!

After continuing to argue with the vendor who refused to pay for the return shipment expense I gave up on that argument & paid for the return shipping myself. After I returned it however the communication with the vendor stopped - now I was out my money, the incorrect part I had previously received & now the added expense of the return shipping!

I talked to an agent at PayPal and was ultimately given an e-mail address for an appeal (try finding that yourself anywhere on PayPal's site info!!!!!)
The address is :
[email protected]
In the subject line, write Case # XYZ123ABC Appeal

This is how my appeal went: (edited for proprietary info)

I wish to appeal the deferred decision on Case # XYZ123ABC, PayPal transaction ID 123456789ABC
After receiving an adjudication originally that stated PayPal could not help in this particular matter because item was "not as described" but received in some shape or form - I tried again to resolve with the seller.

I was ultimately forced to return the item at my own shipping cost
Seller's RA # was 123 - item was shipped under FedEx tracking number 123456789 received & signed for by J. Smith on 1-24-05
I received a response from seller on 1-27 that replacement item was being shipped under UPS tracking number 1z27yr310343588028
Per UPS tracking system as of today (11th Feb) that tracker # shows that UPS has not received any package against it.

Now the seller has my cash, the returned product & has not provided a replacement.
I wish to appeal the original ruling changing nature of the complaint from "not as described" to "non-receipt of goods".
This is now almost 3 months since I originally paid for this product from this member - I am not only out my original payment, but now also my return shipping costs & I have nothing to show for it, not even the original defective product I originally received.

Thank you for your consideration in re-evaluating this complaint.


Now PayPal then replied saying that was not an issue they could support either under the same premise -
Thank you for contacting PayPal.

Our Buyer Complaint Policy does not apply to disputes about the quality or
attributes of delivered goods, nor does it apply to disputes about returned
merchandise. As a result, we cannot reverse the transaction or issue a
refund. We encourage you to continue to work with the seller for a mutual

Although the dispute is not covered under our Buyer Complaint Policy, the
dispute is noted in the seller's account records. If we determine that the
seller has violated our policies, we will limit the access on the seller's
account until all complaints against the seller have been resolved
satisfactorily. If necessary, we will contact you to confirm if the seller
has resolved your dispute satisfactorily.

We value your business and regret that you have had this experience. To
avoid similar experiences in the future, please review our Buyer Complaint
Policy by clicking on https://www.paypal.com/bcp or copy and paste the
entire link into the address bar.

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter, and
wish you continued success on PayPal.

So I thought how worthless they and their processes were in protecting customer; however 10 days after receiving the appeal "denied" notice, I suddenly received another e-mail saying they were re-opening the complaint then later that same day saying my payment was refunded!

When you filed the complaint described below, we deferred investigation of the complaint because some of PayPal's complaint guidelines were not met.
At this time, we have decided to open an investigation into this deferred complaint. We are in the process of contacting the seller to inform them of
our investigation. .......

Definitely worth an appeal - it is important that you state your problem is non-receipt of goods, not that you've changed your mind or have had to move on to alternative etc etc
Re: Dali Racing Strikes Again - LONG!

Never had probs with MJ. I even received expensive goods +1000$ even before I payed.
Dali Racing Makes Amends

Just an FYI, so PLEASE, no replies are expected/requested.

This afternoon, May 8, 2005, at approximately 12:10PM Central time, Mark Johnson at Dali Racing refunded the exact amount in request of my non-shipped item from this original post on April 24, 2005.

PayPal states it will take 3-5 business days for the payment to clear.
Re: Dali Racing Makes Amends

SamBel said:
Just an FYI, so PLEASE, no replies are expected/requested.

This afternoon, May 8, 2005, at approximately 12:10PM Central time, Mark Johnson at Dali Racing refunded the exact amount in request of my non-shipped item from this original post on April 24, 2005.

PayPal states it will take 3-5 business days for the payment to clear.

bump for recognition factor.
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