New owner, need references. Newport Beach.

24 May 2012
Southern CA
Howdy, just drove a 1991 NSX from Arkansas to Corona Del Mar via the scenic route. Great experience, but by the time I arrived I had a list of 35 things on the car that need repair. Sounds messy, I know, but most are minor and I think the big ticket items can be classified into three easy groups: wheel vibration, engine idle and electrical. Would be great to meet some fellow local owners and learn about a shop(s) in the area that does quality affordable work on NSX's. My apologies if the SoCal Club meeting info and/or local garage info is already available on NSX Prime. I'm a new user; I searched the site and couldn't find an answer.
Take it to Niguel Motors at 27140 Cabot Road Laguna Hills, CA 92653
and see Ramon and Tom. PM me if you need any other help or have more questions.:smile:

Our monthly meets are the first Thursday each month. Next one is June 7th. A post for it will be up soon.

Our next drive is Sunday June 3rd. Hope you can make. Link below for info.
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Besides Niguel Motors, there are 2 other options for your NSX service depending on where you live and convenience.

Jon Martin Service Manager
Power Honda
2888 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 436-5050


17122 Gothard Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
(714) 841-2433
Howdy, just drove a 1991 NSX from Arkansas to Corona Del Mar via the scenic route. Great experience, but by the time I arrived I had a list of 35 things on the car that need repair. Sounds messy, I know, but most are minor and I think the big ticket items can be classified into three easy groups: wheel vibration, engine idle and electrical. Would be great to meet some fellow local owners and learn about a shop(s) in the area that does quality affordable work on NSX's. My apologies if the SoCal Club meeting info and/or local garage info is already available on NSX Prime. I'm a new user; I searched the site and couldn't find an answer.
From your location Ramon is to close not to use IMO :biggrin:
Welcome to SoCal, follow NSXPrime SoCal to keep track of local events.
You just missed the BBQ :frown: We'll catch you next year! :wink: