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My new member posts keep disappearing.. 3rd attempt.

3 December 2021
Long Island
New owner. thread keep getting either deleted or don't show up. No response from Admin.

1999 silverstone targa.. long island .

Edit: I updated my browser.. now appears to be working.

anyway, names Anthony.. just bought said car off my dad for much less than its worth.. THANKS DAD!!!!

Going to get the original water pump /timing belt changed next week. was quoted $2500 for belt, pump, coolant, valve cover gaskets, spark plugs (if needed) and oil change. Honda specialist on Long Island.. not sure if he's Larry B material.. but I have slim options.

I was lurking here in the early days (2002-2005) when the HSC was all the Hype. Anyways.. finally got my fave car of all time ( tied with PAntera). look forward to shooting the breeze with you all ..

hope all are healthy and happy.. sorry to see so many old members passing away recently.
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Same thing happened to me when I first joined. Then some posts and threads appeared together all at once. It happened more often with Tapatalk than PC browser somehow.

Congrats! Lucky to have a dad with NSX for a family discount. Let’s see some pics!
Same thing happened to me when I first joined. Then some posts and threads appeared together all at once. It happened more often with Tapatalk than PC browser somehow.

Congrats! Lucky to have a dad with NSX for a family discount. Let’s see some pics!

Well.. I have to say I kind of set myself up from back in 2005. Like I said.. I was lurking this forum when the 1st Gen was about to go bye-bye. I was still in school and my Pops was retiring.. He wanted to buy himself a new Corvette :rolleyes: as a retirement gift.. I actually talked him into finding and buying a used NSX .. because I knew they would be a sweet investment opportunity. I told him I would take it off his hands down the road.

He was going to "leave it to me" but I didn't want it that way.. He's too old to even get in the thing now.. so i offered to buy it from him while he can still see me enjoy it. So I paid him the $45K he bought it for in 2005 with 18K on the clock. He doesn't need the money but I felt weird about him just letting me have it.

He's giving that money I paid to him to my other brothers.. So I get a sweet deal on a car and my bros get free money.

I'm at 35K miles now.. this thing is IMMACULATE!!!!

Like I said, anyone on Long Island who needs a Honda specialist. I may have found the guy.. I'll let you know..
Same thing happened to me when I first joined. Then some posts and threads appeared together all at once. It happened more often with Tapatalk than PC browser somehow.

Congrats! Lucky to have a dad with NSX for a family discount. Let’s see some pics!

I literally just typed another response to you about 4 paragraphs and it disappeared. what gives here man.. Keeps saying "awaiting moderation".. then they never post when it says that...

so annoying.. any mods can help me out?
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They did all get sorted. I think when you are new, you have to have certain number of posts approved before you can freely post. That was my experience. I remember typing a super long reply and then it never posted. It’ll get sorted. Took me a couple weeks.
They did all get sorted. I think when you are new, you have to have certain number of posts approved before you can freely post. That was my experience. I remember typing a super long reply and then it never posted. It’ll get sorted. Took me a couple weeks.

The crazy thing is .. my last attempt I actually got a response from a member ( with email notification) .. and when I went to reply.. the entire thread disappeared.

Now I'm not getting email notifications from replies (you) here.

I know this is the same exact layout as it was from about 18 years ago... maybe this forum needs a reboot with a more recent layout. I'm on a LOT of forums and never had this type of issue. This layout is ancient.
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