Price to Install Springs ???

12 July 2003
Marblehead, Ohio
Here's a question for those of you who have paid to have aftermarket springs installed. I've got a set of Comptech Springs and my local Acura dealer quoted me 6 hours to install and 2 hours to do the alignment. I'm just wondering if this is within reason or not ???

I paid $400 for shocks/springs/alignment by a GREAT NSX tech.
I was offered shocks/springs/alignment by an Acura dealer for $1000 and declined.
Not that I know what the price would be, but I put the Type "S" suspension on my car this last weekend, the fronts are fairly easy to do, took about 20 minutes each. The backs are a little bit tougher as you have to remove the ilink bar that connects to the sway bar, remove the rear cover garnish, so maybe a little more involved at about 30 minutes - total to remove old and put new ones on about 1 hour 40 minutes, lets say 2 hours with coffee breaks.
The additional time for yours is you have to remove the old coils with a spring compressor and then install the new coils, there is a diagrahm in the NSX manual about how to line the bottom mounting point to the top coil cover which looks very interesting to get lined up, being careful to align properly without the need to over stress the mounting points if you dont get them perfect and there is litlle room for error. If you have the right tools I cant see this adding more than 15 minutes to each spring - so another hour.
I think the approxiamete time would be 3 hours for a rookie. :biggrin:

6 hours seems extreme - I would call Chris at Science of Speed and order the Type "S" or "R" complete kit, it maybe cheaper.

2 hours also seems like a lot for alignment adjusting -

Just my 2 cents. Thanks and good luck
White94 said:
I paid $400 for shocks/springs/alignment by a GREAT NSX tech.
I was offered shocks/springs/alignment by an Acura dealer for $1000 and declined.

That was a good deal. I paid about $550 for my Eibach's, Koni's and alignment.
I recently installed Bilsteins on all 4 corners. If I were to do it again tomorrow, I would guess it would take me 2-3 hours from start to finish.
I paid $400 for installation of Bilsteins + wheel alignment at a really good shop in the Bay Area. I felt that was a good total price for both services.
Just remember when you compare prices to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Koni's are not the same as Bilsteins, etc. I do not think your $550 price vs. the $400 price is out of line for the two different installs, including alignment. Koni's are a PITA since you need to swap the spring perch off the stock strut

djskyy, what did you get installed for $250?, just so we can compare. That is a great price regardless though:)

white94, How about you?

Brian, as you point out, you just changed the entire strut, so it is less work. Hope we can get together this season.

My $.02,
Larry Bastanza said:
djskyy, what did you get installed for $250?, just so we can compare. That is a great price regardless though:)

$150 from One6 Motorsports (which includes blisteins/tiens springs install on all 4 corners)...and another $100 for alignment at the stealership... :biggrin:
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Larry Bastanza said:
Just remember when you compare prices to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Koni's are not the same as Bilsteins, etc. I do not think your $550 price vs. the $400 price is out of line for the two different installs, including alignment. Koni's are a PITA since you need to swap the spring perch off the stock strut.

white94, How about you?
The $400 was quoted for a full Zanardis over Konis install & an alignment.

To be fair, I always always feel like my car is cared for as if it was his own and try to repay the numerous favors wherever I can. In this case, I dissassmbled a used set of stockers and fit the perches to Konis myself. I left the spring assembly, install and alignment to the tech. I couldn't be more pleased with the quality of service I received and payed more than I was asked to. I will continue to service my NSX there exclusively when I elect not to do it myself.