NSXecutor said:
Dear Apapanda,
You have already publically disgraced my name by not leaving just one negative feedback but TWO!! After leaving me such black marks on my nsxprime record, why should i give you back the money?
why you should give me back the money ? I'm really sorry that
I have to explain to you why, but here it is... BECAUSE YOU ADVERTISED FRONT
HALF THE MONEY. Then after publicly
admitting that there was only 1 set you offered to work something out. BUT YOU LEFT IT AT THAT. YOU NEVER CONTACTED ME, JUST MORE DECEPTION ON YOUR END.
NSXecutor said:
My name is worth much more than $50.
I don't think so, not after having being exposed like that...
NSXecutor said:
If I had known this would have happened I would never have sold ANYTHING to you.
It's the other way around. Had I known this would happened I would have never bought ANTHING from you. That's why I posted here. To warn other folks what kind of person you really are, so that they can learn from my mistake...
NSXecutor said:
You bought parts from me, contacted me THREE months afterwards to complain to me that there were parts missing and expected me to believe it.
yeah, right. Like I would make up a story like that. Who do you think you are dealing with, a 8 year old ? Yourlsef publicly
admitted that there was only 1 set, not 2 as initially advertised. It's all in the original thread, anyone can read about it
NSXecutor said:
I had originally decided to reimburse you the funds but after finding out that you left not one but TWO negative feedback, I vowed that never again will I deal with you. BEWARE NSXPRIME PATRONS!! DO NOT DEAL WITH APAPANDA!!!
I would please ask for the NSXPRIME MARKET moderators to please post this reply as a future warning from this scamster with no ethics, nor ANY sense of what's right and what's wrong thing to do. I left NSXecutor (Solomon Juang ) all the time he needed to fix things. But after patiently having waited over 8 months for Solomon Juang to do the right thing, it's now time for his true personality to be exposed so that others don't fall for it and lose larger sums.
I will share with anyone my pms and emails Solomon and I exchanged and let you decide for yourself.
Best Regards to the NSXprime community,