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Random Thread topics that don’t each deserve their own thread.

16 April 2007
Have you ever wanted to start a thread or throw something out there but didn’t think it had enough substance to stand on its own? How about a thread for that sort of stuff? Here are a few of varying lameness.

The first one is for the “duh” file.
NOOBS TAKE NOTE. Like a corporation, there is a sort of culture here on the site. If you want to be a team player, this will sum up 90% of the general consensus without having to read anything:
It goes without saying that we love the NSX, yet we’ll readily admit that it needs more power.
We love Honda for giving us the NSX, but we’re ticked that they have screwed the pooch so spectacularly in following it up with the next version.
We respect the performance of the Corvette because it’s undeniable, yet we’re iffy on build quality, interior, and the fact that it’s so common.
All but one of us gives the ASCC thumbs down.
After seeing the ASCC, even those among us who were dubious about the HSC are wishing it had been made.
If you praise any German or Italian machine, be sure to mention the terrible cost of upkeep.
The “I like it stock” guys and the “Mod the bejesus out of it” guys are at a permanent truce; yet someone who ventures into Riceland will be called out.
We hate it when someone calls the NSX simply an X. (But is there any other car that this can be confused with? On the NSX Prime website?)
We own fast cars, but tsk-tsk anyone who actually admits driving over the posted limit.
In fact, we b-slap people who use poor grammar and punctuation, repeat posters, those who curse, appear to be unkind to animals, or who do or threaten to do any kind of naughtiness even in jest.
Those who love the public appreciation that the NSX inevitably brings better keep quiet or else be labeled a loser who bought the car for that purpose only.
Most of us can truly agree that our cars are maintained and modded to a higher standard because of this wonderful site.
OK, there’s five minute’s thought. I’m sure there are a thousand more of these.

THE FOLKS ON this site have been great! Knowledgeable, helpful, only rarely a flame. But have you ever noticed how there’s always someone around to interrupt a lively conversation to point out that your new thread has been done before and will to post links to similar threads going back to kingdom come? And yet, if you do as the moderator recommends and just add on to an existing thread, someone is sure to tell you, “Dude, you just restarted a ten-year-old thread.”
What to do, never revisit a subject, just keep reading the old posts? Everything has been done before, just in a different variation. Some of the most enjoyable reading has been variants upon a subject already well done yet not done during a period when you/I was/were around and reading.
And another thing: there always seems to be someone ready to shut down active conversation when they think it’s gone on too long or gets weird. “Moderator, please lock this thread,” they say. Now, that’s when I really want to chime in.

I GET THE distinct impression that there are a few who wish that the cost of an NSX could be much higher than it is, if only to keep semi-indigent peckerwoods (like myself) from ever getting their hands on one.

THE EDGES OF my headlight covers rub against the hood when the lights are popped up. I’ve searched, and if information on how to correct this is here, I can’t specifically find it.
I can see bolts holding the whole headlight assembly to the car. Could it be as simple as loosening, adjusting, and re-tightening?
I’ve noticed this on other NSX’s, too. Could someone in the know could say what the real fix is?

THE “GIRLS AND NSX’S” THREAD could use a few more pages of pictures, constantly updated. The “The hottest girl that you have ever seen” thread is healthy, thank goodness. But I like to see a beautiful X – sorry, NSX – in the background.

I FINALLY HIT 135 MPH the other day. The PO had only attained a top speed of 130. The car feels a bit more like it’s mine.
Next goal: 150.

Feel free to respond or put your own not-ready-for-NSX Primetime threads here. Or better yet: moderator, please lock this thread.:biggrin:
Ha. Thanks for summarizing the entire forum. Funny how you guys think your cars need more power. Sure theres always something faster but it makes your thirst for speed seem unquenchable. Also, what kind of slow does that make me? Haha.

One thing I haven't found an appropriate place to put yet is... where are you guys?? In all my life I've never seen an NSX in person. I always keep my eyes pealed on the road and through parking lots for cars of interest. I know at least a few of you use your car as a DD.
We own fast cars, but tsk-tsk anyone who actually admits driving over the posted limit.

Now that's funny......most car forums have a "Kills" section :eek:
You mean you didn't do a search for "random thread topics that don't each deserve their own thread" before you posted this.. I did and found..... er none!!
I've only been here a few months and I agree with every point. nicely put. :cool:
One thing I haven't found an appropriate place to put yet is... where are you guys?? In all my life I've never seen an NSX in person. I always keep my eyes pealed on the road and through parking lots for cars of interest. I know at least a few of you use your car as a DD.

If there are 200,000,000 cars in the USA today and 9,000 NSX, then NSX are 0.000045% of the total. Keep looking! :)

edit to ask: someone good with math tell me, does that number above translate to 450,000 to 1?
Don't you worry about my looking. My looking is unrelenting. I imagine the odds are a bit more skewed however since a larger than average percent of those road going NSXes are garage queens instead of DDs.
This thread again.

WENT TO GILLMAN ACURA (on 45, N of Houston) yesterday. Needed some of the clips that hold the plastic interior pieces, such as the pillar garnishes, in place; they’re really tiny things. No more metal in them than a couple of paperclips. They wanted $3.74 for each of them. I know, the dealer ain’t the cheapest place to go, but Jeeze.
On the other hand, the folks in the service department were really, really nice. A casual inquiry about my sticking antenna led to my driving the car into the shop where they adjusted it for free. So the first impression was good. Seems like everyone is interested in the NSX. The technician was explaining to me that an NSX timing belt job was more intricate than for a regular car, and I remember feeling relieved that I’d actually stumbled across a mechanic with actual NSX experience. According to other posts, sometimes you can’t count on an Acura service department to have anyone there who knows our cars.

FRANKLY, I THOUGHT I’d never see another NSX while actually driving the NSX. But a couple of weeks ago, it happened. I was on 290 (in Houston) in the left lane, and I got a glimpse of some familiar lines of a car ahead and on the right. Zipped up there and for a moment was beside a beautiful pre ’02 blue. Couldn’t get any other details in the dark, and he exited a mile later.
I was excited to see it … and yet … how embarrassing to be caught out driving the same car as somebody else.:redface: (kidding).

A red Porsche zipped by while motoring last weekend. Although not a Porsche dude, I did want a closer look at it, so I stepped on the gas to catch up. The roar of the engine woke up my GF who was asleep in the passenger seat. I hadn’t even reached 100 and she was hollering to slow down, which I, unfortunately, did; and the P-car zipped on like mad and got away.
So the go-slo mod is to install a (female) passenger in the spare seat. You’ll stay midrange into the double-digits and no more.
And now there’s probably a Porsche driver out there somewhere telling his buddies how he smoked an NSX this weekend.:mad:

THIS STUFF has a bloggy flavor. Perhaps Prime should add another feature to the site: everybody has their own page so they could blah blah all they want without clogging up the forums like I’m doing now. We could follow the members doing an NSX-R build and skip over the ones posting “Yo dawg just road in an X luv it it sux alot fuken A lol woooo!” or similar scintillatingly scholarly statements.
My top speed so far is 164 mph on a public road going up a slight incline and still pulling. Lately for some reason it's been having a tough time breaking the 145-150mph barrier. Maybe it's because it's on a shorter piece of road where I've been attempting it... probably but at night with the headlights popped up I think it really makes it tough. I think that really hurts the aerodynamics at moderately fast speeds.

My go slow mod is my 2 and half year old strapped in next to me in her Recaro carseat. Yeah I still speed a little bit but like 80mph tops on an open highway. With the dates, I drive a little quick and spirited because even on a bad date, it was a GREAT drive :)

Is this also an admit your guilts thread too? Cause I got quite a few....
I like this thread. Keep updating it.
Uh-oh … encouragement! Here we go again, then:

I THOUGHT CRAP like this only happened to other people, but now it’s happening to me. I’m getting out of the NSX at work one day just as a ‘Vette driver is getting out of his. He spots the car and walks in with me. At first, I thought the guy was friendly enough, but lately I’ve come to realize that the cocky bastard is baiting me. In the beginning, it was friendly-sounding and subtle(Hey, your antenna’s bent), but now whenever we pass in the hall he says things like, and I quote, “Hey, slow-poke,” or “Whatcha got in that thing, a 4-banger?” or “That’s a 2-liter in there, right?”
Ticked me off real bad at first. Reeked so badly of 1982 schoolyard BS it made me want to kick some butt. But I know better than to pit my stock ’91 against his new C6. The plain ones come with, what, 400 HP?
Right now I’m sticking with the trash talk: “I can’t remember – which ‘vette is yours?” (there are at least 15 in the lot and no other NSX’s), or “If yours is still running in 17 years, I’ll race you then,” or “Sorry, the pu**y magnet in the car makes it too heavy.”
If you guys come up with any succinct put-downs I can use, let me know.

WOMEN, WHO DON’T generally give a rat’s arse about cars at all, can be used as a sort of yardstick to gauge what other’s impressions might be. Case in point: my GF. The other day we’re watching “Bruce Almighty,” and there’s a scene in there where Bruce transforms his piece-of-junk car into a Saleen S7. My girl looked at that wonderful, outrageous, over-the-top car and said that it “looks just like the NSX.” Somehow it made me proud.
Yeah, yeah, I know, not in the same league. But the NSX sometimes leaves a similar impression as other mid-engine cars, and for a lot less dough.
You may now flame me for appearing to care what others think.

I BOUGHT A dealer’s NSX information packet that came up for sale on eBay. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there not normally seen (at least by me) because it was meant for behind-the-scenes. For example, in the demographics section, they had this to say about customers who purchase the NSX:

The NSX appeals to clients who have attained the pinnacle of success in their lives. Old enough to have developed sophisticated and discerning tastes, these buyers nevertheless still retain their enthusiasm for high-performance drives. They are luxury buyers who would never settle for the staid complacency of a performance sedan. Rather, they prefer the unique styling and immense performance of an exotic supercar like the NSX.
The vehicle’s performance really is of utmost importance to NSX buyers, who also name affluent pursuits like golfing, boating and traveling among their favorite activities. NSX buyers are nearly all male, affluent and highly educated.”​

According to the pamphlet, the buyer demographics broke down like this:
Sex: Male—95%, Female—5%
Married: 78%
Education: 83% college graduates
Median household income: $300,000​

OK, fine. But what can be said of the second owners (in general)? This person may or may not have reached the “pinnacle of success” but has IMO reached the pinnacle of good taste. And unlike a significant portion of early owners who wanted the car when it was the hottest new thing out there, the second owner has arrived, by whatever means, at a profoundly deep love of a car that has lasted even through a very long wait.

POST YOUR RANDOM thoughts, my fellow dudes. Don’t be shy. Admit your guilts, too.:biggrin:
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No stopping me, now.

I’ve seen threads here where owners state that their OEM headlights are so dim they can’t stand it; but mine are OEM and they are so bright I thought it possible the PO had installed HIDs. Perhaps it is because the lights, while old, are still virginal (not used much).
Anywho, if I installed HID what could I expect? Going from “Great!” to “Holy Cr@p!”?
What I’d really like to do is compare side-to-side my lights with someone’s lights who thinks they are cr@ppy. Maybe lights fade over time.

Mini story
Part 1:
I bought a specialty tool for removing the interior of my car. It’s a trim pad remover, sort of shaped like a screwdriver with a dogleg in the shaft and a grooved spade at the end. It pops grommets loose from their sockets.
Part 2:
Mom had a stroke awhile back. She’s better, now, but her hands are weak, and it’s difficult for her to open soda cans. I had laid the trim pad remover tool on the kitchen table. Mom picked it up and discovered that it is the perfect tool for cracking open the cans. Even better than a screwdriver, it slips under the tab and wrenches it up.
If there is anyone infirm in your family, the item is Snap-On Trim Pad Remover #A177.

Mini Rant:
Not long ago I was driving up 290 here in Houston, a little after sundown. I looked in my mirror and saw the diamond-white HIDs of some vehicle behind me, closing fast. No sooner had I made that observation when WHOOSH! A black BMW shot by me on the left. A split second later a black Maserati blew by me on the right. My car shook in the shock wave.
Prevailing traffic speed was about 70 but these two made it look like it was sitting still as they weaved in and out. This wasn’t a spirited drive on some back country road. These guys tangled on a major highway at close to rush hour. I haven’t been the most militant anti-streetracer out there but cr@p like this makes me think about it.
It would have ticked you off, too, especially if you’d had your family in the car with you.
If you praise any German or Italian machine, be sure to mention the terrible cost of upkeep.

Well, I'll chime in here. I love my Ducati, it is by far the most spirited bike I have ever owned. It pratically begs to grind pucks on every corner and putting more torque on the wheel is as simple as flexing your wrist slightly. And that's a baby Duc. What I don't love is the $60 oil changes that I do myself ( $55 for the oil and $15 for the filter) every 3k miles as per Ducati spec, the $400 valve service every 6k miles, the $250 timing belt replacements whenever your bike decides it's tired of the old belts (trust me you'll know) and the complete inability to find instructional courses for how to do these services yourself. I performed all maintenance on my previous Suzuki's myself, generally with the help of shop manuals that I would buy off the Suzuki shop for a reasonable price. You even mention wanting to buy a Ducati shop manual at a dealer and they look at you like you just killed Jesus. Still wouldn't give it up, I've pretty much fallen in love with this machine and can't wait to add another Duc to the Garage.
the complete inability to find instructional courses for how to do these services yourself. I performed all maintenance on my previous Suzuki's myself, generally with the help of shop manuals that I would buy off the Suzuki shop for a reasonable price. You even mention wanting to buy a Ducati shop manual at a dealer and they look at you like you just killed Jesus. Still wouldn't give it up, I've pretty much fallen in love with this machine and can't wait to add another Duc to the Garage.
ALL Italian exotics have this "character" Terry. Otherwise what's Uncle Guido going to do - now that they've turned la bella machina into a Teutonic Audighini ?? There was a good story about the Lambo plant in Sant'Agata - where they divvied up the plant between Murcielago (lower-volume, old-world, loosey-goosey) and Gallardo (higher-volume, German, high-quality, etc). All the old guys jumped to the M line and refused to work on the G line.

Re: Duc books - you might want to check out
- Manuals Empire ( http://www.manualsempire.com/motorcycles/ducati/cat_28.html )
- ProItalia.com ( http://store.proitalia.com/91470xyyy.html )

Duc's are great... many a summer that I'd planned to trade up from my trusty Honda (Nighthawk 750) to a Monster or something cooler. Was not a fan of the crotch-rocket scene (not friendly to the ahem... inseam challenged :eek: ), but to each his own, right ?

Twist of the wrist - keep the rubber side down !!
I have noticed the Duc seems pretty tall, but it works to my advantage as I'm a little over 6'. If you ever get the urge for a Duc, look at the HM1100. At first glance it's tall as hell, but much like all motards, the springs compress a lot when you get on. I was given the chance to ride one recently and even being a 'tard it still has all the 'character' one would expect from a Ducati, it's just a little more forgiving of potholes and such.

I got finished talking to a Harley guy the other day ( everyone loves a Ducati, from squidly Gixxer riders to hard ass Harley guys) and he told me 'Keep it vertical', I looked back and told him 'The day I keep it vertical will be the day I trade my Ducati in for a cruiser'. I wonder if he got my point........

Thanks for the links, if it comes down to it, I'll probably buy the CD from proitalia. I'm just holding out to find a paper copy, I tend to reference things several times during a job and don't really want to have to wrap my laptop in plastic to keep the grease off.
PUT ANOTHER 700 miles on the NSX this holiday weekend. Before leaving I broke out my map and plotted a course off the interstate; I thought that doing so might make the trip more interesting. Instead, what I got was akin to a 4-hour long orgasm. I went through the Davy Crockett National Forest (in Texas) and it was a fantastic drive! The road was empty of other traffic and cops. The trail twisted and went up and down and the trees grew so thick overhead that it was like driving through a tunnel.
This may sound odd to you, but there were some sections of road so perfect that I got goosebumps on my arms and the hair on my neck felt like it stood up. I thought I'd have to go to the Tail of the Dragon for that sensation.
I had to review my in-car video to make sure I wasn’t kidding myself. Nope. It was good. I tried to post the vid but it went tilt. Later, maybe.
Point: I took the road less traveled … and it made all the difference.

OK, SO YOU already have your NSX. But you are still on the lookout for things that are cool and unusual, right? Look at this:


FYI, I’m not affiliated with this at all.

EVER SINCE I started shaving circa 1984, I’ve used the same old Trac II razor. Not only have I thought it was good enough, but I thought it was pretty darned good. Which is why I scoffed at the freebie Fusion 5-bladed razor that came with my newspaper a year or so ago. The cheapie in me compelled me to use it, however – and I have not stopped using it.
Five blades may seem ridiculous, but I tell you, they really do glide over the old puss. I hate to admit to change, but it looks like I’m sold.
Yeah, the cartridges are a LOT more expensive than Trac II’s, but (and this is the neat thing) you can use the fusions for a long, long time. The Trac II would make me bleed in numerous places after more than 4 shaves. I’m up to 10 on my fusion and no nicks. Procter and Gamble (owns Gillette) probably doesn’t want you to do that, but I’m still using mine long after the lubri-strip is worn out, with no ill effects.
My inner cheapie loves it. (In Martha Stewart voice): It’s a good thing.

FOR ANYONE WHO can’t get enough attention, try driving a Smart car. Drove around in a yellow-and-black one for awhile this weekend, and it got more eyeball and more people coming up to ask about it than the NSX, by far. You get Lambo attention for about 16k. That public interest is bound to taper off once they become more common, but for now people are lovin’ the little telephone booth on wheels. I don’t need the attention, but the car is growing on me. The biggest downsides are the lack of acceleration and the amount one has to fight the steering wheel when it is windy.

POST ‘EM IF you got ‘em, people. This thread ain’t just for me.:smile:
I'VE SAID IT before, but that was years ago, so I’ll say it again: I FREAKIN’ LOVE NSX PRIME! Whenever something goes wrong on the NSX, 90% of the time I’m able to source a solution right here. Latest example: my radio malfunctioned, gave a “CDE 2.”
A little digging here turned up a 1-minute-to-implement solution. Cost: $0. Woo hoo!

It has about 260 HP, weighs in at 2,935 lbs, it can go 0-60 in 5.5 seconds, does the quarter mile in 14 seconds, has a top speed of about 160 MPH, and these days you can pick one up in the low-20K price range.
So what is it?
The Chevy Cobalt SS. I was just struck by the similarity of these numbers to the you-know-what.
Oh, yeah: it’s also FWD and it redlines at about 6300 rpm, btw.

92NSX RECENTLY HAD his Integra stolen and stripped. Bastards – I hate thieves.
But it did remind me of the time my buddy had his truck stolen. It was just a plain old Chevy truck as I remember, and he was all bent out of shape when it turned up missing. But he got another vehicle and got on with life. About six years later, the cops found his truck and he got it back.
All the maintenance had been done, which is fine because my friend will run a car into the ground. But there were … other changes. The truck was sparkly purple, there were flames painted on the side, and a big, fake air scoop made mostly out of Bondo was on the hood. Inside were velvet seats, a crystal chandelier, a chain steering wheel, and the engine had the dog doo chromed out of it.
My friend loved it. Those Mexican gentlemen took better care of it than he ever did. He would have worn it out within a year. Six years later, he got his chance and that’s just what he did.
But for a while he was lookin’ “good.”
You never told me you drove a Smart car. I really want the opportunity to do that. I've been fastinated since the 1st day I saw one. I saw 8 or 10 on a carrier a couple weeks back on my way to Houston.
does everything need an expiration date???
"throw that out, it's expired".
my g/f tosses out packs of mccormick spices
from 2007...stuff was prolly stuffed in bodies
to mummify them.....:smile:

yeah, and i'm buying 'expired' sx-70 film
w/ ridiculous expiration dates for big bux!!
insane looooky here
stopped making film in 2006...yer screwed...
stuff works fine.
god, i love that camera!!
Mini Rant:
Not long ago I was driving up 290 here in Houston, a little after sundown. I looked in my mirror and saw the diamond-white HIDs of some vehicle behind me, closing fast. No sooner had I made that observation when WHOOSH! A black BMW shot by me on the left. A split second later a black Maserati blew by me on the right. My car shook in the shock wave.
Prevailing traffic speed was about 70 but these two made it look like it was sitting still as they weaved in and out. This wasn’t a spirited drive on some back country road. These guys tangled on a major highway at close to rush hour. I haven’t been the most militant anti-streetracer out there but cr@p like this makes me think about it.
It would have ticked you off, too, especially if you’d had your family in the car with you.

Back when I had a lot less money I was headed down the road in my 72 Vega puttering along when a Corvette flew past me at a high rate of speed. Two hot chicks were hanging out the top which was removed. I thought to myself, damn that's the life as they sped off down the highway. About 5 miles up the road there is the car and the people in it spread all over the road in pieces.