Ever spotted another NSX while driving yours?

I've seen about 9 NSXes in the past year or so while driving mine. Saw Brian (bnesse) twice. Once going in the same direction and passing the car in the middle lane at the same time (I passed on the left and Brian passed on the right to turn into the parking lot at his work. The driver did a double take, because bnesse and I have a spa yellow NSX. Not too often a person gets passed by 2 yellow NSXes at the same time. The second time was in opposite directions, and we waved. Also saw Vincent (EndLess) twice, but I think he only saw me once.
I will drive Michigan for over a year, northwest Ohio, too, and never see another NSX "in the wild". Here it is always about USA muscle.
But sure agree with you when two NSX's tour together, as we did last weekend in NW Ohio. Lots of rubberneckers, probably seeking their chiro's attention on Monday morning!
I rarely see another NSX in town. However, I think people mistaken my Red NSX as a Corvette or something. Every time I see a Corvette going the opposite direction, they always wave at me:confused: :confused:
The funny thing about this topic is that I have almost always been in a different car on the few occasions that I have seen another NSX on the road. What is even more amazing is that I drive my NSX daily, and on the rare occasion am I driving anything else, those rare times are when I see an NSX on the road. LOL! :frown:
pretty much everyday you can see atleast one other nsx around here.....

there are 2 or 3 for sale out on used car lots also...

not that *special* around here it seems...:frown:
every time i see another NSX, i scream to myself 'there can be... only ONE!' and try to run them off the road =p HAHAHAH
I've had my black 98 for about a year. I live in Chattanooga, TN and have only seen a red NSX going down the freeway once. The first week I had mine I saw another black NSX at the same intersection. Turns out, my mechanic told me that owner lives within a mile or so from me! I have seen it only one other time.
I'm still waiting for my first encounter. :frown:

Amazing, just hours after saying this last night, I had my first encounter (3 hours ago now). Mind you, this is after two years of driving the NSX. I merged from a rest area onto the parkway, and realized a red '91-94 NSX had just blown by. I pulled along side and we exchanged waves and enthusiastic grins. Then he exited :( I was hoping for a mini NSX caravan, but it was still cool! Funny it was right after posting in this thread. :cool:
I had only seen one in atlanta the 9 yrs I have been here. Then I bought my first a year ago and have now seen 4 why not in mine and 3 while in mine........Seem like allot of Nsxes are coming to the ATL...........but on any given night in the buckhead area---You can see Bent, Lambo, Fer, Mase, etc................
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I did once. It disrupted the entire space time continuum.

Saw a red one on the 101 between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Honked, waved and passed it. Saw a white one about the second day I moved back to San Francisco. We were going in oposite directions and waved to one another.

On the other hand...

We had a Bay Area meeting and there was 19 of us that attended. We all pulled on the 101 at the same time. There were NSXs all over the place. They were on either side of me, behind me, in front of me. It was a FANTASTIC site.:biggrin: :biggrin:
I've seen 3 over the last 11 years while in mine:

The first was a Sebring Silver and we were on opposite sides of a traffic light - just a casual wave.

The second was a black one where we were both at the dealer at the same time - chatted with him the entire time we were there.

The most recent (even though it was over 4 years ago) was a Spa Yellow on 95 heading north into Baltimore. We were in gridlock and side-by-side for a good 45 minutes. We only chatted for a few seconds because his NSX was gorgeous and mine was bone stock...I was feeling a bit inferior, heh. :redface:

And I've even taken photos of such encounters while driving mine. :eek:


Seriously, I do see NSXs almost daily around here. Usually one drives in the opposite direction on the 405 during my morning commute. I don't drive my NSX daily, so such encounters aren't as frequent as you might expect...but I still smile and wave when they happen.
On 2 different occasions but both times I couldn't catch up with them:frown: It is so nice to be in So Cal where you can meet dozens of NSX owners and drive together. Looking forward to the next Canyon Run!
I have seen them alot. the last one I have seen was last weekend I was turning right to Vons he was on a red NSX black top. I have seen im befor but Its always when I am in my dayly driver.
NO! Ugh, I live in Los Angeles... NSX capital of the united states. The only time i see them driving is when I attend meets. I see them quite frequently when I'm driving my Accord tho (which is much less than my NSX). Lamee!
NO! Ugh, I live in Los Angeles... NSX capital of the united states. The only time i see them driving is when I attend meets.

How can you live in Torrance and not encounter NSXs while driving around?
I used to think the same way living outside Corpus Christi, TX. Then I saw a couple other NSXs and we all worked with the Navy. The other owners as best as I know are Navy Pilots. As from this forum, many pilots are NSX owners. Perhaps a common point with Pensacola.

Now that I live across the bay from Seattle, I've seen another NSX on the road a couple of times, 1 red and 1 yellow. But neither are local to the county.


Navy, Pilot (RIO), Pensacola (Perdido Key...you may have a point!
A few times in Miami. By far the coolest time was driving to work along city streets in downtown Miami when I caught up to *another* Silverstone 02+. We drove side by side a mile or so. Driving in and NSX, next to an NSX, is an awesome feeling!!
Twice... Once in santa ana on euclid (red na1), and one on HWY 73 (silver na1).

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Navy, Pilot (RIO), Pensacola (Perdido Key...you may have a point!
I was in teh Navy and I had an NSX at the time! Whoo hoo... not a pilot though =[

How can you live in Torrance and not encounter NSXs while driving around?
Hahaha, I know right? One day... I hear people see you on the streets quite often.. maybe I'll catch you on Hawthorne. I've seem more VEYRONS in my nsx than NSXs. Isn't that weird? (2)