New Member from Overland Park, KS - Info on '91 JH4NA1261MT001543 ?

Are you sure you want an Automatic Transmission (AT) instead of a 5spd? I am not in no way bashing all the automatic NSXs out there... I just hear stories of people wishing they had initially purchase the 5/6spd instead of the AT :cool:
I'm absolutely sure that I WANT a 5-spd! But at this point, I need a car in the house that everyone can easily drive if necessary. Down the road maybe I can upgrade to a newer model with a 5-spd. The automatic helps with the justification of the car.....
Get a 5speed and supplement it with cheap automatic civic for $2000
If that is somewhat of a no stories car and in great shape, the asking price appears reasonable. As for an automatic, can you live with it......if not then I'd suggest getting a 5/6 speed. Not worth the pains of switching cars...not cheap either. Expect resale on an automatic to be less to a comparable 5/6speed. siD
Thanks guys. Not an easy decision, but one I believe I need to make for now.

As for the 'add a civic' idea.....interesting....

Almost looks in this pic to have a two very light bulges on top of bumper based on the reflection. Also, does anyone know what type of bumper is on the front now? I assume part of a widebody kit.


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Nice looking car. But without knowing the service history, you'll need to assume it needs everything (TB, WP, gaskets, etc.). Otto Service Inc. in KCMO is where I will take my car when it needs service. I understand your rationale in buying an auto, but I would seriously hold out for a manual. There's nothing like shifting the NSX.

Before you get your hopes up, I would demand at least 30 pictures of the car (interior/exterior/engine bay).
its hard to tell from that pic but i think you have the stock bumper with the wings west front lip.
Thanks. I was wondering where the best service in our area is, an Acura dealership, or a specialty shop somewhere. The manual would probably be a few years away, i need to add a car to the fleet, and who wants to wait....

I really haven't done my homework on the bumper / lips, so thanks very much. I have another pic of the front, and you're nuts on.

I have received additional pics and everything looks great.

Also, there is a record of the timing belt, water pump, belts, and valve cover gaskets at about 35k miles back in 2002 as well as transmission fluid, traction control repair, and cruise control in the last year.
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I don't now how familiar you are with NSXs, but I would be more than happy to have you stop by and show you mine if you would like to familiarize yourself with them. I live in Olathe.

[email protected]
Get a 5speed and supplement it with cheap automatic civic for $2000

+1 a very low percentage of NSX owners want an automatic and your resale value will reflect this simple market reality, add a daily driver Civic and find a nice 5 spd to play with
+1 a very low percentage of NSX owners want an automatic and your resale value will reflect this simple market reality, add a daily driver Civic and find a nice 5 spd to play with

Yea, i would get the car you want, in this case being a 5/6 speed. I am new NSX owner, but coming from a couple s2000's (another "niche" hard to drive for the normal person car) you will not wanting your significant other to drive it. In 5 years, my wife drove my s2k 3 times, and each time she told me how nervous she was, etc. She sat in the pasenger seat of my NSX the day I brought it home, and literally said "I WILL NEVER drive this thing". It is kind of hard to understand if you haven't been in a car like this, but its one of those things where I do not think you will want your wife picking up groceries in it on her way home from work. Once a NSX is in your driveway, your anal retentive meter is going to shoot SKY HIGH. Trust me. So don't get the AT, I promise you will regret it.
I traveled to inspect, with intent to purchase, this NSX yesterday. To make a long story short, I bought a one-way ticket, had bank check, new insurance card, and planned to drive it back. I ended up buying another one-way ticket home. It was a long 22 hour day.

As it looked nice in the additional pictures, and received several positive emails regarding the condition, seeing it in person was a whole different story.

Mechanically it looked good, but I estimate that it needs at least $5k in other work to get it to where I thought it was prior to traveling. This includes two new front quarter panels, new tires, front bumper cover and lip, brakes and rotors, not to mention the majority of the body panels do not line up nicely.

If anyone considers purchasing this NSX, please contact me prior so that I can fill you in on the details before you waste a day and $$$ traveling.
Sorry to hear that the car didn't meet your expectations djacobs.

Don't get discouraged though, there are many members here that can tell you of their 1,2,3 year searches for the "perfect" NSX for them. It personally took 9 months for me.

It may have cost you a day, and a few hundred dollars, but in the long run you saved many thousands.

Good luck on your continued search. Trust me, the wait is worth it.
Can you post what the problems were with the car, so the next would be buyers can be aware?
Thanks. I was wondering where the best service in our area is, an Acura dealership, or a specialty shop somewhere. The manual would probably be a few years away, i need to add a car to the fleet, and who wants to wait....

I really haven't done my homework on the bumper / lips, so thanks very much. I have another pic of the front, and you're nuts on.

I have received additional pics and everything looks great.

Also, there is a record of the timing belt, water pump, belts, and valve cover gaskets at about 35k miles back in 2002 as well as transmission fluid, traction control repair, and cruise control in the last year.

DJACOBS-Best Service in KC is Revline. By your OEM parts from the guy's here on Prime they have the best prices or Ray Laks Honda/Mitsubishi. Revline has done work on all the past and present Prime Members NSX's in KC. He doe's Timming Belt's, Clutches, 60 mile maintenance ect. He just asked me today about a customer wanting to get a clutch done today on a NSX and if i knew the owner. I wouldn't bother with other shops in town. Many say they can work on it but none of them has the experience. If you have to deal with a dealer in town Stick with Jay Wolfe Acura as you can see the experience i've had with Superior Acura in one of the links below. If you have further questions feel free to email me at [email protected] as i do not check my P.M's as much as i used to.