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Sun Rocket VoIP - unlimited local and LD for $199/year

31 July 2001
Boston, MA
If you have DSL or a cable modem, you might want to consider this. www.sunrocket.com. You get unlimited local and long distance calling for $199 per year! No taxes, bills, and it has all sorts of cool features. You get two incoming phone numbers (you can even have one in Boston and one in LA or NY or wherever), you get two different voicemail boxes (I have one I use for business where I can leave a different message), you can have it email you the messages as a .WAV attachment or IM you when a message is left. You can view the log of incoming AND OUTGOING calls online, you get all the usual features like call waiting, caller ID, three way calling, anonymous call rejection for free. You can block specific phone numbers. They have 911. They also give you $3 a month toward international calls (thats 100 minutes to the UK at their rate of .03/min). Oh all calls to Canada are completely free and unlimited as well. They can also port your home phone number over if you have a cable modem (and possibly DSL, need to check with your DSL provider) You can use any landline phone but they include a pair of pretty decent wireless phones. The quality is excellent for me and just about everyone who is talking about this service in the VoIP forum on www.dslreports.com. Some few people are experiencing some echoing, though people on the other end of the phone don't hear it.

Now, caveats I've noticed:
- In some areas, caller ID does not show names, just numbers. They are working on fixing this but a work around is to create a directory via their webpage that maps numbers to names, it will show any names you've put in your directory.
- International calling I hear is having some problems with getting busy signals, they're working on that too
- If you have DSL, you need to make sure your DSL provider offers "naked DSL", ie they can cancel your voice service without cancelling your DSL. Verizon in my area says they will have this literally within the next week or two. They have all the documentation and have been trained, it's in testing now.
- Obviously if you lose internet connectivity, you lose phone service
- Seems most newer fax machines work fine as do satellite TV boxes, older Dish network boxes and fax machines have problems

For $199/year, I simply couldn't pass on this. Plus they have a one month money back guarantee. I've been pleasantly surprised so far and despite all the small glitches I've listed, for that price I can live with it. So can my wife (that was the big test, the wife factor and it seems to have passed). I've forwarded all calls on our regular phone over to the second number which has a unique ring and a message with our new number (which is the first line). That way I know who is still using the old number and can remind them that it's changing.

If you decide to check this out, please use me as a reference, I get free phone handsets which run about $30 normally, not a big deal but still would be nice :) (the phone they send are expandable to 4 handsets). My referral ID is 9789920045 - thanks!
Sounds like a great deal! I've been thinking of getting this for my house, but I don't have DSL or a Cable Modem. I have a wireless internest service. The speeds are a hair (if that) under that of broadband. (I can't tell a difference in speed either) Would this still work with it or would I need a hard line internet connections?
i find skype to be a great free service for calling computer to computer - i use it for speaking with co-workers in europe ~10 hrs a week. great stuff. i believe the "skype out" service has similar offerings to what you describe, though i don't know the cost... it's a whole new world.
White92 said:
Sounds like a great deal! I've been thinking of getting this for my house, but I don't have DSL or a Cable Modem. I have a wireless internest service. The speeds are a hair (if that) under that of broadband. (I can't tell a difference in speed either) Would this still work with it or would I need a hard line internet connections?

does your wireless internet service have some sort of modem where you can plug in an ethernet jack? or is it all 802.11 or EDGE? you'll need to have ethernet for this to work.

the next thing i guess is thruput and latency. if its low latency and has enough bandwidth (both UL and DL) I can't imagine why it wouldn't work. I'd ask in the forums on dslreports.com though, if it can be done, I'm sure there's already people doing it there.
Sweet. I'll check out the forums there later and get back to you on here.
I have been using Lingo for the last six months. No major problems, except when Comcast has issues.


What are the handsets your talking about? I'm to lazy to read through the web site. The Lingo adapter just plugs into my existing phone line. No change required and all my existing phones worked fine.

it comes with this package:

just an update, i have to say if you do a lot of downloading, this may not be for you. i do a lot of synching with out CVS source repositories at work to home, when this is going on, most of our bandwidth is being consumed.

I've played with the built in QoS in the 'gizmo' (sunrockets name for their voip NAT device) and i even installed new custom firmware in my router with QoS features (and put the gizmo behind it). i simply cannot get decent voice quality when im doing massive downloads because apparently QoS only works for uploads. So I've revised my opinion, this is a great option if you're not doing tons of bandwidth intensive downloading. I'm going to try a few more things, but I'm really thinking about cancelling this service now, and perhaps trying again once Verizon FIOS is available in our area (where I can get 15mbit/2mbit speeds for $49/month).
hmmm. That does suck. I do download alot. I want to find something like this. I'm so tired of paying $60 a month for a home phone that rarely gets used. I just have the basic package, but after taxes, fees, etc... It's damn near $60.