Kids Day at Watkins Glen International

25 December 2001
Bedford Hills, NY , USA
My Fellow NSX owners:
Every Year for the past decade, Trackmasters has held "Kids Day" at Watkins Glen International. This year it's Thursday July 25th. Let me give you a little background if you haven't heard of this program.
Trackmasters and WGI will allow non racers to take touring laps (60MPH limit) from 11:00AM to noon.Children from Camp Good Days
are bused to the track and given rides in the attending cars.What makes this so special is that these children are recovering from Cancer and if you want to have a good feeling about something in this crazy world, this is it...
You can even bring your child or girlfriend and give them rides after the Good Days kids
are finished.A pizza lunch is provided for all drivers at the Glen Club and you'll be able to sample the track that will be used for NSXPO 2004.Helmets are not required for this program.
The cost is $75.00 per car and $15.00 additional if you want to bring a passenger.
All the money raised goes to Camp Good Days and it's a really good cause.
Last year six NSX's attended. I would like to double or triple that number this year.
You can mail your checks to me:
Peter Mills
60 Cottage Terrace
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

or register on line at
I hope to see many of you there,
Peter Mills