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OEM keychain?

30 September 2016
I am a Service Manager at an Acura dealer. I have a long term client who is the original owner of a 1992 NSX. She says the vehicle came with some type of keychain when it was new. She doesn’t really remember what it was but would like another. Anyone know what it may have been? She would really like one and I would like to help. Thanks in advance. John
I am a Service Manager at an Acura dealer. I have a long term client who is the original owner of a 1992 NSX. She says the vehicle came with some type of keychain when it was new. She doesn’t really remember what it was but would like another. Anyone know what it may have been? She would really like one and I would like to help. Thanks in advance. John

Hi John-

Thanks for reaching out. If anyone will know, it will be the folks here. AFAIK, Acura did not produce an "official" keychain for the NSX, but many dealers produced them independently for customers and provided them either with a new NSX purchase or sold them in their accessories. An example is below.


Most likely your client got one of these styles from her original dealer. Your best bet (if you haven't tried it already) is to contact the original dealer and see if they offered these keychains. And, more importantly, if they have any left!

My other thought is that the original factory keyless entry system had to be installed by dealers once the car was received from the factory. It came with a leather pouch keychain that held the key fob and the pouch was custom-embossed with the Acura logo. Acura made these keychains and they are the only "custom" ones I know of that were factory offerings.

Finally, in the 2000's, some Acura dealers were giving NSX customers aftermarket keychains like the one in the below thread. These were Ebay specials that dealers bought in bulk and then handed out to NSX customers. Obviously no Ebay in 1992, though. You can also see the key fob pouch I was talking about.


Also tagging [MENTION=9496]The Kid[/MENTION], who is a Acura dealer and may know more than me about what was offered in 1992 (when I was in 9th grade) :D
Also tagging [MENTION=9496]The Kid[/MENTION], who is a Acura dealer and may know more than me about what was offered in 1992 (when I was in 9th grade) :D

Funny, I was in 8th grade. Needless to say, it was many years before I started with Honda/Acura.

All jokes aside, I'm not aware of any official keychain that came along with the original NSX. The only thing I can maybe think of is the Michel Clo luggage came with a keychain. It was part of a 5 piece set. Again, way before my time.
Yep I've been in the game since 96 and nothing "official" other than mentioned above....I would commend your client for having her life so in order that she has time to worry about an old keychain;)
Hi John-

Thanks for reaching out. If anyone will know, it will be the folks here. AFAIK, Acura did not produce an "official" keychain for the NSX, but many dealers produced them independently for customers and provided them either with a new NSX purchase or sold them in their accessories. An example is below.


Most likely your client got one of these styles from her original dealer. Your best bet (if you haven't tried it already) is to contact the original dealer and see if they offered these keychains. And, more importantly, if they have any left!

I think you are correct. That has always been my thought. I just wanted to see if I was wrong….it’s happened before….
original 97 key chain

this is what was in the original nsx box ,

View attachment 172222
I *think* those were produced by an independent individual. I bought one like that 5-10 years ago from a seller on Prime or FB who I think was selling not just one but many that he produced or procured from wherever.
The luggage set came with a leather keyfob. I used mine for the first 20 years I owned the car, so it's very worn -- but you can get a basic idea of what it looks like:
Holy cow! That looks like it was pulled from Tutankhamen's pocket and then left by a train track for 10 years. Glad you got some good use!

I found one of those recently in a bit newer condition but with black stitching on the logo side and white stitching on the non-logo side, which doesn't match other fobs I've seen in the past which have white stitching on both sides. I posted on FB NSXmobilia asking if anyone had a fob, to see if any had black stitching had but nobody chimed in, maybe because these just aren't that common.


HaHa King Tut keyfob....