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RP-Motorsports bad customer service

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15 June 2002
Palm Beach Florida
It's funny.

I wanted some PS2's for my C6 and he wrote back saying that they don't exist. I know they do because people have bought them from the Rack and Michelin even has a part number (18451 for the “new” rears). These are OEM fit.

I write him and say they do and all he has to do is contact either the tire rack or Michelin directly. I gave him the part numbers as well.

Why should I even have to tell this guy to do his homework? He sells these things for a living for goodness sake. Too many people rely on computers and the web. Just because it's not on the web site doesn’t mean you can't buy them or they don't exist.

No email back, no response, nothing. I would not recommend RP-Motorsports to buy tires from.

Just call the Tire Rack and pay the few extra dollars and get good service.

isn't he/she on here as username RP-Motorsports??

maybe you should have PM'ed him before slamming him/the business on here, seems a lil harsh

It's true. The is what I love about our Freedom. Why PM them? I don't want to do business with them. This kind of thing makes them realize that they need to improve.

I feel forums help consumers greatly.
rickysals said:
seems a lil harsh
I agree. Most folks have been quite pleased with the prices and service they have received from Tom. This sounds at worst like a minor misunderstanding, not a big deal (and we're not even hearing the whole story, either). I mean, really - we're talking about an allegation that he gave you the wrong answer to a question. It's not like stories we hear about other vendors keeping money and not sending product, etc...
That's true, but he would rather sell the easy way and turn away the customers that require him to actually do his job.

Then he doesn’t even write me back. At least write me back and say you don't want to sell them.

nsxrock said:
That's true, but he would rather sell the easy way and turn away the customers that require him to actually do his job.

Then he doesn’t even write me back. At least write me back and say you don't want to sell them.


I have had no dealings with the vendor, but agree I have not seen anything negative, and would like to give him an opportunity to tell his side of the story.
I must say also, that maybe he sensed you would be difficult to deal with (seems like you are easily miffed into posting something so harsh to me) and decided he would rather not do business with you. Last time I checked there was no law requiring him to sell to someone he chose not to, and possibly his "lie" was a more polite way to rid himself of you than to tell the truth. Then again, he could have just made an honest mistake. That's why pencils have erasers! At this point I will wait for his post (which I feel certain we will see a response unlike the other vendor who is widely criticized on the forum).
Then we can make an informed decision as to whether he is lazy, mistaken, or knows a problem customer when he sees one. I for one have turned away business before for my own personal reasons in a similar manner, so I would not fault him if that were the case. Sometimes ten bucks of profit turns into 20 bucks of headache! :rolleyes:
I wouldn't call it 'bad customer service' if they don't reply back to you in a timely manner. I sent RP-Motorsports a PM about some HP Evo wheels almost 2 months ago. He finally replied to me about a week ago. Should I consider that bad customer service and make a huge fuss about it or post up on here about it? Maybe they're doing research on it and that takes time.

I consider 'bad customer service' if you purchase something from them, they send you the wrong item, and then they ignore you and won't return your emails, you phone calls, etc, and won't fix the error. If you don't like their service, just like you said about freedom, you have the freedom to shop elsewhere. If you don't find anybody else with what you're looking for or at a similar or better price, then what?
arrrggg we be forum pirates and we take no prisoners... :)

it was a misunderstanding I'm sure you can work it out. It’s a bit harsh to slam so quick but I hope in the end this spurs a resolution.
hey Rock. if you dont want to buy from him dont...but do we really need to hear about it?

maybe he figured you where a bigger pain in the A$$ than it was worth him making his 10% or so to deal with you...
ok kids play nice :rolleyes:

I was never rude to him in any of the emails. They were very short and clear. Not even a hint of rudeness. No patronizing or condensing remarks.

No need for a resolution. I don't want to do business with them.

Just letting you know and hopefully getting better customer service for his future customers.

And Pony, I won't "go away" I was here before 99% of any other NSX enthusiast. WAY before this site was even thought of I was riding happily in my NSX with the ONLY NSX site in the nation under my belt.

93 Sold
94 Stolen
97 Sold
2000 Sold

C6 Now
E55 Now
wow.....you know, i wish i could come down on you but I have a few venders I'm the same way with. they just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Tom at RP has his phone # posted on his web site..call him. My dealings with him have always been outstanding. Tom has a full time job and also runs RP as his second business. He travels quite a bit ...give him a chance to make things right. I have noticed that his margins are very very minimal. Lets not bust someone down who is running a business for our benefit.
Okay...... This is the other 1%......

I've never dealt with Tom (RP-Motorsports). But judging from what I've read, he is a true enthusiast who routinely went out of his way to contribute to this group. There are occasions when he chimes in for personal reasons. Though never sounded pushy, it was done to good taste.

With information you provided from his competitors, I wouldn't think Tire Rack or others are too willing to reveal their trade info to him. Afterall, RP-Motorsports are also their competitor. There are always two sides to a story. Until Tom tells his side of the story, the jury is still out.


PS: How long one was in this forum doesn't mean a thing. Myself inclusive. :smile:

nsxrock said:

I was never rude to him in any of the emails. They were very short and clear. Not even a hint of rudeness. No patronizing or condensing remarks.

No need for a resolution. I don't want to do business with them.

Just letting you know and hopefully getting better customer service for his future customers.

And Pony, I won't "go away" I was here before 99% of any other NSX enthusiast. WAY before this site was even thought of I was riding happily in my NSX with the ONLY NSX site in the nation under my belt.

93 Sold
94 Stolen
97 Sold
2000 Sold

C6 Now
E55 Now
nsxrock said:
I write him and say they do and all he has to do is contact either the tire rack or Michelin directly. I gave him the part numbers as well.
No one is perfect. This thread was unnecessary. Sound like you are one tough customer who will not tolerate nothing short of absolute perfection.
I agree, it seems harsh. Tom (RP) has a very good reputation on this site!

I still plan to order from RP Motorsports in the future!
There is a different post by Tom in another thread from yesterday, I think. He had his laptop power supply stolen & has been "powerless" and therefore computerless for several days. He is catching up now so I'm sure your delay is a technical difficulty and not bad service. He was very helpful getting info on tires before I bought & quick once I did buy. el linko
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nsxrock said:
It's funny.

saying that they don't exist. I know they do because people have bought them from the Rack and Michelin even has a part number (18451 for the “new” rears). These are OEM fit.

He sells these things for a living for goodness sake. Too many people rely on computers and the web. Just because it's not on the web site doesn’t mean you can't buy them or they don't exist.

First of all, Tire Rack is the most used tire supplier in the USA, and they DO NOT LIST that size on their site, OR in my price book. I am the ONLY TR authorized drop shipper that I know of. I had to jump through 99 hoops to get this service for you guys.

I DO NOT DO THIS FOR A LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a full time job, I do this for the love of my NSX friends, and to save them as much money as possible. If the size was listed, you would have had tires on your door step in 2 days. I immediately sent TR an email on this, and did not hear back.

Once again I will have 1% customers where things do not go "perfect" I again am sorry. I could tell by your 2nd email to me that you were pissed off at me already, by me replying that they are not on the site (which is 99.9% accurate) and that they were also NOT in my price book.
Rock, Exactly how much time did you give RP on this? Weeks? Or is a 2 day deal? If so, you need to excercise some patience. It sounds like RP did not jerk you around, and I would not even expect someone who does this for a living to get back with your email in a matter of hours. I personally take anywhere from 2 minutes to 24 hours to respond to customers, depending on phone call volume, number of outstanding orders, etc. Maybe this is the wrong attitude, but I concentrate on placed order fufillment instead of trying to make the next sale.
nsxrock said:
It's funny.

I wanted some PS2's for my C6 and he wrote back saying that they don't exist. I know they do because people have bought them from the Rack and Michelin even has a part number (18451 for the “new” rears). These are OEM fit.

No email back, no response, nothing. I would not recommend RP-Motorsports to buy tires from.

Just call the Tire Rack and pay the few extra dollars and get good service.


I think your nuts and this thread is ridiculous..... :rolleyes: Next time order from Dali; maybe youll have a better experience :biggrin:
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