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The criminal Aussie nsx prices destroying my life long goal

3 June 2005
Hi all...

this is my first post here, and i just wanna start of by saying that you have a great site here. Ive been reading for quite a while, but only just signed up. Becoming an nsx owner, im proud to say, is one of only 2 things in life I am honestly aiming to acheive. (might change one day, but its been this way for 3 years... being only 20 yrs old atm) As im starting to make a bit of money, the prospect of owning an nsx is getting more and more exciting. That would all be fine and dandy, except for the fact that i live in australia.
Ive done quite a few searches for topics of nsxs in australia and have done a bit of research into the prices here and in the US. It was only really today that it hit home when i read that in the US you could pick up a new nsx for just under 60g USD, about 80g australian. About the same amount youd pay for one 10 years or older here!!

As im not willing to wait till im a rich old man to afford one, I will find a way of getting one, but I refuse to be raped by johnny howard. I know how the 15 yr rule is out of the question now, so would I be right in saying that the only other viable way is to live in the US for a year and then bring one back in? If that is my only choice, I can actually forsee myself at least making an effort to make that happen. But does anyone know of any kind of service where some1 in the US owns them for a year and could bring them over here, or something like that? Even with the RHD to LHD conversion, shipping, complience etc its still gonna be one hell of a saving, and even if the service does require a fee for their efforts.

Any thoughts on the matter would be much appreciated guys! cheers

tough question...don't know how to answer you but I wouldn't just simply move to another country an live for a year or more just for the sake of buying my "dream" car. RHD to LHD conversion is gonna be a major cost esp since you can just buy a LHD NSX in the first place but I do agree that costs for cars in Australia is much high because I have a friend living in Melbourne that told me all the insane prices. Shipping, emissions control, different vehicle standards, conversion from MPH to KPH gauge cluster, and all of the other stuff, do you think you will be saving much money? Even if you save maybe 10-20g I think it would be better to just wait it out and save up the extra money to buy one over there. If one thing makes you feel better, you guys have the Skyline GT-R and we don't...sure it's not an NSX but I would sure as hell buy one if I had the chance.
Oh yeah. There are guys over here that would pay $80k+ for a used R34. I guess they wouldn't mind being in Australia for a year. JK.

Have you thought about importing one from Japan?
I had a RHD NSX when I lived in the UK and now I have a LHD one here in the US. I can't imagine how much money you would have to spend for a conversion. That alone could cost the amount of savings.
A new NSX for under $60g? Does that mean $60K? If so - I don't think so. Again, I hate to say it but it sounds like this is going to be an extreme expenditure for this young man from down under. I have to suggest he looks at his life's priorities and consider something like real property first -buy a home! Get an excellent education so that when you decide to buy an NSX it is just buying a car and not like selling a kidney to afford the crown jewels. JMHO- delayed gratification is the key to stress free living. Good luck regardless.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies.. although not exactly hope inspiring... but i guess the truth hurts sometimes... but im not giving up yet...

but yeah i read about the 60k for a new one here http://www.channel4.com/4car/road-tests/H/honda/nsx91-/nsx91--costs.html

I agree the conversion would be expensive.. though i dont really know how much it would cost... but a new targa over here goes for 256 i think it is... 245 for the coupe. Ok so even if they go for 80grand where you are, thats just over 100grand here, surely you could get away with the conversion and shipping and complience for say, under 70grand aus? thats still more than 80 grand savings... i know the car would be a year old by then... but surely it wouldnt lose 80 grand in a year... especially when they are rare as hens teeth here.

And its a good point about moving to another country for a car.. maybe a bit rash, but im nearly finished an engineering degree at uni... so maybe that will take me to the us...

but anyway thanks for the thoughts, and if anyone comes up with any ideas let me know! Cheers
it probably would a better bet for you to import one from Japan...they have this rule that cars 2-3 years old have to undergo intensive inspection and emissions which costs so much that most guys buy cars for only the first 2 years and then sell them once 2 years have gone by so there should be plenty of NSXs up for grabs and you wouldn't have to worry about RHD conversion either.
US NSX's are around US$89K and they have that great lease program. OZ lists NSX's A$250K or around US$175K but Rick Damelian had one for $160K with only 300K's for an 03'.
US are blessed cos even in Japan the home of the NSX they list for around US$90K for the base and up to US$110K for the R.

tritty- one thing is to be able to buy an nsx another is too keep one. Make sure you have enough for on roads, insurance prob going to be $5K+ and maintanence. This has stopped many including NEONSX a prime member to buy one.
So budget no less than A$60K for your NSX dream. I bought my NSX when I was 21 and the dream began much earlier. Its an expensive dream but worth it.

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Just the facts...

hmmm... Ok, stop stating incorrect facts about the cost for the beloved NSX! :redface:

2005 Honda NSX coupe, 3.2 6-Spd MT____60,100 GBP
2005 Honda NSX coupe, 3.0 4-Spd AT____63,100 GBP
2005 Honda NSX-T, 3.2 6-Spd MT________63,100 GBP
2005 Honda NSX-T, 3.0 4-Spd AT________66,100 GBP

2005 Acura NSX-T, 3.0 4-Spd AT_________89,765.00 USD
2005 Acura NSX-T, 3.2 6-Spd MT_________89,765.00 USD

NO brand new 2005 NSX-T is being sold in the USA for $75K USD!!! :rolleyes:

However, an "unsold" (unregistered) 2004 NSX-T may be offered at high $70k's USD... :biggrin:
Tritty said:
I agree the conversion would be expensive.. though i dont really know how much it would cost... but a new targa over here goes for 256 i think it is... 245 for the coupe. Ok so even if they go for 80grand where you are, thats just over 100grand here, surely you could get away with the conversion and shipping and complience for say, under 70grand aus? thats still more than 80 grand savings... i know the car would be a year old by then... but surely it wouldnt lose 80 grand in a year... especially when they are rare as hens teeth here.

There are a couple of slight flaws in your scheme for "cheap" NSX ownership....

1. You still have to pay GST and import duty on your private import...

2. You will loose 80-100 grand when you drive your brand new NSX out of the showroom. I can confirm NSXBOX's statement above of a brand new NSX with 300 delivery km's on it being sold after sitting on the showroom floor for 2 years for $160,000...!

3. Private imports typically go for 20%-30% less than their Australian delivered counterparts

4. Modified and converted cars are VERY hard to sell! I would think 40%-50% of the Australian delivered counterparts.

Conversion of LHD cars are ONLY viable if you are a die-hard enthusiast and absolutely MUST have one of something that NEVER came here!. Like the Corvette or early Mustangs. The early (pre-'74) Mustangs and Corvettes pass as rare/collectable cars as well and therefore are elligible for import tax exemption...
In short, getting one from America (just for the LHD legalities alone) is a very bad idea, in the long run, one from Japan (if you're that keen) or one from Australia is the best option. If your struggling just to buy the car, i don't think you can afford it. :redface:
I'm an Aussie working in the States at the Moment. For me it seems a cost effective exercise. I'm a Racecar Mechanic so I plan to to the RHD conversion myself when I ship my car back to Australia.

I have lots of friends in the Engineering/Fabrication industry so I'm looking forward to the Challenge actually.

So far the Car cost $38000 Aus. (91 with 50K)
$50 for Import Approval.
Approx $3000 Aus to Ship to Australia.
Estimating upto $10000 Aus for GST & Customs duty(Hard to estimate as it depends how they value the Car. If they are happy with evidence of Purchase price they go by that if not it will be based on Australian Market value minus what they estimate for the RHD conversion.
RHD conversion Up to $6000 (But should recover some costs by selling all LHD Components on NSX Prime!)
As a Personal Import I don't have to make it Comply with Australian Standards but must be Roadworthy.
In Tasmania, where I plan to import the car to they have what is called "Special Interest" Registration (Limited use)So I may be able to leave it LHD until I source the parts to Convert.
I'm not bothered about the resale value since its a Import, cause I love the Car & have no plans to sell in the imediate future.

My Application is in for Import Approval at the moment.

I'll keep the Forum posted on my progress for other overseas owners
whrdnsx, Good luck with your project!

Understandably since you plan to do the job yourself, you will be in a position to
a) do it properly without taking shortcuts
b) save an aweful amount of money in labour!

Although I personally will never attempt such a task, but then I wouldn't even try to convert an automatic to a manual either :smile:

I think it will be fantastic to have someone willing to write about their trials and tribulations of privately importing and modifying their NSX into Australia! So PLEASE keep us up to date of your progress...

And good luck!!
tritty i feel ya pain bro.
im 23yo and was so close to getting an NSX but unforseen events have push me way way back now.
im working on it tho lol, im am back at tafe now so that makes it even harder.
working every weekend having no social life all i do is work n study n safe all my cash for a dam car lol, sounds stupid but eh what can ya do.

One thing i have on my side is a development property that is due to finish at the end of the year, depending on how my financial position is i my sell it at a small profit n get an NSX or keep if for a little longer untill the market is good and sell then. Or if i land a good job n drop to part time study ill keep the thing n use it as security lol.

Many factors in life man, work out the best way to get what u want lol, but i know its hard n we do stupid things hell i spend 25k on an 88 prelude. if i saved that i could have financed an nsx n had it all most payed off by now :(
Re: Just the facts...

Osiris_x11 said:
NO brand new 2005 NSX-T is being sold in the USA for $75K USD!!! :rolleyes:


Some of us do pay around that for NEW 2005 NSX's :biggrin:
My friend/coworker is from Austrailia, and he still has family there. I mentioned to him the crazy prices of aussie NSXs. As he is an Austrailian citizen living in the US, perhaps he could buy one here, then import it into Austraila in 1 year, and sell it for a modest profit?

Is there someone out there that might be interested in this endeavor? Obvious issues are LHD->RHD, etc, but maybe we can find a Japanese one to import somehow? Otherwise the conversion cost will increase the cost of the vehicle somewhat.. Not sure if it's worth it, probably depends on the buyer.

I've got a '91, which I could sell to him, then he could ship it out in a year. Or with investment, we could buy another one, store it/lease it for a year, then send it out. The conversion seems like the biggest issue, other than finding a buyer willing to wait 1 year for delivery!

Contact me if you're interested, it'd be awesome if this could work out somehow!

What is wrong with people today? We have gone 180 degrees from pride of ownership to just pride of possession; recipe for disaster in today's society. Credit is ruining America. People sucking equity out of their homes to pay off credit cards and loans just so they can max them out again. The finance/credit card companies know and count on this; it is the path to financial ruin and foreclosure for a lot of people.

Remember when bankruptcy (BK) was a dirty word and something shameful? Now, watching these stupid TV commercials it almost seems as if it is being touted as a badge of honor...."Gee I was so stupid, immature and irresponsible with my finances that I had to stiff everyone that trusted me and gave me credit (shame on them) and now I don't have to pay my bills. If I were in charge - if someone filed BK they would not be granted credit again for 10 years, and then at a high interest rate with a really low limit. They would also be made to pay back their creditor regardless of how long it took.

It seems all people care about is scrounging enough pennies together to buy a nice car and figure that they will never have a problem once they own it. These are likely the cars you see which are fairly new and expensive that have crash damage all over as their owners can't afford to pay for full coverage insurance so the car is repaired when damaged. Or the same person that defers maintenance until the car breaks and then sits until they either sell it or somehow scrounge enough to duct tape the car back together.

Living that type of lifestyle can't be healthy for anyone. If you live in fear of opening the mail you need to do something to change that. Delay gratification, get you education, invest money, buy a home, become established and financially responsible, THEN and onlt then, buy a toy that you will truly enjoy because you won't have to sweat it.

OK, enough of me on the soap box again. Sorry.
Cairo94507 said:
What is wrong with people today? We have gone 180 degrees from pride of ownership to just pride of possession; recipe for disaster in today's society. Credit is ruining America. People sucking equity out of their homes to pay off credit cards and loans just so they can max them out again. The finance/credit card companies know and count on this; it is the path to financial ruin and foreclosure for a lot of people.

Remember when bankruptcy (BK) was a dirty word and something shameful? Now, watching these stupid TV commercials it almost seems as if it is being touted as a badge of honor...."Gee I was so stupid, immature and irresponsible with my finances that I had to stiff everyone that trusted me and gave me credit (shame on them) and now I don't have to pay my bills. If I were in charge - if someone filed BK they would not be granted credit again for 10 years, and then at a high interest rate with a really low limit. They would also be made to pay back their creditor regardless of how long it took.

It seems all people care about is scrounging enough pennies together to buy a nice car and figure that they will never have a problem once they own it. These are likely the cars you see which are fairly new and expensive that have crash damage all over as their owners can't afford to pay for full coverage insurance so the car is repaired when damaged. Or the same person that defers maintenance until the car breaks and then sits until they either sell it or somehow scrounge enough to duct tape the car back together.

Living that type of lifestyle can't be healthy for anyone. If you live in fear of opening the mail you need to do something to change that. Delay gratification, get you education, invest money, buy a home, become established and financially responsible, THEN and onlt then, buy a toy that you will truly enjoy because you won't have to sweat it.

OK, enough of me on the soap box again. Sorry.

I have to agree with Cairo. I'm also young (just graduated college :smile:) and it was also my dream to own an NSX for the last 5 years. Did I run out and do it... no - I saved my money during school, got my engineering degree, got a job, bought a house AND ONLY THEN did I consider buying the car (which I did). Okay, so I have a fiancé with a degree and a good job that shares the cost of home ownership... lucky me, if I didn't have her then I wouldn't have my dream car plain and simple. Would I be unhappy that I didn't have the car... no. Would I still itch for it the way you do... of course, but I understand the consequences of immediate gratification. Believe me, if you buy a car that you can't afford it will cost you a lot more sleepless nights than you're having now - especially when your clutch goes out (like mine did). But when you can afford your NSX, the experience is that much better (I'm assuming based on my previous sentence)! I know exactly where you're at - I've been there. Just wait, your dream car is only a few more financially responsible years away :biggrin:!
Living that type of lifestyle can't be healthy for anyone. If you live in fear of opening the mail you need to do something to change that. Delay gratification, get you education, invest money, buy a home, become established and financially responsible, THEN and onlt then, buy a toy that you will truly enjoy because you won't have to sweat it.

If i did that, i'd never have a car! :D
redshift said:
I have to agree with Cairo. I'm also young (just graduated college :smile:) and it was also my dream to own an NSX for the last 5 years. Did I run out and do it... no - I saved my money during school, got my engineering degree, got a job, bought a house AND ONLY THEN did I consider buying the car (which I did). Okay, so I have a fiancé with a degree and a good job that shares the cost of home ownership... lucky me, if I didn't have her then I wouldn't have my dream car plain and simple. Would I be unhappy that I didn't have the car... no. Would I still itch for it the way you do... of course, but I understand the consequences of immediate gratification. Believe me, if you buy a car that you can't afford it will cost you a lot more sleepless nights than you're having now - especially when your clutch goes out (like mine did). But when you can afford your NSX, the experience is that much better (I'm assuming based on my previous sentence)! I know exactly where you're at - I've been there. Just wait, your dream car is only a few more financially responsible years away :biggrin:!

man stuff that i would be like 35 befor i can own one, no way am i waiting that long. bought a unit off the plan which im selling straight away cause i cant afford the repayments of 500-600 a week due to going back to school. man NSX repayment r like 500-600 a month, hell i would work n study all month jst to be able to drive it once every 4 weeks.

Ill have one by the end of they year if all goes well n i wont have a house paied off or a degree but i will still be studying my architecture n wrking my ass off for the things i want. i also got the advantage of a great girl who is willing to help me out here but if worse comes to worse ill do it on my own, n yes i will own a house and the NSX and have a degree by the time im 35. ill jst have the nsx first.

Dude wrk hard n study hard. the advantage we got is we have to wrk on weekend cause we study there for we can save more than most ppl cause we not going out as much, hell i spend 50 bucks a week on petrol n 500 every 6 months to study. that leaves me with 300-400 per week to pay off that NSX asap. by the time i finish my study i will have less than 1/4 to pay off the car n ready to buy a house.

it depends on how badly u want somthing n what u are willing to give up to get it.