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NSX Crash in San Diego

AT least now they are reporting it as an Acrua Sports Car:


Ha. I still have not seen "NSX" mentioned at all. :rolleyes:

l8apex32 said:
In fact, what is the minimum speed an NSX could be going to hit something such as a light pole that could rip the car in half? I venture its "very fast" and not "spirited drive" fast.

If the car gets hit at the perfect angle probably not as fast as one would think. That could have occured at speeds well below 100.

It's easy to get an NSX to 100 on Sorrento Valley Blvd. As I said an oncoming car could have been turning left not realizing the NSX was travelling as fast as it was and cause the NSX driver to swerve. Or an animal might have run out--something.

He was definitely travelling at an unsafe speed though. Not OK.
Dude, you don't think this was street racing? this was obviously the result of going 100+mph. If that's what you consider spirited driving, I don't want to be around when you do it.

I didn't say I didn't think it wasn't street racing, I only said that I'd prefer to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.

I'm not an expert in crash analysis, so no, it is not obvious that he was going over 100mph to me. I would have to imagine hitting a tree at 70 would look similar.

But what do I know...I'm just looking at some pictures...I wasn't there. Seems to me, as usual, we have enough arm chair quarterbacks that are already putting together the whole crime scene that we might as well tell the local police department to halt their operations since we have it solved.

If I crash my NSX someday when I'm out driving with some friends I would like to think my fellow board members would treat me with courtesy and respect versus immediately pointing fingers.

This guys problems are just beginning...lets hope he has a full recovery and the law can sort the rest out.
Holy Crap.

I hope everyone is OK!
That is one scary looking set of photos. I've never seen an NSX break before, regardless of what its hit/been hit by. An earlier post suggested it might have been a damaged repaired car previously. Hope the driver recovers ok if. Anyone know the car in the area?? Does the owner post here?

Best wishes if you're reading this!
I rarely post on here although I'm an avid Prime user, but i feel compelled to vent a little....This man is someone's sons, likely someones brother, could be someone's father and he is also a fellow Primer who is clinging to life struggling to survive. To those of you who insist on lambasting this man's actions merely to champion your opinions on street racing, please have some respect for this man. You do not know with 100% certainty what happened. I am not going to advocate street racing in any way, shape or form but obviously, this man cant read your rediculous posts as he in laying in a hospital somewhere with his loved ones pleading for his life....WHAT IS THE POINT OF CRITICIZING HIS ACTIONS AT THIS POINT? How about we take a moment of silence for this man who obviously shares a common bond with us (the love for the nsx) and pray that he will be alive to learn a lesson from this. I hope that a family is not needlessly shattered into peices for an ASSUMED moment of wrecklessness. Lets not call dibs on who can have the motor and tranny from his car (WTF????) and remind him of how stupid his is. That, to me, is going too far. I understand that prime is probably full of 50 year old men that obviously like to impose their viewpoints upon others which is why i never post, but please lets have some respect and hope this man doesn't leave a baby behind just because he made one lapse in judgement. Even if not for him, for his family and friends then. I know he could've killed someone else blah, blah, blah but he didn't and I'm pulling for him to make it through so that we don't have another senseless casualty in California regardless of whose fault it is. I really hope you make it out of this...
++++++++1 Prayers and thoughts
that dude survived a nightmare. unbelievable shred!
wishing him well & godspeed.
Well said TiiiteNSX.

I know it's human nature for some to start pointing fingers but no matter how obvious things may seem, everything is still speculation until the investigation concludes. Some of you guys are crucifying the car's owner like you all don't have any skeletons in your closets yourselves. It is possible that he could have had a lapse in judgement but nobody knows for sure. If he was in fact doing what everyone claims then by all means but that is neither here nor there at this point.

My friend is in an induced coma right now and still in ICU. They are unsure if there will be brain damage or whether the brain will start bleeding in the next few days. The biggest concern is a blood clot that is heading towards his lung that has not shrunk and could be fatal. They are monitoring the situation very closely.

His parents were not notified until almost 11pm last night and had no idea the accident had occured. Other friends had to do the deed and I couldn't imagine having to do what doctors and policemen have to do as part of their jobs.

So if you want to bombard him with blame or "you should have known better" type stuff, feel free to man up and go do that in person. Otherwise, have a little respect and save it for later when he's able to defend himself.

About 10 years ago I was driving down a two lane road about a mile from my home in Santa Barbara. I was going around 35 to 45 miles per hour when a lady turned into her driveway, crossed my lane, and I t-boned her because she didn't see me. Long story short, I broke my neck, numerous facial contusions, all of my ribs broken at the sternum, etc., etc.

I was working in the health care industry at the time, so all of my buddies were taking care of me. I remember when my orthopedic friend came in and told me that there was no reason I wasn't a quadriplegic, and he really found it impossible that I wasn't a paraplegic.

After some surgeries and fusions on my spine I am fine. Every day I remind myself how fortunate I am. Remember, I was driving at 35 to 45 miles per hour.

Why don't we just think about our fellow Prime member, wish him well, pray for him if that's your persuasion, and then we'll see how he does. After that, we can find out what happened. That took me months to get to that point.

I know the photos look terrible, but let's look after him and wish him and his family and friends the best first of all. After that we can make our judgements.

First things first.


I sure hope the driver make it out of this ok. Back when I was young and dumb, 18, I crashed a RX-7 as bad as the crash in this thread is. I walked away shaken and with some minor injuries and a lesson that has probably keep me alive this long. When you have an accident this bad it changes you completely, forever.
When I watched the video this, I didn't want to believe I was looking at a NSX...

...in fact, I'm blocking that image out of my mind still.

Totally! It hurts to look at!

The media insinuated a street race- doesn't make it so.

I hope this guy pulls through so he can tell us his version.

Unreal how the car broke up like that...


It seems as if he swerved to avoid something (left turner seems very likely, I've seen many a brave left turners) at such a high speed then send him through the structure sideways thus ripping the front of the car off/apart. This would also account for the crash engineering failing, cars are simply not made for poles going through the front form the side...

Okay, we get it, you HATE street racers.

But that doesn't excuse jumping to negative conclusions about a fellow NSXer whose life is hanging in the balance.

Try and have some perspective and save the soap box speeches for when you have ANY REAL facts at all other than some clueless reporters telling us that an "Integra was street racing a civic and was involved in an accident."

I think we have already determined that it is NOT an Integra and that the other car was most likely NOT a civic, so what makes you so GD certain that this is an evil man who was up to no good?:confused:

In THIS country, a man is innocent UNTIL proven guilty.

The energy that goes into a crash gets exponentially great at high speeds. It is clear that the report is inaccurate and racing may not be at fault but a 30-45mph crash just doesn't cause that much damage at any angle. I'll of course wait for the whole story before saying any assumptions are true.

...Looking forward to hearing the story from the man himself (aka him getting well fast).

Does anyone have an update on how he's doing or where he is? ...would love to send him something...
Does anyone have an update on how he's doing or where he is? ...would love to send him something...

He is in an induced coma in ICU right now. We know where he is but I was told to stay put as they are not allowing any visitors at this point. Thanks for the concern and I'll post updates as they are made available to me.
Well, OK here goes. Many years ago people were posting about their Christmas experiences and what they received from their spouse, got from their girlfriend, etc. I posted that my now current ex-wife asked me what I wanted, and I said nothing. I asked her what she wanted and said nothing as well. We went to our church to get a name of a child that was less fortunate than ourselves. We got Victor. He wanted a towel and some new underwear. He was 12 years old. We got Victor his new underwear, a few new towels and a new bicycle. That was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. That's when we started to do the bicycle contributions from NSXPRIME owners. Not sure but I think we've done hundreds or perhaps thousands of bikes.

If we can do this, can't we do, the who is this, how are they doing, how is the family, how can we as a community help the situation...
He is in an induced coma in ICU right now. We know where he is but I was told to stay put as they are not allowing any visitors at this point. Thanks for the concern and I'll post updates as they are made available to me.

Well, OK here goes. Many years ago people were posting about their Christmas experiences and what they received from their spouse, got from their girlfriend, etc. I posted that my now current ex-wife asked me what I wanted, and I said nothing. I asked her what she wanted and said nothing as well. We went to our church to get a name of a child that was less fortunate than ourselves. We got Victor. He wanted a towel and some new underwear. He was 12 years old. We got Victor his new underwear, a few new towels and a new bicycle. That was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. That's when we started to do the bicycle contributions from NSXPRIME owners. Not sure but I think we've done hundreds or perhaps thousands of bikes.

If we can do this, can't we do, the who is this, how are they doing, how is the family, how can we as a community help the situation...

agreed, a group gift and/or card would be awesome!
I rarely post on here although I'm an avid Prime user, but i feel compelled to vent a little....This man is someone's sons, likely someones brother, could be someone's father and he is also a fellow Primer who is clinging to life struggling to survive. To those of you who insist on lambasting this man's actions merely to champion your opinions on street racing, please have some respect for this man. You do not know with 100% certainty what happened. I am not going to advocate street racing in any way, shape or form but obviously, this man cant read your rediculous posts as he in laying in a hospital somewhere with his loved ones pleading for his life....WHAT IS THE POINT OF CRITICIZING HIS ACTIONS AT THIS POINT? How about we take a moment of silence for this man who obviously shares a common bond with us (the love for the nsx) and pray that he will be alive to learn a lesson from this. I hope that a family is not needlessly shattered into peices for an ASSUMED moment of wrecklessness. Lets not call dibs on who can have the motor and tranny from his car (WTF????) and remind him of how stupid his is. That, to me, is going too far. I understand that prime is probably full of 50 year old men that obviously like to impose their viewpoints upon others which is why i never post, but please lets have some respect and hope this man doesn't leave a baby behind just because he made one lapse in judgement. Even if not for him, for his family and friends then. I know he could've killed someone else blah, blah, blah but he didn't and I'm pulling for him to make it through so that we don't have another senseless casualty in California regardless of whose fault it is. I really hope you make it out of this...

Well said.

10 months and 9 days since my sweetheart left this world, my heart still aches. No day goes by with thinking about her and what grieving. The worst 7 days of my life were when she was in ICU fighting the infection that consumed her. I am still a very esoteric person because of it.
I feel for all who know him, a know how agonizing it is. I said what must have been a thousand rosary's praying for her while at the hospital. My sweetie was a high ranking employee at the company and the stream of people offering support was one of the things that made the ordeal bearable for me.
We are there for all who know him and for him.
I pray for his speedy recovery to stable.

it's easy for us to start elaborating how did all that happen...but we don't know anything of what happened.

i've had an solo accident, didn't hit anyone or anything..only me and my car, many years ago, in a highway, at 150mph, that included flights above 18ft from the ground...i only had little scars on my left arm/hand.. my car had the aspect of a rollover, not a single high impact zone, all the wheels in place, etc ...by the pics you never would say that my speed was near 150mph...you would say something like "he was going about 60 mph os so, and lost it and roolled over on the curbe or something". conclusion: physics and momentaneous bad mind can't be put together

was i lucky??? HELL YES...i learned the lesson the hard way...and dispite i still speed, i never ever since had a single situation near a accident... specially when i drive fast, i'm aware of what can go wrong...that makes the difference..before my limit was above the car limit, now my limit is well under the car one

on the other hand, i've seen cars that i only could identify by 1 or 2 of the OEM wheels... a pile of bent metal and plastic...driver died...and it was like 40 or 50 mph...


since we are talking about a moving object that weight more than a TON, and physics is a bitch, we can't start here making facts from guessings.... photos and shown damage can fool us... most accidents happen because the driver don't know what exactly is a car (EDIT) or is affected by other driver that don't know what a car is (/EDIT) ...it's a 1000kg weapon....and as all kinds of weapon, it must be managed with extreme care and knowledge.


PS - ready for Flaming w/o flamming suit.
agreed, a group gift and/or card would be awesome!

I guess I didn't make my point, or perhaps I am really out of the loop. I am not thinking of a CARD. I am thinking of of supporting and helping this guy we don't know, but is a member of our community and that we have a common interest with. This guy has massive problems now. Perhaps he is married, has children, parents, etc. I don't know. Can we as a community rally around him and then display our understanding or displeasure with his experience?

Can we reach out and ask his loved ones how we can help? We have a very smally community. I would like to think if I ever found myself in that envirorment, you folks would be there for me.

Maybe I am winking in the dark.
I guess I didn't make my point, or perhaps I am really out of the loop. I am not thinking of a CARD. I am thinking of of supporting and helping this guy we don't know, but is a member of our community and that we have a common interest with. This guy has massive problems now. Perhaps he is married, has children, parents, etc. I don't know. Can we as a community rally around him and then display our understanding or displeasure with his experience?

Can we reach out and ask his loved ones how we can help? We have a very smally community. I would like to think if I ever found myself in that envirorment, you folks would be there for me.

Maybe I am winking in the dark.

We can all pray and offer as much positive energy to and through iiilgsrlll. We hope for the best.

I guess I didn't make my point, or perhaps I am really out of the loop. I am not thinking of a CARD. I am thinking of of supporting and helping this guy we don't know, but is a member of our community and that we have a common interest with. This guy has massive problems now. Perhaps he is married, has children, parents, etc. I don't know. Can we as a community rally around him and then display our understanding or displeasure with his experience?

Can we reach out and ask his loved ones how we can help? We have a very smally community. I would like to think if I ever found myself in that envirorment, you folks would be there for me.

Maybe I am winking in the dark.

Depends on how strongly the local nsxca and prime membership feels about the person and event.I know the local Florida people suported the Hollar family in thier grieving.
Depends on how strongly the local nsxca and prime membership feels about the person and event.I know the local Florida people suported the Hollar family in thier grieving.

Hear you and appreciate your reply. Today for example I PM'ed a number of members nationally and internationally. Not to disagree, but I viewed us as a really small and selective number of members. Lots of members, but not really that many owners. I was just thinking we as a group of people that have a common interest could ban together to help a person in need, without passing blame.

I would like to think that if one of my butt head NASCA members in the Bay Area had a problem, if possible, I would like to help them out, within reach, and they would do the same for me. Plus we don't have butt heads here.

Again, thanks for your input and again perhaps I am way off the mark.
Re: Street Racing accident rips NSX in Half (Photos and Video)

I wonder how many talk the talk and walk the walk ........:rolleyes: I am sure a great many here are responsible drivers but there are also those who also participate once in a while doing something they shouldnt