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Lost churches in New Orleans

deedubb said:
Yes I remember that. That Jack in the crack building is now a wok and roll.

That Wok and roll rocks:biggrin: too bad this thread Sucks.:mad:

It really has become a joke of a thread from a simple joke, seems to me every one should lighten up JUST A BIT

Just my .02
Re: No Taste

I. There are two really big fields locally that have a reported 50000 flooded cars on them, truly a sight to see in person.

Would you please take a few pic's and post them? I would love to see pictures of all those cars in one place

Where are they located? I could use some cheap used cars:wink:

Re: No Taste

vintagecarman said:
Would you please take a few pic's and post them? I would love to see pictures of all those cars in one place

Where are they located? I could use some cheap used cars:wink:

I am definetly taking pics of all of the crazy things around here, like the huge casino's that floated up on the hwy and the fields of flooded cars. Those are both crazy sights. I will try to get pics tomorrow if I can break away from work. I was told by someone working for the salvage company in charge of the operation that every car that was flooded by Katrina and covered by insurance will be crushed no matter what the condition!!! This is to keep any chance of flood damaged cars from being fixed and sold.
yesterday i found this post offending and not funny

right now, i want some chickens.....mmmm so hungry.
Ko-nsx said:
And, why does it make you sick?
Why? Well, it's literally "in-your-face." I don't know who the guy is, but I am not generally impressed with "bling-teeth" and whatnot. Since you asked, it's just my opinion, that's all. :smile:
never heard of him.....and yes his teeth are ugly and offensive.

But whatever ...doesnt bother me that much....Its very notible ...nobody else has it ..that is...:smile:
Autophile said:
Why? Well, it's literally "in-your-face." I don't know who the guy is, but I am not generally impressed with "bling-teeth" and whatnot. Since you asked, it's just my opinion, that's all. :smile:

What would you prefer?
1. A picture of my wife?
2. Some blurred booty shots?
3. A man with a gun pointed at the camera that took the pic?
4. Some food?
5. A picture of my vette?
Ko-nsx said:
What would you prefer?
1. A picture of my wife?
2. Some blurred booty shots?
3. A man with a gun pointed at the camera that took the pic?
4. Some food?
5. A picture of my vette?
I think, number 1, 4, or 5. :biggrin:
Viper Driver said:
I think the bigger question is why the threads, responses, and members are allowed to remain after the "submit" button is pressed.

My .02? IMHO, the NSX community has policed itself rather well so far. Why actively prosecute if the membership does it already.

Viper Driver said:
I completely agree, but I have to ask a serious question. ARE there any other forums for the NSX community? NSXSC went belly-up a few years ago, but I haven't seen anything else at all.

There are other NSX forums but none that offer the high level of content and membership maturity as Prime. If you think the site has taken a dive, you may get a kick out of reading some of the other more general Honda forums.

Viper Driver said:
Okay, content maybe. Comraderie, like calling another forum member's employer and try to get them fired for what they say on Prime? Comraderie, like allowing the person who did it to remain a member of this forum?

Good point. But I'd wager for every negative there are 2x as many positives. As for taking out the membership of the offending party, I have no idea. Though I do think trying to serve justice without some sort of "due process" is a recipe for disaster. Just the mention of the phrase "due process" makes my head spin.

Viper Driver said:
Damn you're old! :tongue: Okay, I am defintiely a newbie compared to you, which I guess invalidates some of what I've said. However, when I see some of the people I've looked up to on here (NSXTASY) leave the site, then I've got to believe that something is awry.

nsxtasy is surely a valued member here. He's helped many many people on this site. That said, even the more esteemed of us have treaded heavily on the idea of cordial and civil discussion. Jeez, I've been suspended at least twice (obviously not an esteemed member;)).

In Tulsa, we have Charlie's Chicken. I'd testify under oath that that place "puts an addictive chemical that makes you crave it nightly." <== movie reference (how's that for off-topic?) ;)
Ponyboy said:
even the more esteemed of us have treaded heavily on the idea of cordial and civil discussion. Jeez, I've been suspended at least twice (obviously not an esteemed member;)).

dang!! what did you do??...I figured I would have been suspended by now ..but nope....I guess I'm not as big of a pain in the A$$ as i thought:wink:
I just want to say...being that NOONE WHO IS POSTING IN THIS THREAD is from the directly effected area, we have NO IDEA what it is like or could be like.

There for we should all SHUT UP!!!!

The reason FEMA gave money is to increase the economy of the area, which it has done, with out it business such as Brett would not be able to survive as NO ONE LIVES THERE ANY MORE!!!
This FEMA money gets spent on clothes, food, tires, jewelers, stereo, crack and anything else that money gets spent on...it becomes the back ground of what the community rebuilds itself with.

the reason that the government states its for FOOD and SHELTER is so that tax payers who are helping this area by paying taxes don’t go NUTS as they would if it was said, (we are sending $2000 each to some of the poorest communities in the country, to let them do with as they wish)

This is another example of how this forum gets outta control over issues.

I read about an idea that I try and remind myself to think about daily.
"Base your actions on understanding the situation, not your opinion of the situatio
What a daft post...anyone who want to talk off topic without all the politics should pop over to www.nsxcb.co.uk and sign up as a couple of Prime members have started to recently and have a bit more of a civil chat!

I have nothing to base my opinions on buuuuuttttttt I really think people should perhaps focus on the fact that the site is for NSX enthusiasts...and that for that reason we all have something in common! If you don't like NSX's there are plenty of childish sites out there for you...:rolleyes: As a fairly new owner it saddens me that the true experts with so much NSX knowledge to offer seem to be becoming disillusioned with Prime.

Just my £0.02 from across the pond.

01blacks4 said:
I just want to say...being that NOONE WHO IS POSTING IN THIS THREAD is from the directly effected area, we have NO IDEA what it is like or could be like.

There for we should all SHUT UP!!!!

Dude!! Get some FEMA money and go buy some prozac.....

I personaly supported Brett taking any form of legal tender.....

And if you read the post you will see.that I am personaly involved in that area,,,..and have traveled down there to help set up interm housing for the displaced familys......so how about you take your attitude and go ...get a drink or something.....JZ
Dude!! Get some FEMA money and go buy some prozac.....

I personaly supported Brett taking any form of legal tender.....

And if you read the post you will see.that I am personaly involved in that area,,,..and have traveled down there to help set up interm housing for the displaced familys......so how about you take your attitude and go ...get a drink or something.....JZ

then you should not feel singled out or included, as you obviously do
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>Today 13:57</TD></TR><TR title="Post 554991" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>01blacks4</TD><TD class=alt2>I just want to say...being that NOONE WHO IS POSTING IN THIS THREAD is from the directly effected area, we have NO IDEA what it is like or could be like.

There for we should all SHUT UP!!!!

The reason FEMA gave money is to increase the economy of the area, which it has done, with out it business such as Brett would not be able to survive as NO ONE LIVES THERE ANY MORE!!!
This FEMA money gets spent on clothes, food, tires, jewelers, stereo, crack and anything else that money gets spent on...it becomes the back ground of what the community rebuilds itself with.

the reason that the government states its for FOOD and SHELTER is so that tax payers who are helping this area by paying taxes don’t go NUTS as they would if it was said, (we are sending $2000 each to some of the poorest communities in the country, to let them do with as they wish)

This is another example of how this forum gets outta control over issues.

I read about an idea that I try and remind myself to think about daily.
"Base your actions on understanding the situation, not your opinion of the situatio</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

zahntech said:
Looks like I'm included to me.

As well as I, and you have no clue as to where anyone is from based on their profile.

As Zantech has said get some prozac!!!!
You are as opinionated as anyone else on this board and you always want to tell someone else to shut up. Post your opinion, but don't try to sensor anyone..

Are you in some way Financially tied to Sound Solutions,The Company?
People on this thread have people living in 2-3 of their homes that have been displaced by Katrina, paying for their full support.

Fema has not given them JACK SHIT!!!, They were not on Government assistance before katrina either. They had daycares, Convience Stores ect... No one was giving them handouts and no one is giving them any now. They are being taken care of by their families.. So the next time you want to post facts, gather them first....Ask a few questions before going half cocked on these threads.

It's been a long week, and I don't give a D@^$.
Just for the record, I have never posted anything, that I wouldn't say if you were standing right in front of me.
Like someone posted earlier. This is a mere conversation, eveyone handles and polices themselves and other pretty well. If you are an adult you can hear other viewpoints and agree or disagree.. Don't get as personal as you have on the last 2 threads that I have read..
Lud, will slap us when we get out of line... Heck he may be PM'ng me right now..
:biggrin: I personally dislike fried chicken, including Church's, but Freddy Mercury loves the stuff :)wink: Queen song reference :wink:).

BTW, I wasn't offended by the original post.
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Autophile said:
I think, number 1, 4, or 5. :biggrin:
don't make me post meth mouth again...

this has been a angry thread, to say the least!!:mad: