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pure sex movement (poll inside)

Do you use the phrase 'pure sex'?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 13.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 62.1%
  • I'm still a virgin

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Docjon is gonna ban Jack Sparrow

    Votes: 10 17.2%

  • Total voters

This thread is givin' me lolz... thanks for being a good sport, the online NSX community could use such lighthearted, cheeky, and humorous stuff from time to time! :D
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

you need another choice....distilled sex:biggrin: Of course you know how I voted:wink:
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

I'm still a virgin
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

HaHa, DocJon's gonna ban u is my reply, lol
LOL, so did i...
This thread is givin' me lolz... thanks for being a good sport, the online NSX community could use such lighthearted, cheeky, and humorous stuff from time to time! :D
Thank you sir. There will be more to come.
you need another choice....distilled sex:biggrin: Of course you know how I voted:wink:
I'm still a virgin
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

I'm not a fan of many new widely-accepted expressions: No worries, my bad, it's all good, pure sex, etc. I guess I'm just getting old. :cool:
Not any more:biggrin:
LOLOLOL....provided evidence and everything.

So from the preliminary results:

  • Either Doc isn't out of touch with the lingo
  • He is out of touch with current lingo but so is the rest of the forum
  • Most people think I will be banned by the good Doctor.
After reading this thread I have one question, can we make an equally humorous poll about naming threads "just don't know what to say"?

From what I gather people love that title...
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

I'm not a fan of many new widely-accepted expressions: No worries, my bad, it's all good, pure sex, etc. I guess I'm just getting old. :cool:

Try "ist ales gute" or "es todo bien." :wink:
What do you mean? :confused:

On 6-25 alas-NSX posted a thread titled "Ummm, I just don't know what to say.''. That thread was about reposts and rather funny to read. In this thread someone referenced names of threads like this 'grinding his gears'

About 2-3 threads below this one currently in off topic is a thread with an almost identical name. I just thought it was humorous...

I admit not that funny, and now that I've had to explain it, I'm sure the funny has been thoroughly beaten out of it.:biggrin:
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

Not any more:biggrin:

Well I will admit that have been saying "pure sex" after docjon made a post about it since I find it interesting. Its always good to have a inside joke among a forum where it will seem insignificant to an outsider but it will make us chuckle inside.

This thread is "pure sex" this term can be used for anything :smile:
Before there was "pure sex," there was "Pre-Paid Ass." The OGs here will remember that one.
Lol.....newbs have to search prepaid!!!!!
Re: ***pure sex movement*** (poll inside)

I'm not a fan of many new widely-accepted expressions: No worries, my bad, it's all good, pure sex, etc. I guess I'm just getting old. :cool:

What about “23 Skiddoo,” “Cat’s Pajamas,” “BubbaJack,” and “Right On?”