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Metal Gear Solid 4 Gameplay Footage

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...and for you long time fans of the series.
I was only able to play a little bit of the game so far..but damn! The story and graphics are awesome..gotta play some more tomorrow.. :biggrin:
A big group of us at the office installed MGS4 on the PS3 in our conference room and we all watched the intro and first moments of gameplay. Gotta admit...it is pretty slick!
Bought the ps3 combo that included Metal Gear Solid last week but haven't played it. Got too involved with GT5: Prologue. Haven't even touched the F1game either.
thinking about picking it up in the next day or two.

Still not sure though.

I'm so indecisive when it comes to needless purchases...

Just a heads up in case you dont want to waste your money. The MGS games are not, and I repeat, NOT, like your action games like CoD4 or Halo. The game can get slow and long winded with lots of cutscenes. In this case some of the cut scenes are over a half hour long. The game is about sneaking around for the most part. Kill only if you have to, and do it quietly if possible. Going in guns blazing, gets you dead, and dead some more. So just a heads up if thats the type of games you are looking for, best you pass on this. However if a story based game is what you are looking for, then this would be a good buy.

I have been a fan of the series so I am familiar with the gameplay as well as my expectations for the game. The game plays and looks great. Being that this is the last of the series for the main character Solid Snake, I am guessing that the reason for all the cut scenes is to fill in all the holes and questions left from the previous games. They did that, but the way they did some of it still left you with a WTF mentallity. So if you come in out of the blue, you might actually hate this game once you get over the great graphics and eye candy.
Anybody else notice that Metal Gear Solid 4 is really dark? My LCD has been ISF calibrated and I find myself having to increase the brightness pretty much to the max just to be able to see anything in the dark rooms and shadows. I had to create a custom picture setting just for this game.
Anybody else notice that Metal Gear Solid 4 is really dark?

I haven't bought it, so I haven't seen it on my home LCD set, but MGS4 looked fine on the plasma set in our conference room (which has been professionally calibrated).

How does GT5: Prologue look on your TV? The London track can be on the darkish side on some sets. GTAIV also gets pretty dark.
I haven't bought it, so I haven't seen it on my home set, but it looked fine on our set in our conference room (which has been professionally calibrated).

Dude I need to come check out your office... sounds like you have lots of toys! :eek: RED Cameras and Ps3's.... mmmmm :biggrin: :biggrin:
Anybody else notice that Metal Gear Solid 4 is really dark? My LCD has been ISF calibrated and I find myself having to increase the brightness pretty much to the max just to be able to see anything in the dark rooms and shadows. I had to create a custom picture setting just for this game.

In the main menu, in the options, there is a place to set the brightness of the game. I think at least part of it is also a simulation of your eyes having to adjust when going from bright to dark places. If you sit for a minute, you'll notice things getting gradually brighter.
I haven't bought it, so I haven't seen it on my home LCD set, but MGS4 looked fine on the plasma set in our conference room (which has been professionally calibrated).

How does GT5: Prologue look on your TV? The London track can be on the darkish side on some sets. GTAIV also gets pretty dark.

I noticed that about GT5 as well. However, GTA IV takes the cake in terms of being very dark!
GT5 P and MGS4 look fine on the default setting on my TV...Guess I'm not that detail oriented or never noticed...:confused:
Beat it and let me say its the best game i have ever played in my life. The story was AWSOME. Everything from all the other games gets picked up in this one. Shadow Moses :wink: :wink:

Everything is so realistic and the graphics are amazing.

There are alot of cutscenes but thats what makes the game i think. The game is hard to understand if you havent played any of the other games and dont remember all the characters and events that happened. I reccomend reading a synopsis of Snake Eater, MGS1, Sons of liberty (in that order) if you havent played them.

Multi Player isnt bad either.
Dude I need to come check out your office... sounds like you have lots of toys! :eek: RED Cameras and Ps3's.... mmmmm :biggrin: :biggrin:

Uh...we do not have a RED camera. Where did you get that idea?

PS3s? Well, we develop for PS3, so many of us have development stations at our desks...and we CAN play commercial games on the development stations.

As for toys...I personally have a lot of toys on my desk...as do a lot of my coworkers. Toys are great for reference material. Of course, I have a lot of NSXs lying around...which, sadly, have nothing to do with the games we make.
Uh...we do not have a RED camera. Where did you get that idea?

PS3s? Well, we develop for PS3, so many of us have development stations at our desks...and we CAN play commercial games on the development stations.

As for toys...I personally have a lot of toys on my desk...as do a lot of my coworkers. Toys are great for reference material. Of course, I have a lot of NSXs lying around...which, sadly, have nothing to do with the games we make.

hmm I thought I remember you saying something about having a RED camera on the thread talking about the best HD cameras .... ah well
Just a heads up in case you dont want to waste your money. The MGS games are not, and I repeat, NOT, like your action games like CoD4 or Halo. The game can get slow and long winded with lots of cutscenes. In this case some of the cut scenes are over a half hour long. The game is about sneaking around for the most part. Kill only if you have to, and do it quietly if possible. Going in guns blazing, gets you dead, and dead some more. So just a heads up if thats the type of games you are looking for, best you pass on this. However if a story based game is what you are looking for, then this would be a good buy.

I have been a fan of the series so I am familiar with the gameplay as well as my expectations for the game. The game plays and looks great. Being that this is the last of the series for the main character Solid Snake, I am guessing that the reason for all the cut scenes is to fill in all the holes and questions left from the previous games. They did that, but the way they did some of it still left you with a WTF mentallity. So if you come in out of the blue, you might actually hate this game once you get over the great graphics and eye candy.

I dunno man I just beat the game using the "guns blazing" technique and it worked fine for me :biggrin: . This one requires less stealth than the previous games.
So far the only reason I have found the own a PS3 is Blu-Ray. I have one game, GT5 prologue, and it sucks. Meanwhile my xbox 360 is logging tons of hours playing GTA4.

To those looking at the PS3, save your money unless you want a blu-ray player. That is my 2 cents.

Can't wait for Froza 3!!
So far the only reason I have found the own a PS3 is Blu-Ray. I have one game, GT5 prologue, and it sucks. Meanwhile my xbox 360 is logging tons of hours playing GTA4.

To those looking at the PS3, save your money unless you want a blu-ray player. That is my 2 cents.

Can't wait for Froza 3!!

eh... you know you can play GTA4 on the PS3 right?

And no GT5 does not suck as you say......

Forza is a pretty good game and so is Project Gotham... But thats about it for the 360.
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Keep in mind I have GT5 and I have played many racing games. It looks nice. That is it. Obviously the full game will be better... at least I hope so.

Actually, that is my feeling about GRID...looks nice, plays like ass. GT5: Prologue plays infinitely better in every way (and the cars look better too).

Still haven't played Forza 2 to be able to compare, but visually, Forza 2 is nowhere near as strong as GT5: Prologue.

Haven't bought MGS4 because I still haven't finished any of the earlier games. In fact, I'm starting to play MGS (the PSone version) now...will finally go back to play through the last half of MGS2...will finally break the wrap on MGS3 (can't believe I never even opened the package)...before I even think about buying MGS4.

But I do want to play it!
Really? Watch this.


Keep in mind I have GT5 and I have played many racing games. It looks nice. That is it. Obviously the full game will be better... at least I hope so.

Finally, you can get GRID on the PS3 and Xbox360.

Um this is the most biased video ive ever seen! Yes I enjoy GRID too on my ps3 I like the physics the most.

I believe Polyphony is going to be adding a damage system in GT5 when its coming out.

And yea not all the cars in GT5 are Cappuccinos haha... talk about a slanted perspective! :p

Grid doesn't have any F1 cars that I know of ( I could be wrong) GT5 does for sure I have one. And you can run races against other F1 cars.

Anyways the GT series is known to not have damage b/c the creator said "The cars are too beautiful to damage" or something to that effect.
Just a heads up in case you dont want to waste your money. The MGS games are not, and I repeat, NOT, like your action games like CoD4 or Halo. The game can get slow and long winded with lots of cutscenes. In this case some of the cut scenes are over a half hour long. The game is about sneaking around for the most part. Kill only if you have to, and do it quietly if possible. Going in guns blazing, gets you dead, and dead some more. So just a heads up if thats the type of games you are looking for, best you pass on this. However if a story based game is what you are looking for, then this would be a good buy.

I have been a fan of the series so I am familiar with the gameplay as well as my expectations for the game. The game plays and looks great. Being that this is the last of the series for the main character Solid Snake, I am guessing that the reason for all the cut scenes is to fill in all the holes and questions left from the previous games. They did that, but the way they did some of it still left you with a WTF mentallity. So if you come in out of the blue, you might actually hate this game once you get over the great graphics and eye candy.

i ended up buying it, basically for all the reasons you listed.

I have not played it yet though, and I'm concerned if I come into this w/o any back story, how lost am i going to be? I played MGS3 back when it first came out, but I don't remember much of that storyline.