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Metal Gear Solid 4 Gameplay Footage

Damn! I remember playing Metal Gear Solid 1 on the PS1 waaaay back in the day. AWESOME game. This looks absolutely phenomenal -- almost enough to make me want to pick up a PS3. Almost...
if this game doesn't make you wanna buy a ps3, i dont' know what will.

definitely getting a PS3, MGS4, and probably a high def projector when MGS4 comes out :wink:
Metal Gear is the only reason I'm getting the PS3. It was the same for MGS2 / PS2. I can't wait for it!
if this game doesn't make you wanna buy a ps3, i dont' know what will.

The only reason I bought the PS1 and PS2 in the past was Gran Turismo. If GT5 is clearly superior to Forza2 then along with MGS4, it seals the deal. If GT5 is not everything it's cracked up to be, and if the MSG4 is a limited time exclusive for PS3 as it's being rumored then I'll stick with the Xbox360.
The only reason I bought the PS1 and PS2 in the past was Gran Turismo. If GT5 is clearly superior to Forza2 then along with MGS4, it seals the deal. If GT5 is not everything it's cracked up to be, and if the MSG4 is a limited time exclusive for PS3 as it's being rumored then I'll stick with the Xbox360.

Kojima stated MGS4 has no plans for the xbox.

If you can, watch this trailer on the PS3..you can't really appreciate it as much on the pc streaming player.

MGS4 is on a Blue-Ray disc and if it were to come out on the xbox360 would be... :biggrin:

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haha, tru

and people thought blu ray wouldn't catch on...

too bad it's kicking the crap out of HD DVD

sony forever, bitches :biggrin:
Niiicce. When these two come out, I'll be locked in for about week each. Work is not going to be too fruitful unless I'm trolling the Net for like-minded and addicted individuals.

Why is snake grabing the statues WANG|!!?!? Has snake gone gay?:confused: :biggrin:
Nah...he's just doing it so the title doesn't end up rated M. Wait a minute...the whole series is rated M. Hmmm...that suit he wears does look a little questionable. ;)
Whats with the giant ass crack??
Yeah cant wait for this one to come out!
I have no interest in playing anything that complex to control, but the graphics are absolutely amazing. I'm still not sure how he can look around in a 360 degree view while frozen as a statue though.
Why is snake grabing the statues WANG|!!?!? Has snake gone gay?:confused: :biggrin:

It's just a bit of Japanese humor. He's embarassed by it so he's covering it up. Plus it makes his statue pose look funny.

I agree with the others that this video really sold me on the game. The other trailers were cool and an impressive demo of the game engine, but the gameplay and the battle scene won me over.
Pre-order ships 6/12/2008.

Gamestop bonus offer:

Pre-Order Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and receive the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots DVD Free! Offer good while supplies last. DVD will ship with the game. See stores for details.
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Don't know if you guys all caught Ubisoft/Konami's little April Fool's surprise...which features new footage. Amusing what some companies will do to cross promote products.