Forum language

9 December 2002
Buehlertal, Germany
Just a friendly request: When you post something and expect an answer or help from members of the whole community you may use the most proper english that you can without slang talk or abbreviations (which were recently used in some posts). This makes it a lot easier for members whose 1st language is not english to understand the post and to answer.

Just think of it vice versa: If this board would be german because most of the NSXs sold in the world were in Germany (little joke) and you want to participate as a U.S. or U.K. member, how far would you come with your german knowledge, especialy when some weird germans use dialect words or abbreviations? I bet some of these posts would be impossible for you to read.

And that's the case for me sometimes here (and of course I don't speak of common sense abbreviations like AFAIK, rpm etc.).

OTOH: I know that the people on this board are angels compared to other boards regarding language and signature length - example :biggrin:
That is a very astute observation. I always appreciate when people use proper english on any forum. This one is indeed much better than other sites.
I find it hard to read posts with all kinds of abbreviations and slang - on a whole different level it may contribute to the decay of civilized society and their ability to communicate with one another. Oh well, enough from me.....
I'm a little bothered by some new posters blasting the F word (not scuderia) as well as other choice expletives,cheezy imo.
Actually, I have always believed there is a direct correlation between the language one uses and their IQ......or lack thereof.

It seems a lot of the people who use these words, seemingly in every sentence, just do not know any other words - they are basically illiterate. I feel sorry for them because they have never made the connection between their language and their station in life. :eek:
Words are the tools of thought :wink:
I am so glad that someone else has opened up this can of worms. It has always bothered me also when people feel the need to use vulgar language to express their feelings. If put in the proper manner, any intelligent person reading will be able to grasp what the post says and feel the emotions.
I am very careful to make sure all of my posts are spelled correctly. I hate it when words are spelled incorrectly and you have to sit and try to figure out just what exactly they are asking or saying.
As for as the internet abbreviations go, I don't care much for them either. When you are talking to someone face to face you don't use them so why use them here and make us have to think about what they stand for. Now of course there are the ones that 99% of the population is used to seeing as stated in the opening thread, but some people do take it to extremes.
i 40p3 u D0nt M1nD 733T Sp33k :biggrin:
92NSX said:
I am so glad that someone else has opened up this can of worms. It has always bothered me also when people feel the need to use vulgar language to express their feelings. If put in the proper manner, any intelligent person reading will be able to grasp what the post says and feel the emotions.
I am very careful to make sure all of my posts are spelled correctly. I hate it when words are spelled correctly and you have to sit and try to figure out just what exactly they are asking or saying.
As for as the internet abbreviations go, I don't care much for them either. When you are talking to someone face to face you don't use them so why use them here and make us have to think about what they stand for. Now of course there are the ones that 99% of the population is used to seeing as stated in the opening thread, but some people do take it to extremes.
Do you mean spelled incorrectly?
Whenevery you are offended by something truly vulgar - granted, there are varying degrees of vulgarity, but I suspect most of us would agree that the "F word" qualifies - you can always contact the site owner and let him know. In most cases, I bet he would be happy to remove the offending word(s) or post(s).

NSX-Racer said:
Just a friendly request: When you post something and expect an answer or help from members of the whole community you may use the most proper english that you can without slang talk or abbreviations (which were recently used in some posts). This makes it a lot easier for members whose 1st language is not english to understand the post and to answer.
Since you wish that we should avoid the use of abbreviations, perhaps that last sentence should mention "first language" instead of "1st language"... :D
There are many reasons why people use vulgar language. I was once translating a German comic strip for a friend; I rendered the line "Bin doch nicht bescheuert." as "I'm not f___ing crazy." English just doesn't have a good non-vulgar intensifier like the German doch.

Even so, I avoid coarse language on Prime and in other situations where it isn't appropriate.
Interresting,and we all know what bulls out to stud do all day :wink: At least they are doing it while the rest of us just talk about it :tongue:
We europeen people got to know the f-word from american films... We heard it that much that we took it over and started using it ourselves a lot here. One thing was very weird tho, when I visit the states, and mistakenly use the f-word.... Oh man, you can get killed for saying it over at your place, and it originates from YOU !!! Whgen the f-word is used in a song in the states it's 'beeped' over, we can here it without a problem. By the way, I'm using this expression 'F-WORD' because this is an american site, if it would be a Belgian site the title would be : "plse don't use FUCK anymore in sentences on this board".
Tom239 said:
Which F-word is suggested by "scuderia" depends on whether you're a car enthusiast.

That is, "scuderia" means "stud farm".

no, it just means 'stable'?? Where did you get that info?
nsxtasy said:
Whenevery you are offended by something truly vulgar - granted, there are varying degrees of vulgarity, but I suspect most of us would agree that the "F word" qualifies - you can always contact the site owner and let him know. In most cases, I bet he would be happy to remove the offending word(s) or post(s).
A search shows that there are 63 topics containing that word (or variations, found by using the wild card form "f---*" in the search).
Cairo94507 said:
Actually, I have always believed there is a direct correlation between the language one uses and their IQ......or lack thereof.

It seems a lot of the people who use these words, seemingly in every sentence, just do not know any other words - they are basically illiterate. I feel sorry for them because they have never made the connection between their language and their station in life. :eek:

Cursing like a sailor hasn't seemed to slow down the earning potential of Jesse James, Paul Tuttle, or just about any rapper. Same goes for being covered with Tattoos.

I have found people who are more likely to swear freely are speaking straight up what they really feel and not sugar coating what they really think. People with a vast vocabulary are more likely IMO to mask what they really feel with a bunch of useless words.

I admire people like Jesse James who breaks all the "rules" of society and still manages to be successful.

I curse freely in everyday life but keep it to a minimum on Prime because I know it offends Prime members. Then again, WTF do I know? :biggrin:
But all of your examples are of celebrities,and involve arts and entertainment.Thats not real everyday,mainstream life.I curse like a trouper too,but only to friends and family,those close to me as I'm sure many of us do.I would'nt walk into my bank or doctors office and use that language nor would I use it around youngsters.There is a level of self controll I hope we can support on prime that reflects the broad scope of it's inhabitants,some friends,and some only internet aquantainces.
docjohn said:
But all of your examples are of celebrities,and involve arts and entertainment.Thats not real everyday,mainstream life.I curse like a trouper too,but only to friends and family,those close to me as I'm sure many of us do.I would'nt walk into my bank or doctors office and use that language nor would I use it around youngsters.There is a level of self controll I hope we can support on prime that reflects the broad scope of it's inhabitants,some friends,and some only internet aquantainces.

There must have been a point where they weren't famous. It is pretty evident Jesse James or Paul Tuttle for example are now just the same as they were before they became famous. They don't give a rats @ss what anyone thinks of them, then or now. That is keeping it real IMO.

I agree that one has to control there language in public settings but not always. Just the other day I told a lawyer he charged way to much and he is a greedy Mother I could have sugar coated my thoughts and he would not have known how I really felt. Better yet he would not have lowered his bill either to reflect the true charges instead of the inflated/padded bill. By me getting in his face and letting him know how pissed I was and acting like a loose cannon helped him to make the right decision without me having to drag the situation out with pleasantries and paperwork.
steveny said:
Cursing like a sailor hasn't seemed to slow down the earning potential of Jesse James,
The only place I've ever seen/heard Jesse James talk is on Monster Garage and he doesn't do much swearing on that show. And yet somehow it's still him and it's a good show.

Swearing doesn't define who you are unless you're a really shallow person.

Also, I somehow doubt Jesse is the same person now that he's famous as he was when he was nobody. I offer up who he recently married as evidence... :)