Seat/Seatbelt torque specs

8 March 2006
I am modifying my stock seat chusion and have to take out the seat and the belt from the seat. Does anyone have the torque specs for the seat bolts and the seatbelt bolt? I serached and all I find is "torque to spec", not the actual spec.

29 ft. lbs. seat to floor bolts

23 ft. lbs seat belt to seat

These specs are from a 1991 service manual, I do not have the newer manual handy, but this should be fine:).

Ask and ye shall receive. I love you guys. It almost brings a tear to my eye. :biggrin:
Make sure you put some towels or soft covers over the sill before removing the seat as the seat is heavy and when trying to remove it it can scratch the sill. And don't forget to do the same when you put the seat back in, and connect the electrical harness ..... connecting the seat belt bolt can be a bit tricky at times but be patient :wink:
Make sure you put some towels or soft covers over the sill before removing the seat as the seat is heavy and when trying to remove it it can scratch the sill. And don't forget to do the same when you put the seat back in, and connect the electrical harness ..... connecting the seat belt bolt can be a bit tricky at times but be patient :wink:

Also helps to take the targa top out for seat removal/installation.
Also helps to take the targa top out for seat removal/installation.

Great.. I am in the midst of re-install, came back here to get the torque specs, and I see this. LMAO... so simple... yet I didn't think to do this.

I will say one thing. The instructions on prime should be modified because although it helps to have the back reclined forward in removal, it makes taking the back clip out more difficult as it stretches the back leather tight. Reclining the back makes the removal of that clip a lot easier.

How do you get all this glue off? needs some major solvent.

I can't believe how THIN the factory aluminum shell is. I can bend it with two fingers. Any notion of the factory seat offering more protection that CF or CK is out my head now. Its all padding. The shell is quite weak.

Overall guys, great instructions and help. Thanks so much. Off to the track now baby!!! :biggrin: