Well, first, my hats off to Worldsport for diversifying his/her taste in automobiles. If any of you have ever driven a Lambo, there is surely nothing like it and even if it doesn't look so hot on paper, your head (at least not the bigger one) is never the part of your anatomy that yields a Lambo purchase.
I have to back to your original comment Worldsport, "I make purchases based on what a car does for me", OK, well, what do you want this car to "do for you". If you want hordes of women (16-60) to line up around your car everytime you park it somewhere just waiting for you to come back out, then it is a good car for that. If you want 10 year old boys to run thier bikes into trees when you drive by, it is also good for that too. If you want every guy with something to prove to try and race you when you are driving, challenge you when you are stopped, and key your car when you are no where in sight, then it is good for that too.
Oh, yeah, it will also do over 210 mph, go 1,320 ft in less time than you can say "Oh my God what the hell did I buy this car for" and drive you to drink, go bankrupt and beat your dog when the thing breaks down. And that is just all the good parts of it.
While I have always had something better to do with $200K+, I did originally have my money down on a 1999 Ferrari 355 and then decided to buy the NSX because it was hands down a better car. But, you already own one, so you know that. My biggest problem is that I have owned 8 cars in the last 5 years looking for the ultimate ride and I finally found it in the NSX. While it could be a little faster, it is fast enough. While it could be a little better known by the general public at least people leave me alone. And most of the challenges at stop lights are from Integra Owners that just need to be taught a lesson.
My sense is that Worldsport, unless you are looking for what the Lambo can give you, then you and your money would be happier somewhere else. I agree that the Ferrari 360 is a fantastic automobile and worthy of your consideration. Wait a few and get the AWESOME new spyder with the F1 transmission. It is a killer! For now, I will keep on loving my NSX.
Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black