new paint....its getting closer.....

28 September 2004
yeah i did....i LOVE it no metallic at all...a little gold pearl in it but you have to look REAL HARD to even see a small amount of it...that the way it comes...

motor, turbo system, coilovers, and wheels are over the next 2 weeks..... then the inside gets done...
You know after meeting you when I was down in Phoenix,I began to wonder if this car really existed,LOL !!!
I wanted to go see it on the day we were driving around but somehow never got around to it,HMMM,go figure.
I was leaving the next day for home.I would return in two weeks to pick up my car at which point I would definately get to see this"MYTH" of a car.
So here I am driving around the Phoenix area wasting time breaking in my motor,wondering if Marc would give me the call/satisfaction to go see his car.After all we have talked on the phone about everything to do with it,I even helped(I like to think) in the colour pick(or at least giving my approval).He calls,using the excuse "I am busy with my Renovation,but we can go for a bite to eat".
"Sure I say"
"Want to see the colour" Marc says
"What do you think,Of course"I replied.
We drive for a bit only to arrive at his owners work place(Wife).I will get the piece I had painted from her trunk of the car.
It ended up being the scoop for the hatch !!
"wow amazing hummmmm scoop",I thought.
At which point the colour was awesome,now to see the car I hoped.
He then drops me back off at SOS,"WHAT I thought" !!
Again NO SEE !
Now you phone me and tell me you are going to post pics and BAM There it is!!
Marc you definately picked the right colour IMO,looks perfect !!
I will however need to see better pics when it is done(motor,wheels,etc.).
I have one question though Is that really yours?(LOL).

That's a Lamborghini colour? I like it...very battleship.
I'm sure you're probably going to replace the wheels, but the rear tires are on backwards. :smile:
Interesting color though, very original.
So when are they going to paint the top coat?

Just kidding ;)

We can't wait to get the car in to install the turbo system. The new wheels are going to look amazing!

-- Chris

TURBO?!?!? did someone say turbo?!?!? what system is going in??? :eek:
yes it is the LP 640 looks much better in looks very much like the lambo pic in person......although SOME people dont like it :)

as far as the turbo is mine, the one i built and designed last year...the car is finally together enough to put it back on :)

let me know when you want one for that ride of yours......i may be able to get ya a deal :)
O Man!:eek: ... i love this color so much! I was trying to photoshop a NSX with this color, couldn't believe u already have it on ur ride. :biggrin:
love the color of the nsx. Im debating weather to paint my s2k this same color. I believe they call it Navy Gray. Would you be able to tell me the paint code for that color? thanks
yes the tires are backward....yes they are going..........

the color is called greigo should be able to get the code at any paint store