Ridiculous Wax Price Hall of Fame

3 November 2011
Saskatchewan, Canada
I was drinking my morning coffee, perusing a car magazine and noticed an add for SwissVax. I spotted the price on some of their products and thought, that has to be a misprint or perhaps that is for a case lot of 50. Nope! In line with the thread on the ridiculous dealer pricing hall of shame thread, I offer you this (and that is apparently a discounted price?):


That is for a 200 ml container which is about 1/2 a bottle of beer. For that price I hope that they fly in a team from Switzerland to apply the wax on your car.

Zymol may win the up-front sticker price smack you in the face contest; however, I believe that once you hock your first born to buy a container, Zymol provides a lifetime set of refills. So, if you wax the hell out of your car SwissVax likely tops out on the per container cost. On the up-side, the Zymol does come in a much nicer container than the SwissVax with its pedestrian jar with a screw top. The Zymol looks like it belongs on the nightstand with my Wife's cosmetics. In fact, I think I might have a little masculinity crisis using that Zymol container:smile:.
personally for "natural" wax P21S/S100 is the best IMHO since it's like an "alloy" of beeswax & carnuba wax.

It has a shiny but warm glow to it and I use it on my daily beater as well as GT and luxury cars.

For sports cars I prefer the shiny and wet look of Zaino.

I have a can of the Mother's carnauba paste wax. Since it has no cleaners or other stuff, I don't think it alters the shine of the finish in any way. I use it mainly for its protection / water beading ability. The absence of the other stuff makes it very easy to apply and buff off. For shine, I do a trip with a DA buffer and something like Meguiars 105 every couple of years.

The Mothers definitely lacks the cache. Its retail price has a decimal place that is two places to the left of the Swissvax and Zymol products and it does come in an ultra pedestrian tin can.
I've had the (cheaper) SwissVax line 15 years ago but got very tired of it as it's very labor-intensive to apply. If you have a collectors car which is only been washed 1-2 times a year the shine remains for a long time on the car with unbeaten results, no question. It might not wash the wax off but it does wash off the oils that contribute extensively to the excellent result.

If you have a concours car and/or outsource the waxing procedure to someone else, go for SwissVax, even if you pay a lot for their marketing. :wink:

I got older/lazier and switched to Zaino with good results. Frequent washing is no problem anymore.

There has been a lot of new stuff out there in the last 10 years but I've stayed with Zaino so far (never change a winning team). Maybe there's even better stuff out there...
I've tried and seen various works at collector car shows with regards to Zymol's various product lines.

It's not bad, but from what I've seen in the realm of wax, P21S is superior. Easy to apply, no white residue, shine that is better than Zymol and MUCH cheaper.

It's the ONLY wax that is very hard for me to tell the difference between that and Zaino.
View attachment 154407

Here is one of Zymol's waxes

I think that sets a new bar! Makes my beaking about SwissVax seem trivial. I wonder how many of those they sell each year. I could sell my NSX to buy a container; but, then I wouldn't have a car to use it on.
When did Indiana Jones’s dad start selling wax?
Only gullible people will pay such insane prices for wax. Wax is probably the least important aspect of getting a glossy shine on a car. You have to have very well conditioned paint to have a shine which is done by cleaning, claying, polishing and whatever means to achieve a smooth paint surface. If your car does not have smooth surfaces, no wax can make it shiny. I guess if one owns a 30 million dollars Ferrari, perhaps he will be a perfect target for these outrageous wax which will be personally promoted by restorers and the wax manufacturers.
Wax is probably the least important aspect of getting a glossy shine on a car. You have to have very well conditioned paint to have a shine which is done by cleaning, claying, polishing and whatever means to achieve a smooth paint surface.
True. But the Zymol shine relies 90% to the preparation with the cleaning fluid which contains oils. The wax gives the extra 10% of wet look and protection.
True. But the Zymol shine relies 90% to the preparation with the cleaning fluid which contains oils. The wax gives the extra 10% of wet look and protection.
Yes, my point is that I have seen no difference between my $4 generic carnauba wax and the $100 Zymol. So it is not the wax choice that gives the show car shine but the preparations. I think buying $2.99 wax all these years saved me enough money to have bought a few Porsches.
Ive been a devote Zaino user since the early 80’s and have seen no reason to change. They have improved over the years as have others. I’m not saying i know they are the best. Just that i’ve been a satisfied user for a very long time and have no reason to change.
Another Zaino user here. I have been lazy lately and been using Zaino Grand Finale over my already Zaino waxed car.
Looks nice and wet and gets the looks when I drive it.
Stuck on their products - think these cars deserve it.