Negative Comments?

18 November 2011
I dont know , maybe some primers can respond to this, it seems that no one is really posting on this forum because of all the negative comments from others that "know better". Lets put this in perspective........ there are always two responses to every situation. 1) The insecure know it all that says he has done this and failed so therefore you definitely cant do it. and 2) The secure know it all that has tried and failed but says maybe someone can do better and I will watch and learn. I think this forum is the best forum that I belong to and I have learned a lot here, so lets keep the ideas flowing and try to support others that try where we have failed. Yes I have the flame suit on and can handle ANY responses to this, and no I am not a "hater" yet. Hopefully we see some more of the great posts that we have seen it the past. Make it a great day.
I look at "drama" on prime in a different way,besides entertaining:wink: it is a two way street.The posters who are being shouted at need only ignore the shouters,and continue thier discussion.A thread goes down hill because posters pay more attention to the distractions and stray off topic,its a two way street ,fire does not extinguish fire.
why is this in the FI section?

Because this is the only section where the intelligent part of the forum is unlike those other sections full of know it all ninnies. :biggrin:

Hey are you FI? "planning for it" doesn't count. You get back to your own section let us aristocrats discuss the important matters.

mrbozo (feel strange calling you that), you've added a lot of insight regarding the engine and drag racing, not sure what you're upset about but good info is always appreciated.
Well if you want a healthy serving of truth soup go grab a spoon.

The reality is this "used" to be a great thread full of great posters, informative threads and insightful discussion. I can think of lots of guys who contributed a lot of information to this unique section of Prime. I was one of them. Go back and look at my history and you'll see several build threads, DIY's, answers to questions and helpful advice. However, one by one was driven out and basically gave up on this section, including myself. But not by these so called "haters" as you and others like you like to dub. But rather by you and others like you.

If you look at the last few threads where everyone is basically calling everyone a "hater" look at the join date and post count of these members. Heck, let's take a look at you. Look at your join date and post count. Now look at mine. You all are just newbies to this forum. Your perception of this thread and forum is only a few years old. This part of the forum didn't start going downhill until all of you guys arrived and drove everyone out. How? Because all these new guys came in who had never FI'd an NSX would come in and make all these claims or say all these things. So people with actual experience would say, well be careful of "this" or be careful of "that". Not because they were a "hater" but because they were trying to help point out a few things the newbie maybe hadn't thought of. If there was a critical mistake made in the past they wanted to share that information so people could learn from it. However, these self-righteous newbies would come in and say, "I've got nothing to learn from you. I don't want to hear anything you could possible teach me. I know everything." This is despite the fact that someone has 10 times their post count, 10 times the years of NSX ownership and 10 times the experience in building and FI NSX. So they dub them "haters" and feel like they couldn't have anything possibly to learn from someone else because they know everything themselves. You call these "haters" close minded, the reality, you are the ones that are myopic because you aren't even willing to hear one set of experiences that differs from your own. So these experienced guys say fine, I guess my advice isn't welcome here anymore, I'll pack up and leave. And that is what they did. Left. And now you are all left to stew in the desolate wasteland you sowed.

That's basically what happened to me. If you look at my previous posts from many years ago, before you were even a member, you can see I had tons of posts on my experiences both good and bad. I've helped numerous people on questions, comments and helpful advice on building an FI NSX. Ask around, I generally have a pretty well known reputation for being a friendly, helpful and supportive member of Prime. None of these new breed of members are even on the radar. I've spent roughly 6 figures and almost 10 years in building an FI NSX. I'm not saying that's good or bad or prideful or shameful. I saying that because I learned a lot in the process. I don't know everything, but I do know a few things. But the second I say anything anymore, even in the utmost attempt to be helpful, it gets immediately twisted to be turned into being a "hater". Oddly, this never happened before this new breed of members joined. Only recently and in the last few years. So as I've mentioned before, I've completely given up on this section of the forum. I don't even bother posting anything useful anymore because unless it's "Yeah you can do it! You can do anything you want! 1 Million HP! $50 budget!" then it immediately gets dubbed hateful talk. What's the point? If all anyone wants is a cheerleader then go to a cheerlead forum. Not a car forum.

So there you have it. Whether you consider it a loss or not, I can speak for one previously active member, with numerous posts, some experience in FI that has been completely driven out. Look at some of these "haters" you label. Notice they have a lot more posts than you. Notice they've been around here a lot longer than you. Notice they actually spend their own money (sponsorship) to support the very forum you use and have the nerve to insult. See that under my name, it says Charter Champion. Look at docjon, RYU and Turbo2Go. They've all put in their 2 cents. Now let's look at the newbies. mrbozo1, registered user. Onestepx, registered user. Blacknot, registered user.

Let's compare:

Vega$ NSX: Join date: Apr '05 - Posts: 5,000+, Charter Champion
docjon: Join date: Jan '01 - Posts: 11,000+, Charter Hero
RYU: Join date: Jul '08 - Posts: 4,000, NSX Prime Platinum
Turbo2Go: Join date: Mar '06 - Posts: 11,000+, Charter Gold

Now the people calling everyone haters in the previous thread:

onestepx: Join date: Nov '06 - Posts: 482, Registered User
Costa: Join date: Oct '08 - Posts: 272, Registered User
Caroline-NSX: Join date: Oct '11 - Posts: 1,083, Registered User
mrbozo1: Join date: Nov '11 - Posts: 188, Registered User
Blacknot: Join date: Aug '11- Posts: 576, Registered User

NOTICE THE TREND? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Would seem to me the forum went downhill around the end of 2011. That's the truth whether you want to man up and swallow it or not. But then again, you'll probably dub this "hateful" talk and just be dismissed like everything else before it. Well at least put your money where your mouth is, and pitch in a few bucks to sponsor this forum if you are going to have the nerve to criticize it.
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Wow, didn't realize RYU has surpassed me in number of posts! Ultimate loser status!:biggrin:
Wow, didn't realize RYU has surpassed me in number of posts! Ultimate loser status!:biggrin:

It took this thread for you to find out? Knowing RYU, I'm surprised he didn't make an entire thread just to point that out! :biggrin::biggrin:
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Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Vega$ -- are you saying I am not necessary around these here parts?

Wow, didn't realize RYU has surpassed me in number of posts! Ultimate loser status!:biggrin:

It's time RYU is exposed!!! He actually hired a team of 3 people to help him post when he is off doing real life things!
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I appreciate the sentiments from Vegas.I can attest to the fact that we have lost some valuable players over the years,,,,,but and it is a big but,we have a core group of venerable long timers that have been there done that.Our cumulative experience is invaluable to the new owners. I very much appreciate the respect that some newer members give to the OG's,as I assume they are respectful people out side of prime.The core group keeps the forum civil and adds humor, making for some entertaining reading.It can be hard work trying to keep a free on line car forum worthy of the attention of doctors/lawyers/entrepeneurs/business owners/scientists/crazy smart people/old and young.We do it because we care about the car and its owners/fans...........we should study the past to improve our future.
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Well if you want a healthy serving of truth soup go grab a spoon.

The reality is this "used" to be a great thread full of great posters, informative threads and insightful discussion. I can think of lots of guys who contributed a lot of information to this unique section of Prime. I was one of them. Go back and look at my history and you'll see several build threads, DIY's, answers to questions and helpful advice. However, one by one was driven out and basically gave up on this section, including myself. But not by these so called "haters" as you and others like you like to dub. But rather by you and others like you.

If you look at the last few threads where everyone is basically calling everyone a "hater" look at the join date and post count of these members. Heck, let's take a look at you. Look at your join date and post count. Now look at mine. You all are just newbies to this forum. Your perception of this thread and forum is only a few years old. This part of the forum didn't start going downhill until all of you guys arrived and drove everyone out. How? Because all these new guys came in who had never FI'd an NSX would come in and make all these claims or say all these things. So people with actual experience would say, well be careful of "this" or be careful of "that". Not because they were a "hater" but because they were trying to help point out a few things the newbie maybe hadn't thought of. If there was a critical mistake made in the past they wanted to share that information so people could learn from it. However, these self-righteous newbies would come in and say, "I've got nothing to learn from you. I don't want to hear anything you could possible teach me. I know everything." This is despite the fact that someone has 10 times their post count, 10 times the years of NSX ownership and 10 times the experience in building and FI NSX. So they dub them "haters" and feel like they couldn't have anything possibly to learn from someone else because they know everything themselves. You call these "haters" close minded, the reality, you are the ones that are myopic because you aren't even willing to hear one set of experiences that differs from your own. So these experienced guys say fine, I guess my advice isn't welcome here anymore, I'll pack up and leave. And that is what they did. Left. And now you are all left to stew in the desolate wasteland you sowed.

That's basically what happened to me. If you look at my previous posts from many years ago, before you were even a member, you can see I had tons of posts on my experiences both good and bad. I've helped numerous people on questions, comments and helpful advice on building an FI NSX. Ask around, I generally have a pretty well known reputation for being a friendly, helpful and supportive member of Prime. None of these new breed of members are even on the radar. I've spent roughly 6 figures and almost 10 years in building an FI NSX. I'm not saying that's good or bad or prideful or shameful. I saying that because I learned a lot in the process. I don't know everything, but I do know a few things. But the second I say anything anymore, even in the utmost attempt to be helpful, it gets immediately twisted to be turned into being a "hater". Oddly, this never happened before this new breed of members joined. Only recently and in the last few years. So as I've mentioned before, I've completely given up on this section of the forum. I don't even bother posting anything useful anymore because unless it's "Yeah you can do it! You can do anything you want! 1 Million HP! $50 budget!" then it immediately gets dubbed hateful talk. What's the point? If all anyone wants is a cheerleader then go to a cheerlead forum. Not a car forum.

So there you have it. Whether you consider it a loss or not, I can speak for one previously active member, with numerous posts, some experience in FI that has been completely driven out. Look at some of these "haters" you label. Notice they have a lot more posts than you. Notice they've been around here a lot longer than you. Notice they actually spend their own money (sponsorship) to support the very forum you use and have the nerve to insult. See that under my name, it says Charter Champion. Look at docjon, RYU and Turbo2Go. They've all put in their 2 cents. Now let's look at the newbies. mrbozo1, registered user. Onestepx, registered user. Blacknot, registered user.

Let's compare:

Vega$ NSX: Join date: Apr '05 - Posts: 5,000+, Charter Champion
docjon: Join date: Jan '01 - Posts: 11,000+, Charter Hero
RYU: Join date: Jul '08 - Posts: 4,000, NSX Prime Platinum
Turbo2Go: Join date: Mar '06 - Posts: 11,000+, Charter Gold

Now the people calling everyone haters in the previous thread:

onestepx: Join date: Nov '06 - Posts: 482, Registered User
Costa: Join date: Oct '08 - Posts: 272, Registered User
Caroline-NSX: Join date: Oct '11 - Posts: 1,083, Registered User
mrbozo1: Join date: Nov '11 - Posts: 188, Registered User
Blacknot: Join date: Aug '11- Posts: 576, Registered User

NOTICE THE TREND? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Would seem to me the forum went downhill around the end of 2011. That's the truth whether you want to man up and swallow it or not. But then again, you'll probably dub this "hateful" talk and just be dismissed like everything else before it. Well at least put your money where your mouth is, and pitch in a few bucks to sponsor this forum if you are going to have the nerve to criticize it.

Cliff notes:
If you don't have a high post count or been here long and apparently donated to prime, then Vegas and perhaps others will immediately look down upon you and view your posts and information as useless. If the information you have has not been applied to an actual NSX then the information is of no value and likely will work in the exact opposite fashion than any other vehicle previously applied because the NSX is so special.

From what I have seen Vegas your posts are not very useful. You always just post, I tried this and failed so you can't possibly do it. Showing others where you failed may have some value, but don't really see you helping people to reach their goals.


In part it may be due to a bit of jealousy as well as ignorance. Perhaps fear that someone new, maybe even with a post count under 1000:eek: will succeed where others have failed. If someone shows that something can be done with the same parts/ideas and/or cheaper which would mean the parts/ideas didn't fail, it was themselves that did it wrong.

Experimentation isn't exactly cheap on this car so once a few have tried and failed then the many will see it as improbable/impossible. With prices of NSX's going down you are going to see a new class(or Breed as Vegas so kindly noted) of NSX ownership. With this new class you will see a lot of arguments with some of the more traditional NSX owners. Vegas clearly depicts this type of attitude towards newer NSX owners and the information they try to provide.

I'm relatively new to NSX ownership with only 2 years of ownership under my belt, many have shown a lot of appreciation for the information I have provided in my short time here. I receive plenty of PM's thanking me, and asking me questions. Aside from a few threads and arguments I feel the forum is still serving its purpose about making more information available, and to help each other improve our experiences with forced induction. Then again I guess I'm used to seeing worse.
Cliff notes:
If you don't have a high post count or been here long and apparently donated to prime, then Vegas and perhaps others will immediately look down upon you and view your posts and information as useless. If the information you have has not been applied to an actual NSX then the information is of no value and likely will work in the exact opposite fashion than any other vehicle previously applied because the NSX is so special.

From what I have seen Vegas your posts are not very useful. You always just post, I tried this and failed so you can't possibly do it. Showing others where you failed may have some value, but don't really see you helping people to reach their goals.


In part it may be due to a bit of jealousy as well as ignorance. Perhaps fear that someone new, maybe even with a post count under 1000:eek: will succeed where others have failed. If someone shows that something can be done with the same parts/ideas and/or cheaper which would mean the parts/ideas didn't fail, it was themselves that did it wrong.

Experimentation isn't exactly cheap on this car so once a few have tried and failed then the many will see it as improbable/impossible. With prices of NSX's going down you are going to see a new class(or Breed as Vegas so kindly noted) of NSX ownership. With this new class you will see a lot of arguments with some of the more traditional NSX owners. Vegas clearly depicts this type of attitude towards newer NSX owners and the information they try to provide.

I'm relatively new to NSX ownership with only 2 years of ownership under my belt, many have shown a lot of appreciation for the information I have provided in my short time here. I receive plenty of PM's thanking me, and asking me questions. Aside from a few threads and arguments I feel the forum is still serving its purpose about making more information available, and to help each other improve our experiences with forced induction. Then again I guess I'm used to seeing worse.
sorry to say you have many false statements in your response.There should be no class warfare on prime.If I help someone i don't expect anything in return.I don't care about post count,i care about content and attitude.Imho prime is just a mirror of the personality/demeaner of each of us.If you have it tough in life you are more likely to react one way.If you are happy/succesful in life it will show as kindness /humor ect on the web.Cmon If anyone with a high post count is jealous or vindictive of the modifications done by the new members I'd be surprised.Many of us old timers always say the same thing to new members,sometimes don't have anything new to offer,but those of us with the memories of past threads and topics and our comraderie actualy having met each other at nsxpo ect helps to humanize this site,shrinking it down so to speak.I think the real summary from all of this is ,there needs to be greater ego control from new and old alike.
Wow, I need to get my post count up a bit. (damn you RYU)

We use to have a better solution to some of these problems, it was an effective use of the search feature here on PRIME and the "Forum Nazi" that reminded everyone where the "Search" button was. There are years and years worth of NSX specific info on everything from how to change your oil to how to build your own turbo. All you have to do is look. Some people think that their project is special and needs special attention when the answers are all ready here.

Im assuming this site will see a resurgence of sorts when NSX 2.0 appears. How that dynamic between new members and old members will be interesting.

At that price point you'll probably see the "good ole boys" mentality return where going FI wont be an option for the casual owner.

I am worried about new sites popping up for nsx2.0 other than prime. That would suck. It can happen though.
Like to listen to old pros.
I'm usually a lurker, and have been for years. Didn't register until I bought one but worked on and drove my friends.
I'll never have a high post count, but I don't think that and length of service are the only indicator of someone's assistance, integrity, and argumentative attitudes.
Lurking like I've done for years is like playing golf with someone. In just a few holes (or just a few posts) you can tell almost everything about someones character.
There are some good fellas on Prime, and some that you just have to ignore.
I do think that some of the OG need to be patient with newbies. They come to learn, and are surely turned off when the first post is hit with a response like "RTFM" or "learn to search". That is just not welcoming to someone who came here to learn and share.
I am just saying I would like to see everyone on this forum support new ideas and hold on to the old ideas. So lets try to make these cars competitive in any class of motorsport, because as you guys all know this is the best all around car ever made. As some of you guys know I drive my car to the track, make a 10 second pass, then drive it home. I could not do this without the knowledge here on prime.........Just thinking back to some saying that you cant make more than 400 hp on a stock motor, but I have been at over 600whp for over 4 years. I have been a member here since 2009 and have had NSX's since 2004.
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off the top of my head back some years we had Armondo with 700rwhp and meth injection without the advantages of all this fancy aem stuff,we had Danny with 1000rwhp and a dry sump.... we've had some pretty adventurous members embark on the Basch boost rollercoaster of yor.....all this info is on prime just waiting to be read by the current crop of boosty mavins.
sorry to say you have many false statements in your response.There should be no class warfare on prime.If I help someone i don't expect anything in return.I don't care about post count,i care about content and attitude.Imho prime is just a mirror of the personality/demeaner of each of us.If you have it tough in life you are more likely to react one way.If you are happy/succesful in life it will show as kindness /humor ect on the web.Cmon If anyone with a high post count is jealous or vindictive of the modifications done by the new members I'd be surprised.Many of us old timers always say the same thing to new members,sometimes don't have anything new to offer,but those of us with the memories of past threads and topics and our comraderie actualy having met each other at nsxpo ect helps to humanize this site,shrinking it down so to speak.I think the real summary from all of this is ,there needs to be greater ego control from new and old alike.

There shouldn't be class warfare and for the most part there isn't, just a few people here and there I have seen comment with the attitude that Vegas' post clearly epitomizes. Some don't want to accept some new information that may contradict what was commonly accepted, while others take it with a grain of salt and wait for results.

You make a good point in that many of the older member have met each other, at such events, while the new members may not have taken part or care to take part in some of the newer events. I haven't had the chance to make any events in my 2 years but hope to in the future.
Just a few thoughts.

Vegas, if it wasn't for you posting in the off topic Joke area you
would have like 17 possibly useful posts.

Blacknot. I know this guy and although he may only have an
NSX for a few years, he has lots of Honda FI KNOWLEDGE.
Overall good guy.

Hybredthry911. This guy knows 50x more about idiosyncrasies
of turbos than most of us. A true scientist.

DDozier, seems to know his tuning, and is willing to learn.

Me. I only post about what I'm DAMN sure to be factual.
(Unless its 2am on a Friday and I just got back from supporting
Single, attractive, girls working their way through College)
Funny, because I feel the opposite way about post count. All the people that are doing real groundbreaking work on cars, don't waste their time posting on forums. They are actually doing work and learning. Thousands of posts just means that you have a lot of free time, and can't keep your mouth shut.
First off to all to respond to everyone saying I don't post useful information: Do a proper search and find my posts from several years ago. What about my step by step DIY subwoofer install post. How about my full primer discussion on the use and types of catch cans. What about my post on tire and wheel sizes and the limits that fit under both a stock and widebody. How about my thread detailing my FI build and my posts on what I found broke along the process. And my thread on discussing blowing up FI engines and why. These aren't actual single posts. These are actual full threads with multiple posts were I try to share as much information and answer as many questions as I can. The problem is if you judge me based on the last few years of my posts then YES I don't post anything useful anymore and have pretty much confined myself to the Off Topic forums. As I already explained to you, I've been so put off by the attitude and rudeness of so many members that I have essentially given up on on these parts of the forums and pretty much the attitude and recption as of late is a terrific reminder why I no longer contribute anything worthwhile anymore. As I said before, I USED to post helpful information. You guys have completely ruined it for me and so I'm completely done with thread sections like this.

So what? Good riddance you may say. Perhaps. However I've seen both sides of the coin. Back when "people like me" weren't chased out this was a vibrant, very lively and active thread. I remember when this thread section was as active as any of the others. Now that you finally got rid of the "jealous and ignorant" old farts congratulations! You won! You chased them all out and you now own this part of the thread. So now what do you have? Now this place is a grave yard. Days go by without a single post in this entire thread section. That never happened before despite the most negative comments; far worse than what you see today. I won't name names but there were flame wars of epic proportions. As I said before now you stew in the desolate wasteland you sowed for yourselves. Congrats.

And to say we are jealous of other people success where we have failed is the most self centered and narcissistic comment I can think of. Do you think I care if some one can surpass me both in what they can do with their NSX and for less? Why should that bother me? How completely narcissistic it would be to think I care that much as to be bothered by it. It's like if I said well I made half a million dollars last year, but I know you are so jealous of me. Or that I ran a marathon in under 5 hours but you are hating on me because you can't do it. Really? REALLY? :rolleyes::rolleyes: What the hell do you care what I've been able to achieve? That would be awfully self centered and presumptuous of me to assume that you cared, and that it bothered you, and that you were jealous. The fact of the matter is I totally want people to push the limits of the NSX. I was one of Danny's biggest fans for pushing the 1khp limit. Even though I have have a FX turbo I have openly supported LoveFab, SOS and Angus, back when they were new to the FI world. I am an NSX enthusiast I would love nothing more than to see people succeed and eclipse me many times over. What I spent and my wins and failures have nothing to do with anyone else but me. But people who have no history with this forum wouldn't know that, but also not take the time to look into that when it is just so much faster and easier to just presume that everyone is a hater. Like this thread:

Here is a classic example of what I have said in the past.

It's basically all I really ever say in any of my posts because its based on my actual experiences. When I explain my opinions all I am really doing is just recalling and retelling past events. I'm not trying to impose them on anyone. Just a plain description of my opinion and experiences. All of a sudden that gets turned into jealous, ignorant and hater??? Really for just sharing my opinion and experiences.... :rolleyes:
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Funny, because I feel the opposite way about post count. All the people that are doing real groundbreaking work on cars, don't waste their time posting on forums. They are actually doing work and learning. Thousands of posts just means that you have a lot of free time, and can't keep your mouth shut.

Really? What do you think this is? This is a car forum not an R&D test lab. Without contributors and posts what would you have? Nothing. That is all you have here. This entire site is made up of posts by individual contributors.

Try saying what you said to nsxtasy and the rest of the people on this list. These people are some of the most helpful and knowledgable people in the entire NSX world. Without them there would be no NSX Prime.
Ultimately here is my frustration with how things have ended up in this thread section.

Someone with a lot of knowledge, proven experience and skills in FI makes a claim. Say it is to make 800 whp for $10,000. Another person with a lot of knowledge, proven experience and skills says that they don't think it could be done.

If that was it, then it would be fine. Two very knowledgable people giving their own opinions on a subject matter. People are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions and that is totally fine. And if both are very knowledgable then what's the problem?

However somehow the person who says it can't be done all of a sudden becomes a "hater". Furthermore justification as to why he is a "hater" breeds speculation that they are simply jealous and ignorant. Really? Is that really necessary? Why the name calling? Why the insults? Why can't someone be entitled to a justifiable opinion that differs from another persons claim? This never occurred before. This is only a more recent phenomenon. And it is the exact reason why I lost all interest in this thread section.

I don't mind that people have different ideas or their own opinions. I don't mind if people spend less money than me. And I don't mind if people make more power than me. I do mind that people start to get insulting and presumptuous just because I might have a different opinion than theirs that is actually justifiable based on something. And THAT has been my beef with this forum section and why I no longer chose to participate in it much any more.