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Ode to my NSX...

8 November 2005
Jeannette, PA
I haven't had my NSX for almost 4 years now, but a recent meet in my area has brought these thoughts to the forefront. I hope this means something to you all...

I miss the smell of hot BFG's when I pull into the garage at the end of the night, knowing that I may have well just cost myself some major money.

I miss the feel of a seriously hot top as I remove it from it's cradle and put it back on my baby.

I miss picking fuzz remnants off of the engine/top cover so no one looking in the rear window will think I don't pay attention to detail.

I miss wrapping my hand in my shirt to close the trunk, or closing the door with my finger in the key lock (and yelling at any passenger for not doing the same!) so I don't mark up her beautiful exterior

I miss wiping her down constantly (Berlina) so no matter what happens, she always looks her best.

I miss answering the questions about what she is, or how that "Acura never made a car like this as far as I know".

I miss answering even more questions after people see "HONDA" when I open the engine cover.

I miss driving her, feeling that automotive perfection that I can never explain to anyone who has never driven one.

I miss walking out to the garage, opening the door, and looking at something that I never dreamed I would even have in my possession...over and over again.

I just plain miss her...

For all you who still have one, or for those of you who are in search of...never let the dream go...it is so worth it.
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I miss wrapping my hand in my shirt to close the trunk, or closing the door with my finger in the key lock (and yelling at any passenger for not doing the same!) so I don't mark up her beautiful exterior

I miss wiping her down constantly (Berlina) so no matter what happens, she always looks her best.

So true. Hate people who touch my car with their smudgy skin.

Dark hard to clean colors 4 eva!
I have only had my nsx for a few days now and I already know what you mean. This car has always been my dream car and I finally got one! I love this car.
4 years!!! I had my car at the body shop for 3 weeks and was upset lol.
I never want to feel that way, hope to never have to sell; I highly recomend you start shopping for you're new one.
"I miss picking fuzz remnants off of the engine/top cover so no one looking in the rear window will think I don't pay attention to detail."

KNOW exactly what you mean :biggrin: That sucker is a lint trap!

"I miss walking out to the garage, opening the door, and looking at something that I never dreamed I would even have in my possession...over and over again."

Yea, still, after almost eight years of ownership...
Great post. As a recent ex-NSXer I'm sympathetic, but at the same time I'm having such a blast with my replacement I haven't had a lot of time to reflect back.

One day I hope to have another one, but it will be a minty stock car that ill treat as the classic they've all become.
Just happened upon this post and it is somewhat fitting as I just parted with my baby on Tuesday after 17 years. I have to admit I did get a little emotional when I turned over the keys and actually drove away knowing she was no longer mine. Never thought I would part with it but I drove a newer car lately and all I can say is technology has long ago passed we NSXers by. I just bought a new Corvette 427 convertable, 60th anniversary package and I no longer miss the NSX. I won't ever forget it, but it will now be a pleasant memory in the past. This new stuff is unbelieveable; 3.8 to sixty, 11.8 to the quarter mile at 123 and keeps going to 193 and pulls 1.04G on the skid pad. It is like driving a video game and I can't kid myself any longer, the NSX was no where as good as this. Seventeen years ago, that was not the case, but time has moved on and like I said, passed the NSX by. I never got into doing all the mods that I'm sure improve the car, but I never wanted to lose that pristine Honda built jewel of a car. I won't forget her, but I won't really miss her as I have found a new love. I understand this new love won't be as unique and not quite the same attention grabber, but in the end, how it reacts on the road to my driver inputs is all that really matters. Isn't that what we all love/loved about the NSX to start with?
My feelings exactly.

It's a great car, and will always hold a dear spot in my heart and be a part of my automotive identity but a great new car is the best way to forgive yourself for selling your NSX.

Maybe I'll be back with the new NSX (?) ;)
I know how the O.P. feels. I am almost 18 years into NSX ownership, and every day I give the car a little pat on the dash or fender and smile knowing it is mine.

As far as newer cars, sure they are faster with more technology, but I like the purity of the NSX driving experience. Too much electronic gadgetry in a car means it is less driver getting it done, and more of the car doing it for you.

I am going to look into a CLK63 Black Series next week, but only as an extra car, NOT as an NSX replacement. From what I understand, they are a drivers car, just with a lot more power than I have in the NSX. So with any luck I will have the best of both worlds, but the NSX is my special baby, and barring any catastrophy, I honestly do not plan to ever sell it.
Phil, I don't want to make you :frown: but here are some photos of your baby from 2006.


^June 10, 2006. Watkins Glen.


^June 10, 2006. Watkins Glen.


^Oct. 6, 2006. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.


^Oct. 7, 2006. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.


^Oct. 7, 2006. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.


^Oct. 8, 2006. The loose horn button.


^Oct. 8, 2006.


^Gettysburg weekend, Oct. 2006. That weekend changed my life! First time I met Maury, behind you. Now he's so sick. :frown:
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Just noticed you posted these pics...haven't been on here forever. Thanks, Patricia <3
Just happened upon this post and it is somewhat fitting as I just parted with my baby on Tuesday after 17 years. I have to admit I did get a little emotional when I turned over the keys and actually drove away knowing she was no longer mine. Never thought I would part with it but I drove a newer car lately and all I can say is technology has long ago passed we NSXers by. I just bought a new Corvette 427 convertable, 60th anniversary package and I no longer miss the NSX. I won't ever forget it, but it will now be a pleasant memory in the past. This new stuff is unbelieveable; 3.8 to sixty, 11.8 to the quarter mile at 123 and keeps going to 193 and pulls 1.04G on the skid pad. It is like driving a video game and I can't kid myself any longer, the NSX was no where as good as this. Seventeen years ago, that was not the case, but time has moved on and like I said, passed the NSX by. I never got into doing all the mods that I'm sure improve the car, but I never wanted to lose that pristine Honda built jewel of a car. I won't forget her, but I won't really miss her as I have found a new love. I understand this new love won't be as unique and not quite the same attention grabber, but in the end, how it reacts on the road to my driver inputs is all that really matters. Isn't that what we all love/loved about the NSX to start with?

This added June 15, 2014. I know this is an old thread now, but I thought I would add this info. When I made the above comment about my new (at the time) 427 Convertible Corvette getting less attention than the NSX has proven to be way wrong. I have actually received at least double the positive comments with this car as I ever did with the NSX. Now that could be because more people know what a Corvette is and perhaps they are less intimidated to speak up about a car they know. As with most of you, I have had plenty of people over the years I had my NSX ask me if it was a Ferrari or at least ask "what is it." They typically know what a Corvette is, but I have to say, I get tons of thumbs up and nearly always get positive comments whenever I go anywhere and park. This 427 is way more aggressive looking than the NSX and just gets attention. So for whatever it's worth, I was wrong on that account. I get asked all the time if I miss the NSX from friends, but honestly, the NSX is a pleasant memory. It was my dream car when I got it and I loved every day of my seventeen years of ownership, but as stated in my original post, time moves on and I finally decided to move on with it. Absolutely no remorse yet. This is one amazing car!