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Just bought an NSX after 4 MR2s

NoSeX said:
Hi! Folks I just wanted to introduce myself to the community. My name is Atif and I just turned 25 a few days back. Got my 92 NSX at 24 ;)
How u may ask well im self employed

I hate to depart from my Mr2 turbo (much faster then my NSX) but the class you get from this will make u forget speed.

Anyways any advice for the new owner.

Congrats, and many will not be fazed by the age and your purchase. There are a lot of people in your age bracket that own the NSX, many of them post here.
Nice choice in cars. I would just go check out the FAQs and read the forums that interest you the most.

Also: Change you Name from NoSex to Much Sex, well maybe anyway..
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I concur. NoSeX would be the last thing I would want to be known for. :biggrin:
NoSeX said:
Got my 92 NSX at 24 ;)
How u may ask well im self employed

I hate to depart from my Mr2 turbo (much faster then my NSX) but the class you get from this will make u forget speed.

Anyways any advice for the new owner.
Sure, if your MR2 is "much faster" than your NSX, then there must be something wrong with your NSX. Maybe you want to get it checked out. :biggrin:
I don't think "class" comes with the NSX at all. It is from how you carry yourself.
Enjoy your NSX.
Congrats. I'm an ex-MR2 owner myself, it's quite a nice little car and the turbo versions are very quick. I always felt like it was a 3/4 scale NSX.

Well it's about time you got an NSX. Now you own a real Japanese mid engine sports car.

By the way, I hope you are not expecting the NSX to get you laid. Good luck and congrats!
NoSeX said:
...I hate to depart from my Mr2 turbo (much faster then my NSX) ...
:eek: OMG you must have had that MR2 Turbo seriously modified!!!

I have never seen such a thing... Are you sure it was actually "much faster" or is it because it felt "much faster".?? :confused:

either way, congratulations and welcome to THE club.... :biggrin:
Normally I just laught at posts like this and move on, but I feel compelled to comment.

You're 25 and you just got an NSX. What does it matter how old you are, what are you trying to do, impress the board. And by the way, what is your point about the MR2, it is as if you are crapping on the NSX by saying your MR2 was faster.

Why didn't you just keep the MR2?

Here's the deal, enjoy your car, tell us about all the accolades, but, leave your personal details to yourself. This discussion board is full of people that make more money than you, have accomplished more than you and more educated than you,but they don't need to point it out.
Congratulations on the NSX, I am sure you will enjoy it.

NoSeX said:
How u may ask well im self employed...<snip>
Most of us have figured out how to pay for an NSX by now. We've also figured out how to spell and use capitalization/punctuation.

NoSeX said:
...Anyways any advice for the new owner.
Enjoy the car!
Read the FAQ.
Make sure the maintenance on your car is up to date.
A little more humility will get you a lot further here.
Everyone loves NSX pictures.
I hate to say it, but as of late this forum has not been very tolerant of individuals whose communication skills are lacking.

When did we become militant grammarians?

Have we no room for those who are not the masters of language some of us are privileged to be? I make my bones on my ability to communicate, but many do not.

I know that there is often a correlation between immature expression and less than exemplary communication skills, but I think the reaction of some members is only making the situation worse.

I can only think of the exotic car owner's code of conduct and whether we are living up to it, myself included. I do not pretend to be immune from pointing out spelling or other errors to undermine a post I find to be offensive.
You are probably right.

2 of my pet peeves are 'holier than thou' attitudes and people who don't at least try to express themselves clearly. People that I respect the most (through accomplishments, wisdom, virtue, generousity etc) tend to be the most down to earth and wonderful people. That is one thing I love about this board, it is as much (to me) about the people as the cars. Personally, I can't spell for sh*t. But I DO try to make my point clearly, because thoughts seem to be that much harder to convey on a website.

I guess I get a little itchy on the trigger finger towards NoSeX, but for some reason the 'tone' of the first line is what set me off. I got a very 'you guys are lucky to have me here' Supra forums type of feel and might have over-reacted. Better just to fight the urge to post and move on I suppose.
How u may ask well im self employed

Hah.. I should be one of the last members to post regarding punctuation and spelling, but I found the following comics on the subject rather amusing while addressing the decay of the English language online. :)

Disclaimer: There are some expletives used if you are not a fan of the vernacular.

We're here to help!

Mr. Period Returns!

The Bad Boys of Punctuation

In any case, welcome to the wonderful world of the NSX and enjoy! :D
Gotta watch some of these guys! They are even tough on their own.

I am impressed with your ability to purchase an NSX at such a young age. It is something to be proud of (unless u r homeless, live in ur mom's basement and work at the local popeyes :tongue: )

And to those of u that flamed him, I believe that is all he was expressing in his post. Since when did it become a sin to be proud of your accomplishments.

I have found that when people flame one for simply expressing their happiness with themselves and their new purchase it is because of some type of jealousy. The folks that wish they could have afforded an NSX at 25, or regret not buying one so young, or some other hang up! Folks that r comfortable with themselves and their choices in live typically share the young mans happiness and give praise.

I for one wish I had the extra $ at 25 to buy an NSX, but I was too busy buying a family vehicle for my first son. This doesn’t stop me from saying Congrats to NoSeX on his purchase.

Now to address ur name choice...... NO SEX!!! :eek: at 25 that shouldn't be an issue. maybe the car shouldn't be ur real concern :biggrin: :biggrin: Insight, viagra, Ginkgo??!?
Brocz said:
Normally I just laught at posts like this and move on, but I feel compelled to comment.

You're 25 and you just got an NSX. What does it matter how old you are, what are you trying to do, impress the board. And by the way, what is your point about the MR2, it is as if you are crapping on the NSX by saying your MR2 was faster.

Why didn't you just keep the MR2?

Here's the deal, enjoy your car, tell us about all the accolades, but, leave your personal details to yourself. This discussion board is full of people that make more money than you, have accomplished more than you and more educated than you,but they don't need to point it out.


Welcome dude.

pardon this dude.
NoSeX said:
Hi! Folks I just wanted to introduce myself to the community. My name is Atif and I just turned 25 a few days back. Got my 92 NSX at 24 ;)
How u may ask well im self employed

I hate to depart from my Mr2 turbo (much faster then my NSX) but the class you get from this will make u forget speed.

Anyways any advice for the new owner.

I think I bought mine when I was 23 :tongue: Just kidding around, enjoy your car and have fun
Brocz said:
Normally I just laught at posts like this and move on, but I feel compelled to comment.

You're 25 and you just got an NSX. What does it matter how old you are, what are you trying to do, impress the board. And by the way, what is your point about the MR2, it is as if you are crapping on the NSX by saying your MR2 was faster.

Why didn't you just keep the MR2?

Here's the deal, enjoy your car, tell us about all the accolades, but, leave your personal details to yourself. This discussion board is full of people that make more money than you, have accomplished more than you and more educated than you,but they don't need to point it out.

I couldn't have said it any better myself!
I figured I would raise the ire of some on the board with my post, but it needed to be done. Kind of a soft reset if you will.

I personally don't think anyone cares how old you are when you buy your NSX, it just doesn't matter. Should I be impressed that a 25 year old bought an NSX? No, for all we know he's a trust fund baby, or has his own business because his parent, friend, relative gave it to him. And again, whether these are true or not, dosesn't matter either.

My point is that this is NSX PRIME, we are here to discuss the car, not your pride.

brahtw8 said:
I hate to say it, but as of late this forum has not been very tolerant of individuals whose communication skills are lacking.

When did we become militant grammarians?

Have we no room for those who are not the masters of language some of us are privileged to be?
I think you're totally missing the point. The point is that there is a difference between those who are ABLE to use proper English, but CHOOSE not to do so, versus those who don't have the communications skills to do so.

My criticism of those who use abbreviations found in chatrooms frequented by teenagers, such as "u" and "ur", has nothing to do with "lacking communication skills". People who use these abbreviations are almost always capable of spelling properly; they just choose not to do so. It makes their posts difficult to read, and makes people less likely to bother trying to understand what they are saying, because the misspellings are such a distraction from whatever point they are trying to make. Plus, it makes them sound like they are, well, juveniles, because that's the group among whom such "chatspeak" is popular. I doubt that people actually WANT to sound like they're twelve years old, or that people WANT others to skip over their posts because they are difficult to read; they simply don't realize that this is how they are coming across to others in this electronic forum, where proper English (rather than chatspeak) is usually practiced.

Granted, there are others who don't have the communication skills to spell correctly and use proper grammar all the time. But the most common reason for doing so (at least, here on NSXprime) is that some of us, here, grew up with a native language other than English, and English is our second (or third or more) language. It is often fairly easy to tell these folks apart, based on any errors they make; for example, they do NOT use the teenage chatspeak abbreviations. And these latter folks deserve our utmost respect; being able to converse and communicate in more than one language (even with the occasional spelling/grammar flaw) is a significant achievement, and those who are able to do so should be highly proud.
nsxtasy said:
I think you're totally missing the point. The point is that there is a difference between those who are ABLE to use proper English, but CHOOSE not to do so, versus those who don't have the communications skills to do so.

That is an incorrect assumption. There is no single point to be made. You have a point to make, fine, but don't sh!t on mine.
black350zwidebody said:
Gotta watch some of these guys! They are even tough on their own.

You should have been here 4 years ago, the newer members on this board are a lot "nicer" compared to the previous generation of long time members/posters :wink:.

NoSeX, welcome aboard, check the FAQ's and you will find wealth of info on the NSX and yes I agree with the others, your occupation/age should be kept privately rather than boast it .