New TL Pix... FUGLY

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL

*PUKE*!!!!!!!!! :frown:

Looks like Acura will be will have record low sales in the near future. I can't understand how someone can actually like that design!:confused:
What car? All I see is a huge smiling grill.
Re: I'd hit it, twice...

In this rendering, the grill isn't as overwhelming. This actually looks good. In those real life pics, I don't know if it's the angle or not, but it looks hideous!

Acura likes the grill so much, they put it on the rear too!!

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Re: I'd hit it, twice...

In this rendering, the grill isn't as overwhelming. This actually looks good. In those real life pics, I don't know if it's the angle or not, but it looks hideous!

Acura likes the grill so much, they put it on the rear too!!


I had the runs and this came out my ass!!! :eek:
Damn it all. I was considering this car....especially with the AWD option.

But man...not looking very promising right now. I like the new RL better...and that is NOT a good thing.

I'll wait to see one in person.

Time to step up and get a GT-R which is ugly AND fast at least.
New crash test laws are now forcing cars to be designed with a bigger & bulkier front/rear end. We will probably never see the sleek low front end of the NSX ever again (which by the way fits perfectly under an SUV).
The grill looks like a

or a
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The new TL (as well as the RL) don't look so bad in person. I would wait until you see it on the road before judging. These cars do look horrible in pictures for some reason, but in truth the grills actually looked classy when I looked at them in the flesh. That being said, I don't think Acura is offering anything here that makes me want to buy a brand new car.
My dog's crap looks better than these hideous designs. Heck, even Hyundai is making better looking cars than Acura.
The first thing I'd do is take that grille off and reduce that ghetto BLING factor by spray-painting it to matche the rest of the car. The car is not that bad, the prmo shot looks better than that one in the parking lot, but I still think this is not nearly as good looking as the previous two TL designs.

If I was car shopping, I'd say "Thank you Honda for letting me consider the new Chevy Malibu!"
Damn it all. I was considering this car....especially with the AWD option.

But man...not looking very promising right now. I like the new RL better...and that is NOT a good thing.

I'll wait to see one in person.

Time to step up and get a GT-R which is ugly AND fast at least.

Or wait for the SH-AWD TSX. :wink:

Honestly, that's terrible. Just god awful ugly. I don't care how nice that drives, I wouldn't even consider test driving something that ugly.
