Speed Racer

An AP (associated press) movie critic called it "two hours too long":frown: avant guard cinema has limited appeal.
did the whole movie make you feel like you were watching spy kids? I don't know what they call it but its were the whole movie is filmed using a green screen. The previews looked good and my son (7) wants to go. Do you think its a rental?
I didn't have high expectations for this movie. Based on what I'm reading here it sounds like the movie was a dud.
They ruined the legacy! Speed Racer was one of the best cartoons! In my opinion, they need to stop taking ideas from the past and recreating them. Now there is going to be a Dragon Ball Z movie coming soon.:mad:
Have any of you watched the cartoon lately? It's really not as good as you may think. :smile:
(The plots certainly weren't as complicated as I remember. :tongue: )
35% @ Rotten Tomatoes. Definitely in the "Rental" range.
I have no plans to see it. One one of my friends took his son to go see it. He said it was a very painful 2 hours. But his son (he's 8) enjoyed it, so its your call, if kid wants to go, I say take them. But other than that, rental.
I personally think these guys had a hit with the first Matrix but everything they ever did after that was trash. I knew this wouldn't be any good either.

I think they were targeting kid audiences with this movie.... Like any kid really knows anything about an old TV show.
I'm getting tired of every action movie containing so much CGI, and I think a lot of other people are as well.
I'm getting tired of every action movie containing so much CGI, and I think a lot of other people are as well.

CGI can be a blessing and a curse. Used in combination with a good story, acting, directing. It can work really well (Lord of the Ring movies). But when they use it to make up for shortfalls in acting, directing, and story; then you get problems and end up with movies like Speed Racer. But then again you have to look at the market. Speed Racer is really marketed to kids, so story, acting, directing, gets thrown out the window for flashy CGI because thats what the kids ooooh and aaah over. As for older folks looking for more, we just shake our heads and grab a bottle of asprin since we cant really smack the kid we take for bad movie choices. :tongue: :biggrin:
Speed Racer is really marketed to kids, so story, acting, directing, gets thrown out the window for flashy CGI because thats what the kids ooooh and aaah over. As for older folks looking for more, we just shake our heads and grab a bottle of asprin since we cant really smack the kid we take for bad movie choices. :tongue: :biggrin:

See, I don't get that. What kid would even know that TV show? You could try and explain it to them but as soon as they hear it's something from back in your day, something that you watched as a kid, they'll think it's old and uncool, much like your music and the clothes you wear. :) It's kind of like marketing the upcoming Magnum P.I. and A-Team movies to pre-teens or getting your kid to listen to MC Hammer! It won't work.

You are right, they did market this to kids when they really should have marketed it to men in their 30's and above... someone who actually knows what Speed Racer is.
