
17 January 2004
In process of buying a jet fighter warbird and keeping it in the Orlando, FL area. Offering rides to my friends at discount rates.

Prices start at $99.
Anyone intersted in flying at 250mph over the ocean or over the Orlando area?

Just let me know.
Orlando could be a great area to set up shop. Tons of tourist wanting to spend fist fulls of cash. I may look you up next time I am down that way. When are you planning on making the purchase?
If i go to Orlando this summer I'd do it in a heartbeat. :biggrin:

sounds like a blast..

Just show me the waiver that signs my life off to you and I'm ready to go!
The jet is a 1970 Iskra TS-11.
We are in negotiations now for the jet.

We hope to be up and running (flying) in June 2005.
I have the ATP rating and flown airliners and business jets for the past 21 years.

Looking forward to flying the jet warbird now.
We are patterning our flight pricing after the Richard Petty Driving Experience guidelines.

We are planning to offer the ultimate speed a jet fighter at near 500mph!!
I'll join the line for a ride in a fighter jet. Do I get to shoot any missles??
The aircraft is fully operational (including ejection seats) and has a non-working 23mm cannon. It is a true jet fighter from the Soviet Block countries. I do not know how to load a picture of the jet, but look up "TS-11 Jet" on a search engine to get a look at the jet.

It is a thirsty engine........uses 150 gal/hr at $4/gal = $600/hr in just fuel.
It is a ride of a lifetime.

We are planning to fly out of Kissimmee, FL and fly to the ocean to perform aerobatics.
Thanks for the link....good idea.

Yes...the jet has the same paint scheme as the one we are trying to acquire.
You take off and land at over 100mph and fly at 350mph and capable of almost 500 mph.

Talk about need for speed........this will give it to you!
wow..thatd be awsome! id def do it! keep me informed, good luck! great idea :smile:
i live in orlando! sign me up.. do i get a discount if i go more than once and invite friends? :biggrin:
check out the website:

Pictures of the jet are featured too.
This jet burns 200 gal/ will only charge my friends the price to cover fuel.

Biggest discount I can offer is for you to just pay fuel... because I must cover insurance, maintenance, parts, etc. My operating costs are around $1,700./hr.

The jet is due out of maintenance and to be ready to fly in August. Need you to get on the list of preferred pilots on the website by filling out the reservation form under "contact us"

Let's go fly FAST!!
We are planning to install video cameras that show the cockpit, the instrument panel, and one in the nose of the jet...showing terrain and speed.

The jet has "hot" ejection let's hope you don't need a flotation device.
Here's a picture

I will be back in Orlando in Nov for 10 days, I def want some seat time,
Got my Pilots license in Fl in '89. I may have to come down pre november just for this.
How do We get our name on THE LIST?
Mike Fitzpatrick
[email protected]
Hey FeetFxr...

Thanks for posting the actual picture for others to see.
We have several people sign up this week.

It is best to go to our website: and sign up under the "contact us" section, so we can keep tabs on who wants to fly with us.

Thanks....and good idea about rewarding your staff with a once-in-a-lifetime jet fighter ride!
Rad NSX said:
Hey FeetFxr...

Thanks for posting the actual picture for others to see.
We have several people sign up this week.

It is best to go to our website: and sign up under the "contact us" section, so we can keep tabs on who wants to fly with us.

Thanks....and good idea about rewarding your staff with a once-in-a-lifetime jet fighter ride!

I assume you meant
From the site:

"The negotiations were unsuccessful and the development of the Iskra was slowed, awaiting the production of a suitable Polish engine"

Was a hampster in a wheel just not cutting it?

Sorry, I am Polish and can't resist a good Polock joke....

Seriously, I am in the Daytona area and would definatley be up for it. At 6'4", can I fit in the thing?