Hello Vegas NSXers

21 August 2002
Boerne, TX
Hello Guys,

Wanted to check in and say hi, Sandra and I miss you guys. We keep updated on prime to what you guys have been up to. Wanted to share a quick pic of the upcoming addition to our family, less than a month away :eek:

Take care and keep in touch.

Nik and Sandra

Big congrats to you and Sandra!
Hope to se both of you and the new addition soon.

David D
At first when I saw the photo a I saw a very small NSX on a finger. Nice photo. The 3 of you are in for a long club drive. Waxing cars or cleaning butts, its' all the same movements. It will be a wonderful ride. We are looking forward to seeing your new family.

We miss you as well. Congratulations on the new family member! The only recent update is Ray moving back to LV in a month or so, other than that our group has been on the down-low lately. Virgil, Butch, Lance, and I go to C & C occasionally. Virgil and I also attend some "old school" Datsun meets. You are developing a nice Honda collection. Perhaps you could tell us more about the 600 roadster, how do you like it?

Thanks for the update!

Hey Nik, Is that your belly? ... Hi Sandra! Hope your prenatal visits have been unremarkable. Are you going with hypnosis for labor pain management?:rolleyes: Please share pics with your Vegas family!


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Congratulations! Better Sandra expecting than Nik going bald any day! We miss you guys and that wedding picture sure does bring back good memories. I've been MIA with the dog shows taking most of my time and we're out of town a lot. Will get back with the boys when the weather cools down later. We should do a big get together if you guys are ever back in town for a visit. Lotsa Love and Miss you guys!

Quick little update about Reese. She is doing great and growing fast. She parked her car next to the NSX ;) I know it's a Ferrari but they did not have a NSX edition. Take care.

Nik and Sandra
