EuroSunday Fresno / Area 2008

5 June 2007
EuroSunday Fresno / Area 2008

EuroSunday© Fresno is open to the community and local car clubs. The original event was ignited by some local Sacramento Ferrari owners and has grown to include all types of European vehicles and many different locations. The event has a wide range of cars and motorcycles from the classic Morgan, MG, Ducati, Aston Martin, and Fiat all the way to the Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Ford GT. EuroSunday is geared towards the super, exotic, rare, and vintage vehicles. These events give the owners a venue to share their cars and motorcycles with those who rarely see such vehicles on the road. We welcome all enthusiasts no matter what they drive (Euro or not) to come out and participate. This is an open invitation to all who can respect the location, the attendees, the vehicles, our codes of conduct, and the law.

There is NO cost and NO rsvp needed for the event.

The event is on the 1st Sunday of each month.
For full details or to be added to the email list please visit or website at:
The first event for EuroSunday Fresno will be 4/6/08. There is no event this weekend.
Please make sure to check the website for all current info regarding the event.
This is a reminder that this weekend is the first EuroSunday event for Fresno and the central CA valley. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Please remember to bring a 2 way radio if you wish to go on the drive after the event. All details on the drive and the lunch destination will be given at the event.

For those who wish to form a breakfast club for Fresno. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.
When - 6:00am - 7:30 with some "spirited driving" to the event
Where - Denny's Restaurant at 30 E Herndon Ave, Fresno, CA

If no one RSVPs I will not be there and will see everyone at the event.

Hello Everyone,

Well, the first EuroSunday Fresno is now in the books. The day started off at 6:30 a.m. with a few diehards meeting up for the breakfast club. A Triumph, Pantera, and a BMW M3 made up the early morning car caravan to Bentley’s Fresh Market after some fun conversations about EuroSunday and other car related topics.

Upon arriving at Bentley’s we were given 25 parking spots, with know one knowing what to expect. The 25 designated spots were gone in a matter of minutes, due to the wonderful turn out. The limited parking lead to some interesting parking issues as we had to park the cars in a fashion differently than the traditional EuroSunday format, but we made it work. The traditional EuroSunday format consists of having the exotic, rare, and vintage cars showcased up front. Instead we had a inter mingling of cars parking together which still turned out to be a great mix of different marquees and models.

The cars that showed were absolutely amazing. A few members of the British car club were out in their stunning E type Jags, several Aston Martin’s, Lotus Elise’s, and a beautiful collection of other British makes. The Ford GT and Vipers showed up in force to the event along with multiple Ferraris. The amazing Ferrari turn out ranged from F430’s, F360’s, and 308’s just to name a few. A group from San Jose showed up just in time for the drive in their F360, Testarossa, and 308. Several BMW’s and VW’s were in attendance and we had a great showing by the local NSX guys. A Lamborghini Murcielago snuck in later at the event along with a few Porsches and a great variety of other Euro makes. We counted about 100 cars on the days tally for the show part of the EuroSunday event.

The drive after the event had a wonderful turn out, with about 30 cars going on the drive we weaved our way back through the hills behind Fresno. The group got a little thinned out, but everyone had a great time on some good roads. The after the event lunch at Daily Grill was the largest group ever for a EuroSunday event with about 50 people present, everyone chatted and had great conversation about the cars and the days event.

With the first event in the books and with such a wonderful turn out we look forward to seeing our new friends out at the next EuroSunday, and look forward to watching the continual growth among the new EuroSunday Fresno family.

EuroSunday features a car or bike to be the car/bike of the month. This month we chose Troy and his beautiful wide body 356 Porsche.
For full details click on the car of the month section on the main page.


To see pictures of the event please got to

See our new site layout at: Website Detail on the event have been moved to the events section.
Parking map:
Face Book





This is a reminder that the Next EuroSunday is this Sunday 05/4/2008
Bentley's Fresh Market - 9439 N Fort Washington Road, Fresno, CA, 93720 - map it
8:00am - 10:30am - Drive following event and lunch at Bentley's

Please remember to spread the word.

See you Sunday
Next Event:

Next EuroSunday©: 06/1/2008
Location to be determined
8:00am - 10:30am - Drive following event
EuroSunday Fresno Recap:

Fresno is quite frankly one of the scariest EuroSunday events I have been to so far. Now think about what I am saying for a minute. With 4 Ford GTs and close to 10 Dodge Vipers in attendance there was an abundance of horsepower. But with Whipple Supercharger being a local Fresno company, many of these freakishly fast cars were sporting 200 or even 300 extra horsepower. That means some of these cars were making close to 800 brake horsepower. While there was a plethora of events going on around California such as the Ferrari races at Infineon, the turn out for EuroSunday was still healthy with close to 75 cars.

Among these 75 cars there was a handful of diversity. Everything from the Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen, Austin Heeley, MG, Mini, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bentley, and BMW made a showing. At one point during the event a gentleman with a Orange Lamborghini Diablo showed up and I asked the guy if he was here for EuroSunday. His response was not what I expected, “who are you and what is EuroSunday?” Turns out he was stopping for coffee, but instead I got to sell this guy something even more addictive. He was hooked! It seems while Fresno is one of the smallest cities we host an event in, it generates some of the most powerful and most beautiful cars EuroSunday has.

Right on schedule the group rolled out for an 86 mile journey up through the foothills. We headed up towards Squaw Valley and hooked a left down Elmwood Rd. Now I am not sure about you, but I felt like a heard of cattle with the number of cattle guards on the road. One Lotus fell victim with his exhaust system taking a severe blow, but after some side-of-the-road manipulation he was back up and rolling. Shortly, the group rolled back into Bentley’s Fresh Market to chow down on some great food. While it may have marked the end of EuroSunday Fresno for May, I can tell you I am already looking forward to the event next month.


Event Images Fresno:







More images:

- We need pictures for our 2009 Calendar. Please submit several hi-resolution photos of your car(s) to [email protected].

- Those of you who wish to be part of the EuroSunday photo shoot in Sacramento please also email [email protected] if you are interested.

- Mark your calendars for the weekend of September 27-28 for the Red Baron Ball and Rally 4 Kids benefitting the Sacramento Child Advocates

- If you have friends in any of the EuroSunday cities we are opening up, please let them know and tell them to check out our website.

Site Updates:

Web Store will be opening soon.

Images for Fresno have been uploaded.

Please submit links to your images to [email protected]

Life style lingo page is now being populated.Take a moment to see what is there and help us fill in the blanks.
Too bad the event wasn't this weekend or else maybe I would have driven my car up there.

First time I'll be in Fresno checking it out.
Next EuroSunday©: 07/06/2008
Bentley's- 9439 N Fort Washington Road, Fresno, CA, 93720
8:00am - 10:30am - Drive following event

Drive will leave at 10:15am and return back to Bentley's for lunch around 12:30
We hope everyone out there had a safe and happy 4th of July.


Next EuroSunday©: 07/06/2008

Bentley's- 9439 N Fort Washington Road, Fresno, CA, 93720

8:00am - 10:30am - Drive following event and lunch at Bentley's after the drive.

Spread the word.

Next EuroSunday©: 08/03/2008
Bentley's- 9439 N Fort Washington Road, Fresno, CA, 93720
8:00am - 10:30am - Show and Shine
Drive and lunch after the event at Ducey’s Lakeside Grill
This is a reminder that the last EuroSunday event for 2008 is this Sunday 11/02/2008

Bentley's Market - 9439 N Fort Washington Road, Fresno, CA, 93720
8:00am - 10:30am - Show and Shine
Drive and lunch after the event weather permitting.

If you have been meaning to come to a EuroSunday event here is your last chance until the 2009 season starts.