High Mount LED Tail light doesn't light

28 December 2007
Hey Folks,

My car won't pass inspection because my high mount LED tail light isn't working.
I've removed it from the car and when I run 12 volts directly to it it's fine. I checked the power at the connector and I'm getting ~10.36 volts which is apparently not quite enough to turn it on. My regular brake lights are working fine and seem to be as bright as what you'd expect.

Any suggestions on how to find and fix this issue?

My 162,000 mile NSX is now just a garage queen since she's no longer legal. She's not very happy about that and neither am I.

Thanks very much!!
Thank you but I've checked the connection coming into there and its also ~10.4v with the brake lights on. Seems like the problem has to be before that but it goes into a wiring harness that I'm reluctant to tear apart...

Since you have a volt meter, check the voltage at the light connector but don't use the ground in the plug. Check between the battery in the plug and use a chassis ground for the other lead. See what voltage you have, sounds like you have a bad ground.

Thanks for the tips!
The problem turned out to be a bad connection in the connector under the spoiler.