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Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

28 August 2003
Did anyone see this?

it was in the link just given in the " CHURCHILL'S PARROT " thread


Should parents be allowed to smack their children?


Ok, this is my personal view;

Smack is wrongly putting it. I think if a kid gets out of line the parent should have all the right to apply force to his/her bottom to calm the kid down. Its been done for centuries and it has worked wonders. Around town (NYC) there are so many kids who control their mother during shopping season like Xmas, I wish these mothers would take control and stop being so pathetic, and maybe Dr.Phill could take a brake.
Disciple is so important and is the most under seen thing here in America that I have noticed with american kids compared to all other countries. Your not teaching them being violent is ok, the TV does that job wonderfuly. You teach em how to obey rules. I am NOT speaking of abuse, I am reffering to very light force.

Again this is my personal view, no missunderstanding here if you do not agree with me. Please do not miss understand this is my personal view which is not open to changes.
There is a difference between punishment and abuse. Now I'm not saying that beating a kid senseless is appropriate. However, a little attitude adjustment is good for children. The time-out strategy does not work with some children. Let's face it, some kids need a little warmth on their little behinds to make an impact. How many times have you seen or been aggravated by spoiled brats running wild in a store or in a restaurant and the parents do nothing to control them? Having raised 4 children and none of them ever acted with such bad behavior. Children need to be taught to respect their parents and other people.

yes thier is difference between getting abused and smacked. i know when i did soemthing wrong i was goin to get smacked not beat just smacked. that doesnt make me a violent person, thats part of rasing kids. if you dont smack them and let them know who is the boss you wont be the boss for much longer.
At the risk of negative reputation points I'll state my opinion because I think this is an important social issue. i actually think smacking is needed. You can't always negotiate with kids verbally, and it's my opinion that yelling at a child will do them far more psychological damage in the long run. You only need to smack them once and they'll never do it again. And if you carry it out (not threatening them all the time but never doing it) you won't need to smack them again - they know you mean business.

On the extreme, there is no excuse for abuse. Child abusers obviously have issues of their own which cause them to beat defenseless kids. I dont understand what drives people to such extremes, but I do know a good saying that possibly could prevent such abuse: <B>"NEVER hit a child out of anger."</B> If you stop and think about it, it makes sense. Anger is lack of control, and how can you discipline a child in a just manner if you're not in control of yourself?

I was smacked when i was younger and i've thank my parents they did it; i deserved it. And it hasn't made me violent... although I do like Hong Kong flicks and Action films. :D The discipline I received has made me a better NSX driver too. ;)
NeoNSX said:
You can't always negotiate with kids verbally, and it's my opinion that yelling at a child will do them far more psychological damage in the long run.

Alot of good advice Neo. The only thing that I would disagree with is the whole negotiation thing. The second that you start trying to "negotiate" with children, you have already lost.

I know I'm not the best father in the world as I'm not patient enough, but I do work on my faults. I don't hit my kids, but I do think some children need a smack on the bottom every once in a while.

As far as teaching kids violence, humans are a violent species. Forget TV, movies, etc.... we cannot even resolve problems diplomatically between countries, instead we fight wars. Thats the nature of our species.
How many people who voted are actually parents?
It's the difference between theoretical knowledge vs. real world knowledge.

My $0.02, you can't negotiate or rationalize with a 2 year old.

Kids have the ability to be the greatest joy in life, and at the same time cause you to lose your mind.

Thankfully for me 90% joy:biggrin:, 10% insane.:frown:

Father of 6 yr old twin girls.
Casper91 said:
How many people who voted are actually parents?
It's the difference between theoretical knowledge vs. real world knowledge.

My $0.02, you can't negotiate or rationalize with a 2 year old.

Kids have the ability to be the greatest joy in life, and at the same time cause you to lose your mind.

Thankfully for me 90% joy:biggrin:, 10% insane.:frown:

Father of 6 yr old twin girls.

You said it best!

You should not be able to vote unless you have kids that are over the age of 5, people who have new borns or todlers have no idea whats in store for them.
I have a 2 year old that drives me crazy, I also have a 5 year old that is an angel, but he did the same thing when he was 2 years old.
Damn Skippy, parents should be able to layeth the smack down, and i'm not even a parent. I got a good smacking when I was a kid when I got out of hand or did something wrong. I even remember cursing once, and my mother rubbing a jalapeño pepper on my tongue, and it wasnt one of those mild pickled ones.

I too am tired of seeing parents losing control of their kids at the store or anywhere for that matter. the worse ones are the ones that have 3,4 or more kids.

And yes, there is a difference between discipline and abuse.
prova4re said:
You said it best!

You should not be able to vote unless you have kids that are over the age of 5, people who have new borns or todlers have no idea whats in store for them.
I have a 2 year old that drives me crazy, I also have a 5 year old that is an angel, but he did the same thing when he was 2 years old.

Yep! Yep! get into that backside. It's the only thing they seem to fear nowadays. I mean, what the Heck is a time out? My 5 year old just uses the time to think of more Shisk to get into... She know's what to do and what not to do... Man I remember going and getting a Switch (stout whipping item that can hurt) :biggrin: from the tree just so my mom and grandma could use it on me. I don't use one on my kids. But I use my fathers technique, he just stared and we would fall into angelness. I agree someone has to control the kids. The spankings I agree with, the beatings, I have never received one, so I will never give one. Like some of you, I do not negotiate with my kids, unless they are trying to sell me something...
Being one who was hit by their parents (quite hard at times), I could not do it with my own nor anyone else's kids.

I do not feel it should have to come to the point where you have to hit someone to bring them in line.

Not everyone should raise their kids the same. Do it your own way and I'll do it mine.

Has anyone here ever witnessed a parent hit a kid too hard or inappropriately?
Parenting is extremely hard work. Kids want security and love (and the new toy they just saw on TV).

It helps as a parent to understand that it's a kids job to test the boundaries.

If the parent can set the boundaries then enforce them the child will feel more secure knowing that there are acceptable limits and that those limits are enforced. Sounds like a bunch of psychological bull - but it does work.

My wife and read a book called "Babywise" when are kids were born.
And while I didn't buy into everything, it had A LOT of great advice.


Keep in mind there is a fine line between a smack on the butt with your hand, and abuse. Not to mention constant yelling, which is another form of abuse.

I think the work "smack" means different things to different people. To me it implies hit. Which is something I would never do.
I read that book as well, it gave me some food for thought.
I use to get the belt on my naked rear end when I was bad, I would not do the same to my kid. That belt made me think twice about things I did, the problem I have is my wife doesn't agree with any kind of spanking.
It drives me crazy!
The kids are good for me most of the time, but they go off on her when I am not around. Go figure. :rolleyes:
I have two daughters, one is eight and the other is four, I had to spank my oldest one time myself and my wife had to once also. My youngest was swatted on the but three times total, twice by mom and once by me. My wife and I don't yell at the kids, but they know if we are serious! We are consistent with them and give then enormous amounts of love and encouragement, this is the best way to raise children.

We have never spanked hard enough to leave a mark or cause any serious pain. I was spanked a couple of times as a child and it stuck in my memory as being something I didn't want to have happen again. Not because it hurt but because I dissapointed my parents.

I can honestly say I have the best behaved kids I know of, we are complimented almost on a daily basis about them. They are polite, friendly, have lots of friends and make me extremelly proud.

Everyone has to have their own parenting style, but I can honestly say from my experience the worst children I have seen have parents that will not spank them. Kids are very smart and if they know they can get away with anything without any type of physical punishment they will keep pushing your limits.

My eight year old is a Daddy's girl and if I even mention that I am dissapointed in her behavior she busts into tears. Lets just say I can't remember the last time she has dissapointed me though.

I also can't stand it when I see kids out of control, especially if I know the kids. My sisters daughter can be quite a handful at times and would be much better behaved with a little more discipline.
I understand not wanting to spank them or not having to spank them. I can count the times that I have had to.
My oldest of 2 daughters is 12 years old, She gives my wife hell sometimes. We get the rolling of the eyes and sometimes she forgets who she is talking to. We do remind her, I would be lying if I said I didn't yell. I think it's what you yell that can hurt them. I would rather yell than spank, so I do. My 12 year old I don't even consider spanking anymore, we just make her responsible for all of her actions. I know mine are well behaved for the most part, everyone tells me so. However, I have stuck around and played I spy and saw with my own eyes that my children can revert to a child when around their peers.
As far as disappointing us, we try not to retaliate with negative feedback, because we want them to come to us with any and everything. So the rule is, if they come to us honestly with anything that is on their minds, we are not going to be upset. We stand their and listen and give the appropriate guidance.. I was spanked as a child, my parents were spanked as children, their parents were beaten as children and adults. I think we raise our children as we were raised good or bad as well as modifying those actions to coincide with the times we live in. What most of us have said, is that we are using our best judgment when we choose to use that form of discipline.. My wife works with kids with ADD, Autism, Mental retardation, etc. etc. Her aspect on using her hands are far more reserved than mine. She absolutely refuses to do it. The only time I have seen it, is when the oldest was completely out of hand.
The oldest still tries her now and then, but it's nothing major. They love their mom. They don't fear her unless it's extreme wrath. Like Prova, if I am not around they can really get to her. They love me, but they also know that I won't put up with half of the stuff their mom puts up with.
I don't negotiate with my children, they have a democracy in America, in Lenmerica it's pure Dictatorship!!! :wink:
They come to me to be spoiled rotten, they go to her with most of their problems. They come to me to beat up the teachers. They come to me when they are hurt. When they are mad they do a great job of containing themselves, they will sit there and cry before fighting someone. Unless, that person is really threatening their well being.
Finally to my point, I don't think spanking to discipline the child is bad. Beating is leaving marks, black eyes, busted lips, broken bones, that is simply a crime. Getting ahold of that soft tissue is not out of line. IMHO...
Now I beat the hell out of my wife... :tongue:
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Carguy! said:
...but they know if we are serious! We are consistent with them and give then enormous amounts of love and encouragement, this is the best way to raise children.

We have never spanked hard enough to leave a mark or cause any serious pain. I was spanked a couple of times as a child and it stuck in my memory as being something I didn't want to have happen again. Not because it hurt but because I dissapointed my parents.
Sounds like you are a successful parent. :biggrin:

And Len in the previous post, with a 12 year old is in a different league.
Much more sophisticated parenting.

My hope is to stay in shape and look intimidating when the boyfriends start hanging around. I have maybe 8-10 years left in my comfort zone.
I feel that a portion of our prison population should of been SMACKED, before they got to this point of no return. Maybe single parent household with no positive father figure is to blame. It is like this, if you don't shape them while young, once they are older, it is too late.
I agree with Eiffel - I think a lot of the parents need to be smacked, not the kids. Kids only do what they've been conditioned to do, and they push to see what they can get away with. It's all a part of growing up and learning boundaries. Usually, you can look at the parents and see exactly why the kids act the way they do.
LeftLane said:
I agree with Eiffel - I think a lot of the parents need to be smacked, not the kids. Kids only do what they've been conditioned to do, and they push to see what they can get away with. It's all a part of growing up and learning boundaries. Usually, you can look at the parents and see exactly why the kids act the way they do.

so i should slap my self and beat the hell out of me infront of my kids, so they will feel sorry for me being retard lol . :redface:
Kids (and adults) usually misbehave not because they can get away with it, but because they have not been raised properly and have not been taught right from wrong and how to be a good person. This is usually a result of lousy parenting. Hitting the child is not going to help anything. From my own personal experience when I was a kid, punishment always seemed far worse than being spanked. A spanking was over in 5 minutes, but punishment could last much longer. But in the long run, punishment or spanking will not stop the child from misbehaving. If you need to rely on a scare tactic to get your kids to behave then you have not done a proper job raising them.
Eric5273 said:
Kids (and adults) usually misbehave not because they can get away with it, but because they have not been raised properly and have not been taught right from wrong and how to be a good person. This is usually a result of lousy parenting. Hitting the child is not going to help anything. From my own personal experience when I was a kid, punishment always seemed far worse than being spanked. A spanking was over in 5 minutes, but punishment could last much longer. But in the long run, punishment or spanking will not stop the child from misbehaving. If you need to rely on a scare tactic to get your kids to behave then you have not done a proper job raising them.
I agree with your first statement, that kids that misbehave were not raised properly. But, how do you raise children properly? If you don't punish (whatever form that may take), what method do you use to let them know when they did something wrong?

Reasoning alone with your kids would possibly work if they were completely insulated from the outside world until a certain age, but the reality is that they will pick up bad habits from others (adults or peers) along the way.

However, punishment, IMO, should be reserved for a last resort, and should never be used on first offenses or situations where the kid just didn't know any better.
Casper91 said:
It helps as a parent to understand that it's a kids job to test the boundaries.

I dont believe it is the kid's job to test the boundaries. It is their job to do well in school. It is their desire to test the boundaries.
I was hit much more than I have hit my three children combined.
You dont hit them for every mistake. You dont hit them the same force every time either. It all depend on the severity of the situation.
I have smacked them lightly over the head fro stupid comments.
But I hit their buttoms pretty hard when it is called upon.
You as a parent be the judge.
Of course, never hit their heads as hard as their buttoms.
Negotiation depends on the kid's age. We do negotiate more as they get older and develop their own minds.