Taitec exhaust and diffusers special pricing.

11 February 2000
Bay Area
I have worked out a semi-group buy with Taitec from Japan. If I can get 5 orders of the center-out version exhaust, I can give a special price of $1200 each. For the diffusers, I can give a $1400 each for an order of 5. This price is only according to the current exchange rate, so it may go up when the Yen is strong again.


If you want to order, please send me a private e-mail.

My club for infos on my NSX.

[This message has been edited by maomaonsx (edited 04 April 2001).]
I think it's just cosmetic, carbon fiber proabbly looks better. At the time I purchased it, only kevler version is made. This is not a stress baring part, so I don't think the difference in strength between Carbon fiber and kevler makes any difference. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My club for infos on my NSX.
I got the carbon fiber and kevlar. Same price @ $1000 each plus $75 shipping. I personally prefer the CF, but the reason why Taitec used the Kevlar is because if you hit something on the freeway to break the diffuser, the CF would break away where as the kevlar would hang, you would need to manually cut it off. Got pics if you are interested.

1991 Silver GT Stormer
1992 Red JGTC Stormer