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I am running for president

It was meant to be a factious remark toward Obama’s “Change" Campaign :tongue: :wink: Define Change:confused:
I'm amazed as to how many people accept "Change" as if it is guaranteed to be positive...

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it... Barack Obama:rolleyes:

LOL I didn't hear that one.
You just won my vote! :biggrin: What about capital gains taxes?

5% flat tax on all transaction and they all happen on a debit card no cash. Cash is now worthless. There will be a deadline to deposit all cash into a bank after the deadline all deposits will be refused.

We will also be able to do away with the expense of the treasury.
5% flat tax on all transaction and they all happen on a debit card no cash. Cash is now worthless. There will be a deadline to deposit all cash into a bank after the deadline all deposits will be refused.

We will also be able to do away with the expense of the treasury.

That's like a 35% raise! lol, I really wish that would happen. All the nice homes I buy each year in taxes is retarded, and I live in a small 150k house.
You get my vote Steveny for President! :cool:
How you are planning to get the democrats and republicans to work together?

How do you plan on passing any bills if you do not have congress backing you?

What is your take on foreign policy and dealing with the oil crisis?

What do you plan to do with terrorism against the US? Like Al Qaida

What are you going to do about corporate america outsourcing all the jobs and how to create new jobs?

What are you going to do about global warming and do you believe in it?
Mr Steveny,
Question from Senator Quack, "What's you're position on lowering health insurance cost for small businesses? And a follow up, Sarah Jessica Parker, hot or not?"

Health insurance will be lower for everyone through everyone only paying for themselves. Rates will directly affect how many people are on your policy. Like having multiple cars your rates will decrease the more you have.

If you have 10 people on your policy it will be cheaper but not as it would be if you only have 2. Furthermore you won't be paying for anyone who doesn't have insurance so you should see your rates decrease substantially.

Hot in her only way. You have to admit she has a bit of style.
How you are planning to get the democrats and republicans to work together?
By taking away self interest. If neither side benefits from their decisions it will be much easier to establish an agreement. There will be no lobbying

How do you plan on passing any bills if you do not have congress backing you?
again there won't be any self interest. I will do my job and I will see to it congress does theirs in a timely fashion without benefiting monetarily from their decisions.

What is your take on foreign policy and dealing with the oil crisis?
All the troops will be brought back from overseas. Whatever problems they have over there are their problems not ours. We will be seizing oil equivalent to the amount of money we spent helping out over the last few years. If this is unacceptable to them we will pound the crap out of each person down the line until we find someone who accepts our plan. If need be we can blow the whole damn place up and take all the oil. If they would like us to stay and help out we can do that but expect a bill equal to the cost of doing so plus a reasonable profit. This bill can be paid in money or oil.
We are going to run this country like a profitable business and it's not a daycare business either!

What do you plan to do with terrorism against the US? Like Al Qaida
Every single individual who enters this country will be throughly screened to the point where it's a total PITA to enter the country easily. Pakistan will give up Bin Laden or we will drop a bomb on the whole damn place. If he is not in Pakistan then whoever is hiding him should give him up promptly after they see Pakistan flying through the air in pieces.

What are you going to do about corporate america outsourcing all the jobs and how to create new jobs?
They won't want to outsource because the cost of doing business here will be cheaper. 5% flat tax. cheaper health care. Fines for outsourcing. It just as much corporate Americas responsibility to help rebuild this country to what it once was as it is the governments. In fact it is everyones responsibility. There will be no more taking advantage of the system.

What are you going to do about global warming and do you believe in it?
I believe there is a lot of money to be made from it. Whoever believes in it can support. I believe in it, I don't believe in spending my money on it. I don't believe there is anything that can be done to stop it. I believe it's a natural progression of coming out of an ice age. I believe there are other problems more pressing to take care of in advance of spending money on something we most likely can not prevent.
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Never done coke never hired a hooker, willing to take a lie detector.

Said like a true politician. Answer the question and let us fill in the blank. Just messing w/ you Steve, but the way you answered was spun nicely. :biggrin::tongue:

I could be your VP. I have a couple of significant "Firsts" in my background. Hispanic, but white enough to not scare anybody. From a Southern State (Tx), but have lived around the western half of the US. Work for the Navy and have family in the service. Known as a visionary, but a little on the alternative side. Willing to grease palms when necessary.

I'd even register to vote if on the ticket.

There is no global warming committee until the national debt is paid off. No energy policy until the national debt is paid off. Probably won't be able to get anyone for the positions anyway since there is no way to receive a kickback through currency. Anyone receiving a kickback through other means such as gifts other than currency will be shot.

All speeding ticket revenue will fund road repairs. The funds collected will go into a federal national fund and divided up equally amongst all the UNITED STATES, not the divided states where your budget is funded through how many tickets a state writes. See... "United" means all together. There will be no direct benefit for the state, person, county, LEO, where the ticket was issued. All funds are collected Unitedly and divided the same.

Ok you are getting pretty in to this so I'll give you a couple to ponder.

What to do with illegal aliens? (easy, but you can answer yourself)
What to do with mexican border?
What drugs will be illegal and what do you do with the half million government employees currently working in drug enforcement?
What will be your political stance regarding the problem children, NK, China (not so much these days), Iran, and now Russia?
How will you fix our school system so it isn't a joke below the college level?
Ok you are getting pretty in to this so I'll give you a couple to ponder.?

What to do with illegal aliens? (easy, but you can answer yourself)
What to do with mexican border?
All illegal aliens will be deported. All troops will be brought back from overseas and set up along the boarder 20 feet apart with shoot to kill orders until a fence is built, then the soldiers will be spread out 100 feet apart.

What drugs will be illegal and what do you do with the half million government employees currently working in drug enforcement??
weed will be legal and taxed, 5% flat tax on all transactions. Remember no cash so even drug deals will happen on a debit card. I don't smoke weed but I do feel it's not harmful and it's not a gateway drug. Any addictive drugs will be illegal. The governmental employees can monitor the camera system that will be put in place to capture crimes.

What will be your political stance regarding the problem children, NK, China (not so much these days), Iran, and now Russia??
Undecided at this point. We have a lot of our own problems in this country to solve before we get involved outside the country. I am not going to mow my neighbors lawn when mine needs mowing. Given enough rope maybe they will hang themselves. We could allow them to thin each other out then take care of the problem when there is less people to resist.

How will you fix our school system so it isn't a joke below the college level?
Use the high school I went to as a template on how high schools should be. Remove liability on the schools part so students can be properly reprimanded when they don't comply. The worst the students grades the higher the school tax the parents pay. Attendance is also important so a student who does not attend will also cause the parents to pay more in school tax. Double the amount of truancy officers on staff.
A few follow to your answers from Senator Quack "You mention free health care and welfare programs will not be provided?, A large percentage of the homeless are mentally ill and incapable of holding jobs without professional help. What options will they have? and a second followup; Forcing all transactions to be moved debit cards give unfair guaranteed business to credit card companies and banks (Businesses currently pay to accept debt cards) . Will there be a government sponsored cashless transaction system?"
i dont know about homer simpson, im not for gay marrige.

just put me in your military sector and i will see to it that we end this terrorist BS once and for all, all that arent killed in battle will be "off'ed" after being questioned, and if binladen isnt killed during the persuit i will personaly shoot him in the face after getting him warmed up for death.

but i will oppose your "off'ing" really twisted criminals on ppv, i dont think we need to give the other twisted people in the world access to even more twisted content

look forward to seeing you in 2012 elections
What is your primary focus on the crap her in IRAQ and Afghanistan. How would you proceed on the transferring of military action, mass exodus and our homeland security and a "WHY" to that question.

Can you supply Grey Goose to everyone also to those who leave the plane and step back onto American soil.

Would you tap into our own oil sitting land and work with the protestors to make things right and understandable towards our pollution and global warming. Green Peace cooperation.

Could you have a huge tax break by iliminating the IRS and having some sort of redirection to our National Deficit.

I would like to never pay Taxas again. Can you make that happen. Yeah realistically.

What is your last name because if you can answer these I would like to know what the Presidents name would be! President Steveny doesn't sound right! LOL
A few follow to your answers from Senator Quack "You mention free health care and welfare programs will not be provided?, A large percentage of the homeless are mentally ill and incapable of holding jobs without professional help. What options will they have? and a second followup; Forcing all transactions to be moved debit cards give unfair guaranteed business to credit card companies and banks (Businesses currently pay to accept debt cards) . Will there be a government sponsored cashless transaction system?"

The mentally ill who are homeless, the really crazy ones will either have to be taken in by family or institutionalized. Hey if the family doesn't want then what makes the family think society does? Those institutions will produce street signs for the government to give out to cities, we won't be charging for the signs.

The debit card will be run by the government and there won't be any fee other than the 5% flat tax on every transaction.
What is your primary focus on the crap her in IRAQ and Afghanistan. How would you proceed on the transferring of military action, mass exodus and our homeland security and a "WHY" to that question.
My focus would be to withdrawl the troops as quickly as possible. Why? We should have never been there in the first place.

Can you supply Grey Goose to everyone also to those who leave the plane and step back onto American soil.
You can have anything you want all you have to do is pay for it, plus 5% tax.

Would you tap into our own oil sitting land and work with the protestors to make things right and understandable towards our pollution and global warming. Green Peace cooperation.
Well we will be taking the same amount of oil from Iraq equal to the amount of money we have spent in Iraq. That oil will be GIVEN FOR FREE to people who have paid taxes in the past. Taxes that went to support the war.While we are using up that oil we will get more wells on-line here in the US. Within 10 miles of all oil wells being built money will be allocated to assemble signs that say "proposed nuclear waste site" the protesters will be so busy marching by the sign they won't even see the oil wells go up.

Could you have a huge tax break by iliminating the IRS and having some sort of redirection to our National Deficit.
Yes, 5% flat tax on all transactions. It will generate more money than is currently collected. we will spend 20% less than what we collect. That 20% will go to pay down debt.

I would like to never pay Taxas again. Can you make that happen. Yeah realistically.
Sure, all you have to do is die or go to jail.

What is your last name because if you can answer these I would like to know what the Presidents name would be! President Steveny doesn't sound right! LOL
The campaign will be, President Prime.
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What is your stance on soylant green and post whoreing?