According to the valuation tool, the average 95 Targa value right now is about $90k. The tool also indicates that a salvage title reduces the value on average by about 27%. So, in this case, this car is worth about $65k in today's NSX market as is. So, at $55k, you're already $10k below the value.
The car looks fairly straight and has had its major service performed by a reputable shop. Also, it appears to be running ok 12 years after the flood damage. Thus, the question you have to ask is do you think you can do the rest of the stuff this car needs for $10,000? To
@fastfwd's point, I could. But, taking off my "Honcho hat" for a minute, it's probably closer to $15k.
The car needs those hideous side skirts and fender flares removed and OEM put back. It needs OEM 95 wheels and a deep paint correction/detail (with possible paint work on the areas where the skirts/flares were). That's about $5k right there.
Then, you need to think about all the "old NSX" stuff that likely will come up: A/C, window regulators, tail light leaks, capacitor leaks, targa seals, brake system, driveshafts, etc. These are old cars now and this stuff is wearing out. It's gonna be close to $10k if you DIY.
For a car you want to daily drive, you're going to have to do the above items. If you have your heart set on Brooklands and plan on keeping it for a long time, it might make sense because you can spread the costs over time. However, if you just want the NSX experience for a couple years and then will move on to something else, this is not the car for you unless you can get the seller down below $50k.