How do you Remove the driver side panel

5 January 2003
Martinez,CA USA
1991 NSX: My driver window is not working very well. I wanted to see if I could fix it. Has anyone done this and how do you remove the side panel without damaging things?

Any information on fixing the window is also welcome. The motor will bring window down but I have to physically help the windowing when powering it in the up position.

Thanks so much.

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Search on this site for the factory service manual for sketches, and do a search for window regulator. You'll find countless threads.

There are 7 perimeter mounting screws hidden by the rubber seal. There are also 8 screws where the inside handle is located. They can be seen by sliding the small wedge shaped leather trim piece under the grab handle. It can be removed by sliding a couple of fingers under it and working it aft. Afte all the screws are removed, gently pull the upper trim pieces (by the outside door handle and the front edge. Then remove start working the panel out and up, carefully removing the 5 or 6 electrical connectors.

It comes out pretty easily. The window regulator may need rebuilding, or you may be able to grease the tracks to get some more life out of it.
