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Sad sight - NSX at the Atlanta Auto Show

martin said:
NSX a classic? Sure is. Past it's prime? No I do not think so.
I should have added an emoticon Martin - it was meant tongue-in-cheek (does that translate?)
Mine still turns heads too & I'm sure it's a lot less rare than yours in your town!
D'Ecosse said:
I should have added an emoticon Martin - it was meant tongue-in-cheek (does that translate?)
Mine still turns heads too & I'm sure it's a lot less rare than yours in your town!


Okey I got it. The reason I could not stop writing was my good day on the town with my NSX. :biggrin:

Well there are about 20 NSX's in Norway. The closest is 100km away so mine is pretty rare.

Well, got back from the weekend, and I'm glad this didn't turn into a flamefest. I truly think NSXPRime has some of the most mature members onboard...try stating anything that might sound negative in any other car forum, and the whole thread will turn into a huge childish rumble. As others have mentioned, I too believe that the NSX (atleast a used one) is such a great compromise. I had the choice of picking up a new 350z/s2k/rx-8/g35 etc, but none of them (even though they are newer in design and looks) have the NSX presence.

It doesn't matter that the NSX is 14 years old (and is starting to show its age). It will always turn more heads than any 350z, rx-8 etc...It's kind of like Britney Spears vs. Audrey Hepburn :wink:
CerberusM5 said:
Its all Britney for me. Audrey doesn't do a thing for me. :biggrin:


I am more Britney myself..but if we say Britney vs Bo Derek :biggrin:

the onlything about the nsx that is out dated is the power. i saw a nsx awhile ago and it didnt look out dated to me. but when i saw it at the auto show i thought it needed to be redisinged. it just didnt look as modern compared to the c6 viper.......
NoMiEzVR4 said:
the onlything about the nsx that is out dated is the power. i saw a nsx awhile ago and it didnt look out dated to me. but when i saw it at the auto show i thought it needed to be redisinged. it just didnt look as modern compared to the c6 viper.......

Correct. Because the proportions and the car in its entirely was designed so well, it stood the test of time and aged very well. On its own it is remarkable, but at an autoshow, where you can compare it side by side to other modern vehicles, it can still look "better", and defintetly has the biggest "presence" at the Acura booth, you can start noticing its age. I believe its still a better design than the c6, but as you stated, the C6 looks newer and IMO a welcoming change. I prefer the looks of the C5 still (even though technically the C6 is a much classier and more mature design). I always welcome new design changes (even though I don't neceserally like them, I can see the point their trying to make and it also totally helps if you understand what it is theyre trying to achieve).

Another stupid example are the Director commentaries on DVDs...you might see a movie one way, and not really like it. But after watching it with the director's comentaries, you kind of go "Oooohhhh, I get it now...I didn't notice that before! That makes so much more sense now..." Ofcourse this method can often backfire :tongue:
martin said:

I am more Britney myself..but if we say Britney vs Bo Derek :biggrin:


She was pretty darn hot in "10". I hope that hasn't dated me too much. :)

From a purely aesthetic standpoint, what in your opinion are the top three designs for sedans and sport coupes on the market today? Thanks.
CerberusM5 said:

From a purely aesthetic standpoint, what in your opinion are the top three designs for sedans and sport coupes on the market today? Thanks.

For sedans, Audi easily. A buddy of mine works over at Audi (another friend of mine used to work for VW and they would often "trade" designers for awhile). I know quite a few outthere aren't very fond of the "huge shield grill". Honestly, I didn't care for it either, until I started reading more about Audi and it's history. After understanding the reasoning behind the grill (historical), I can appreciate it more...I haven't quite warmed up to it until I saw it person. Some of the greatest designs are the ones that slowly grow on you...kind of like wine or beer. The same goes for music. I might hate a particular CD, but after hearing it a couple times, you start noticing things, and complex writing/programming or composing. That's when it hit me that this CD was pure genius!

The nice thing about Audi is that the designers are very high up in the food chain. Unlike other companies where marketing and engineers are at the top, Audi has realised after the success of the TT that design IS important. The TT was purely built for aesthetic reasons...it was a designers dream come true. Audi gives their designers ALOT of freedom and realises that they know how to do their job, and to not get in their way. This is common mistake with alot of the other companies where some engineer or some CEO thinks he's got design skills him/herself and tries to assert her/his opinions into the design.

An example is the Toyota Echo and BMW Z3 coupe. The Echo was Toyota's marketing dept. taking a stab at design. The designers were left out, and the marketing had a field day with crayons and glue sticks :D. The Z3 coupe was the result of engineers saying "Bah, we don't need designers...we can design our own cars!" (granted the coupe is stiffer, better overall than the roadster version, hence their point proven) and admitingly.....I kinda like the coupe :redface: I'm ebarassed about admitting this, but I find it "quirky". Kind of like a pretty girl thats chubby :biggrin:

For sports coupes, that's a little harder...(BTW, an interesting tidbit that not alot of people know about...the G35 coupe was designed by Porsche :wink: ) I'd like to say that one of the nicest coupes is the upcoming Alfa Romeo Brera. Again, alot of people are going to hate this car at first, but I believe it will grow on people very fast. I'd like to say Lambo and Ferrari, but that's kind of unfair since their exotics (plus the Lambo was designed by Audi designers so....)
Spinner i agree with you 100%. i also think the nsx is better looking than the c6. i like everything about the nsx but i just think it needs more power to compare with the modern cars.
NoMiEzVR4 said:
the onlything about the nsx that is out dated is the power...

How about the brakes? 2-pot front and 1-pot rear brakes are very out of date for high-performance sports car. Not to mention the lack of advanced composite rotors.

How about the radio that is so out of date.... where do you begin to point it its shortcomings?

How about the auto tranny that can't handle more than 252 HP and is only 4-speeds? 5 speed tranny's are the norm and 6 and 7 speeds are available.

How about the manual tranny compared to the F1-style transmissions from the likes of Ferrari and BWM?

How about the lack of creature comforts (at least as an option) such as Bluetooth, navigation, etc?

How about the lack of driver aids such as stability control, launch control, etc?

I love my NSX but I also see its relative limitations and shortcomings compared to today's new products. And while some NSX owners poo-poo the C6 for things like cheap plastic interior trim, that is the proverbial pot calling the kettle black because the NSX has cheap brakes, cheap engine (from a power standpoint), cheap radio, cheap (as is none) navigation, etc. Given that the NSX is literally twice the price of a C6, it should be better in every aspect - but it isn't.

As always, JMO.

Have fun.
NSXGMS said:
Think about it: doesn't the Ferrari 348 look utterly outdated today, period?

What does outdated mean? Fashion is the craft of making last year's model seem undesirable so consumers buy this year's model. It doesn't (and can't) change that which is good and right about last year's model. IOW, real beauty is timeless. To me the 348 is pure eye (and ear) candy, and so is the NSX.

Launch control and F1 shifters are technologically impressive but they don't necessarily make a car more fun to drive. What do you want a sports car to be, anyway? A cocoon of algorithms doing your thinking for you, like a kid playing the easy level of a video game - or a machine that challenges you, rewards your skill, and stirs your soul? I'll take the latter, YMMV.
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mmmikemo said:
I am thinking when your wife hits her 40's, she's not going to feel past her prime...I still have a big grin on my face when I drive my NSX...and my over 40 wife has never been hotter and that gives me another big grin!!!

Couldn't agree more..... Like a fine bottle of wine..
You've got to be kidding, the NSX styling is anything but sad. Everytime I drive it, heads turn, cell phone cameras pop out, thumbs up...."nice car!"....and last night..."OMG!!!!!! that is one sexy ass car" from a 20 something hottie at a Shell station....mmmmmmmmm:biggrin:
gene said:
You've got to be kidding, the NSX styling is anything but sad. Everytime I drive it, heads turn, cell phone cameras pop out, thumbs up...."nice car!"....and last night..."OMG!!!!!! that is one sexy ass car" from a 20 something hottie at a Shell station....mmmmmmmmm:biggrin:

I think that those who are constantly hungry for the "next big thing" are always going to see the fine lines and wrinkles before the average car enthusiast. To see and appreciate the NSX is to accept the car for what it is: An amazing piece of 90's design and engineering! To compare it with a new Mercedes is pretty ridiculous since the only thing that connects the two from an enthusiast standpoint is the fact that that they are both cars.

I also think that decisions that were made on the NSX over the years were not the best for the overall look of the car since as time went on, it starting looking less and less exotic. Bigger wheels were a great idea though not big enough IMO, and painting the top the same color as the rest of the car made it look more like a 3000GT. The head lights were a great idea but why not redesign the hood/headlights/bumper assembly in it's entirety instead of just making new headlights that look like they were made to fit in the void from removing the flip ups! Ever seen the headlight conversions on the C5 vettes? Same concept and while it was more "modern", It didn't necessarily look better.

The NSX still has a modern "Stance" that could have easily been made to look very much modern with a bit of edge work. That really doesn't bother me much though because in my book, the original lines and design cues are what make the NSX timeless. To me, it doesn't get any better than the classic look of the early fire engine red NSX with black top and a beefy set of 18/19 feet to run on....Still fearsome, still exotic at any age....
Funny post IMO. Far from accurate. The exterior of the NSX is still as modern as it gets, infact parked next to my S2000 the S2000 really starts to show its age. :wink:

As far as I am concerned its still right at the top in regards to its exterior, infact I find it almost impossible to find any car under $65000 that looks as nice, regardless of performance.
EndlessNSX said:
Funny post IMO. Far from accurate. The exterior of the NSX is still as modern as it gets, infact parked next to my S2000 the S2000 really starts to show its age. :wink:

As far as I am concerned its still right at the top in regards to its exterior, infact I find it almost impossible to find any car under $65000 that looks as nice, regardless of performance.

While the NSX certainly holds its own alongside today's exotics and looks like it could be a new car to most people in reality it is a 1990 design that looked incredibly ahead of it's time.

Any educated, trained car designer working today could give you a thousand reasons why it looks dated. Car design has really evolved way past the formula Honda used for the NSX.

That doesn't mean it looks old. It certainly looks like a new car to me. And beautiful and better than the C6, among others, IMO.

I'm really more proud that a 16 year old design could ever be considered modern by 50%+ of the people. That's the NSX's beauty and legacy. But from a pure design standpoint the NSX is not modern.
"Educated, trained car designers" are turning out some of the saddest looking cars ever to hit the showrooms.
They may have great educations, impressive degrees and are well paid but their designs, in my opinion, are tripe.
They, IMO, have very little originality, creativity or artistic talents and are lucky they have computers that will flesh out their dry looking designs and load them up with technology. Aesthetically, most, IMO, stink.

Half are poor "retro" attempts and the other half are cars that look like they dropped a soft ball of clay (the potato-turd) and put on doors, wide tires, GPS and fancy wheels.

To me function should follow form. Artistry, then engineering.
I have owned our NSX since 2001 and am still amazed at its looks. It's a lean, low Fighter Jet compared to the FAT TUBS of LARD designs of most other brands. My $0.02.

i drove a 91 and every time i took her out. i always see people turn head, roll down the window ask me about the car, or walk and talk to me during the fill-up at the gas stations. i usually end up with the conversation with this phrase " it is a honda" :-) .
Age, just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just like one of the above posts had mentioned. In my opinion, the NSX has the most, if not one of the most timeless designs. There is no other car make/model that I know of that's 15 years old and still looks modern the way NSX does. Even the beloved ferrari 355, that many claim as being a very beautiful car is becoming a bit prehistoric in appearance. My 91, has numerous amount of rock chips and a few mini dents. My B-pillars are faded to almost a leopard skin pattern, and my car hasn't been clay bared in decades. Despite these battle scars of a non-garage queen nsx, I still receive an overwhelming amount of complimenting gestures from people as I drive along with the mundane, boring herd of bmw's, mercedes benzs and toyotas. every person who asks me the year of my car, are always in utter shock when i tell them it's a 91. Sure the 350z, M3, 997, G35, S2k may look more modern, but can we honestly say that those cars evoke nearly the same amount of excitement, emotion, and passion as the NSX? No, it is not the NSX that has aged, its your eye sight that has:wink: