Help....Factory CD install..........pls.

26 June 2000
Lauderdale by the Sea, FL, USA
I am about to receive the stock CD changer and plan to install it. However, I am confused. 1.) I don't see any place for the mounting bracket on the right side of trunk. 2.) The FAQ section here mentions that all NSX's are prewired but can't find wire. 3.) Mine is a 91 and it mentions that 92- 94 uses 'x' unit # but what about 91's; are they set up to accept it? 4.) Do I need to drill?????? I hope not!! Pls. help. I thought this would be a "plug-in" deal considering it's the stock NSX unit. Everybody talks about installing aftermarket changers and there's no info on stock install. I hope this means that it's so easy that it wasn't worthy of explanation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Pls. visit my site w/ lots of info and pics. It may take a bit to download but it's worth it, I hope @
Pull back the carpeting from the front wall (adjacent to the engine compartment) and you should see the cable.

The bracket comes with mounting instructions.

It is very easy.
This is a project that I tackled in my '94 a few months ago. Take your's not bad at all. The factory instructions are very good and thorough with lots of pictures to help you. The DIN cable that you're looking for is in the forward/drivers side corner of the trunk area. As Lud said, pull back the carpet and you will see a bundle of cables in that corner. There's one for the factory phone as well. The one for your changer is a ten pin DIN connection and the cable that will come with your bracket kit just plugs right in. Follow the instructions fromt there and you should have no trouble at all. If you do run into a snag, feel free to email's all still pretty fresh in my mind. Good luck!
PS If you've ever considered adding a "Smartenna", now is a great time to do it...while you've got the trunk apart.
Thanks for the help guys, but unfortunately I am not receiving any directions with my changer. I guess I'll have to guess where to install the bracket on the right. Just please tell me that I don't have to drill...

Pls. visit my site w/ lots of info and pics. It may take a bit to download but it's worth it, I hope @