Sticky Throttle! won't return to idle

24 June 2000
Sometimes when I let of the throttle it does not return all the way down to idle. It stays up around 1500 rpms. When it does it I can lift the throttle with my toe and it returns to idle. Any idea's what could be wrong. A weak spring or something.
When does this occur? In warm-up mode the computer will hold the rpm at around 1500 until the engine is warm. It'll also lower the redline to around 6500 rpm to keep you from grenading a cold motor.
No it does it when it is warmed up. Thats what I thought at first I thought something was wrong with the computer. I have an RM exhaust so I reset the computer and it did the same thing thats when I pulled back on the pedal and it returned to normal.

It'll also lower the redline to around 6500 rpm to keep you from grenading a cold motor.

Actually, it's more like 7100 rpm.
The first thing I checked out was I had some one inside the care move the throttle and check to make sure the cable was not binding at the thottle body which it was not. then I checked down at the pedal itself and there is a rubber stop that sits on top of an adjuster. I removed the rubber gromet and the problems was solved. Some day when I have a small person around I will send them down with a wrench and adjust it and put the rubber stopper back on. I am 6'3" and 205 lbs and can't get myself in there to adjust it my self. Hope this helps
Do you think this might be related to the gas-pedal pressure problem Electro is currently experiencing?

[This message has been edited by ChopsJazz (edited 04 December 2000).]