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President Jimmy Carter?

2 March 2003
San Francisco
What's the deal with former President Jimmy Carter?:confused: He takes off to meet with Hamas when everyone asked not to. Did this guy get hit in the head at some Habitat for Humanity meeting? Not too long ago he met with the leaders of Nepal's Maoists group and then said they should be taken off the terror list. He also said North Korea's leader was an intellegent man and that he didn't see North Korea as an outlaw nation. Maybe Billy was really the smart one in the family.:biggrin:
He is just a clown IMO. Stick to peanut farming and HforH. Keep his butt out of foreign relationss for petes sake..........
Old?...senile?...Soylent Green time? :rolleyes: :biggrin:
President Carter's term was not successful because he did not do a good job of surrounding himself with good people. Same as Bush. However, Carter was also the most intelligent President (highest IQ) of probably any President we have ever had in history. George Bush probably the dumbest.

I had the pleasure of having President Carter on one of my flights out of ATL and he took the time before the flight to walk down the isle and shake every single person's hand and say hello. You can say alot of things about his Presidency and his foreign policy views, but he is a man of great character... something that Bush is sorely lacking.
I'm not up to date on Hamas, so I really don't know. But why is TALKING a bad thing? They're just fighting over land right? Why not talk about it?
I'm not up to date on Hamas, so I really don't know. But why is TALKING a bad thing? They're just fighting over land right? Why not talk about it?

As Jim mentioned, Carter is a brilliant person. Google Hamas and read about them. It's a very complicated organization.

Carter's follies (especially in the Middle East) are only trumped by his self-importance on the world stage.

GW Bush is well-liked too by those who come in conctact with him... that says nothing of his decision making. Nor does it say anything of Carter's decision making.
Jimmy Carter is a failed president and is forever feigning relevancy. Why can't he just accept that his policies were inept and left the country in an economic mess and emasculated state that only Ronald Reagan could pull us out of. Funny how the Carter apologists can't resist taking a swipe at Bush. No, not really funny, just par for the course; pathetic.
As Jim mentioned, Carter is a brilliant person. Google Hamas and read about them. It's a very complicated organization.


Did you read what he said about Henry Kissinger?
President Carter's term was not successful because he did not do a good job of surrounding himself with good people. Same as Bush...

You can say alot of things about his Presidency and his foreign policy views, but he is a man of great character... something that Bush is sorely lacking.

SERIOUSLY???? His character is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE!!!!! He and his organization (which pays him millions a year and represents the main source of his wealth) is almost entirely funded by the Saudis - the parts that aren't are heavily funded by other arab states - including Khadafi/Lybia!!!!

He's got about as much "character" as Charlie Manson - and apart from Habitat he's really up to no good!

I'm not up to date on Hamas, so I really don't know. But why is TALKING a bad thing? They're just fighting over land right? Why not talk about it?

Talking is important, and talking to your enemies is the best way of avoiding issues that end up with people dead. The issue with Hamas is the world (the EU, and North American Govs) have asked them to remove the part of their charter (Constitution) that specifically states that all Jews in Israel must die - they refuse to remove it, insisting its an important part of their existence.

The issue isn't talking to them, its recognizing that they are a legitimate government that represents the best interests of the Palestinian people to live in Peace. Jimmy thinks that Israel should try to negotiate peace with them - Israel says it will IF they remove the part about the death to Israelis and stop taking credit for and supporting the missile attacks - Hamas says "no"

I think this is a little different than talking to Iran, you simply can't negotiate with a group that really does openly admit that their only goal is to see you dead - what are you gonna negotiate? What they'll do after they kill you?:confused:
Jimmy Carter is a failed president and is forever feigning relevancy. Why can't he just accept that his policies were inept and left the country in an economic mess and emasculated state that only Ronald Reagan could pull us out of.

Oh man I was JUST thinking the exact same thing the other day. Reagan would do an excellent job of pulling us out of this.

When can we get another great president? I think McCain is doing a great job of letting the two Democrats beat each other up before he jumps in the game. He is no dummy but I am a little hesitant about his skills.
Oh man I was JUST thinking the exact same thing the other day. Reagan would do an excellent job of pulling us out of this.

When can we get another great president? I think McCain is doing a great job of letting the two Democrats beat each other up before he jumps in the game. He is no dummy but I am a little hesitant about his skills.

Tell me you don't want Hillary in there? I'll be honest, I'm starting to warm to Obama. If I thought he would be a centrist leader (like Bill Clinton was generally), I'd be 100% for Obama. I just don't know. He would do marvelous things for repairing the U.S. reputation around the world (non republican, non Clinton dynasty, non establishment, visionary, etc.) that McCain never would.
Tell me you don't want Hillary in there? I'll be honest, I'm starting to warm to Obama. If I thought he would be a centrist leader (like Bill Clinton was generally), I'd be 100% for Obama. I just don't know. He would do marvelous things for repairing the U.S. reputation around the world (non republican, non Clinton dynasty, non establishment, visionary, etc.) that McCain never would.

:confused: :confused: :rolleyes:
I'll never tell.:wink:
Oh man I was JUST thinking the exact same thing the other day. Reagan would do an excellent job of pulling us out of this.

When can we get another great president? I think McCain is doing a great job of letting the two Democrats beat each other up before he jumps in the game. He is no dummy but I am a little hesitant about his skills.

C'mon if you like Reagan for now you should LOVE McCain - both have trouble remembering sh!t - one of them is just "almost dead":rolleyes:
Jimmy Carter went and placed a wreath on the grave of Yassar Arafat as a sign of respect the other day. His ballbag should be stuffed with peanuts.
Jimmy Carter went and placed a wreath on the grave of Yassar Arafat as a sign of respect the other day. His ballbag should be stuffed with peanuts.

U Kidding?

Arafat is my hero!

He figured out how to take tons of money from the combined governments of the world, get the UN to set up a separate Aid Division for Palestine alone (UN has two Aid groups, UNICEF and the one that helps the Palestinians!), support terrorism and all the while becoming a Billionaire! And was loved by his starving countrymen until his dying day!

He's the KING PIMP - he created a nation and then bitch-slapped it and made it kill itself (literally) working for him!

I can see how Jimmy loves the Pimp too!
U Kidding?

Arafat is my hero!

He figured out how to take tons of money from the combined governments of the world, get the UN to set up a separate Aid Division for Palestine alone (UN has two Aid groups, UNICEF and the one that helps the Palestinians!), support terrorism and all the while becoming a Billionaire! And was loved by his starving countrymen until his dying day!

He's the KING PIMP - he created a nation and then bitch-slapped it and made it kill itself (literally) working for him!

I can see how Jimmy loves the Pimp too!

Nice hero figure.:confused: