Military folks on Prime?

1 May 2008
San Antonio, TX
I did a search...5 pages, 250 topics and I didnt see a topic with all the military folks on it.

Just wondering how many folks on Prime are in the service/retired vets and if so, where you stationed, what branch and do you own a NSX? :smile:
Active duty Canadian Armed Forces, 1 Batallion, PPCLI.

6 weeks to go until I'm part of the 20th Field Artillery Regiment, Reserves, in Edmonton.

1991 NSX, Red/White. For sale. :D Moving into an S2000.
SSgt, USAF National Guard, McConnell AFB, KS, this november will be 8 years for me. Buying my nsx has been the single most rewarding purchase i've ever made :biggrin:
Spc 4 years ArNG. Going back in......soon.
No NSX.........yet
E-6 Petty officer first class Active Duty Stationed out of Point Loma Subase on the fine USS Topeka as the Leading Engineering Laboratory Technician. Love my NA1.
AFROTC kid at the University of Tennessee. Commissioning Dec. 09.
E-6 Petty officer first class Active Duty Stationed out of Point Loma Subase on the fine USS Topeka as the Leading Engineering Laboratory Technician. Love my NA1.

Cool, when I was in DEP we went down there for a tour of a sub at Point Loma. Too bad ONE depper didn't have a photo ID so he couldn't get clearance, and one had a greencard. So they wouldn't let any of us on those "top secret" subs. Oh well! Nice base, went to the subway.
Cool, when I was in DEP we went down there for a tour of a sub at Point Loma. Too bad ONE depper didn't have a photo ID so he couldn't get clearance, and one had a greencard. So they wouldn't let any of us on those "top secret" subs. Oh well! Nice base, went to the subway.

LOL... yeah that subway is pretty busy. Cool that you saw the place, and too bad you couldn't go to the secret area (hint: thats where I work).
Corporal , US Marine Corps, Loadmaster, in between stations right now. see my sig.
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Nice!!! Tons of Military folks on here nice!!!

Erotic pie, how u pulling off those 2 cars?! lol

IM in the Air Force, been in almost 11 years (In Oct). Im Security Forces heading to FE WARREN AFM, WY :frown: No NSX yet
Nice!!! Tons of Military folks on here nice!!!

Erotic pie, how u pulling off those 2 cars?! lol

IM in the Air Force, been in almost 11 years (In Oct). Im Security Forces heading to FE WARREN AFM, WY :frown: No NSX yet

haha, I've had the stealth for 5 years and it's paid off (and somewhat for sale, but I'm in no hurry to sell)

I just picked up the NSX last month :)
Inactive USAF enlistee. Waiting to be shipped off to BMT in 5 weeks.
Air Force Reserves here. I know, I know, I'm a weekend warrior. I'm at Luke AFB here in AZ. No NSX but, it will be my next major purchase after my house, witch I'll be purchasing later this year.
currently just put in my OCS packets, waiting reply. no nsx yet, not until school loans paid off :frown:
VMGR-352 , Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, MCAS Miramar.


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Army 12B 1991-1995
Marines 0311-8511-0369 1998-2006
Rifleman, Drill Instructor and Weapons Plt Mortar section leader Retired as E-6 Ssgt
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